Local Government TV

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Jesse Jackson: "We Need Each Other"

Tony Iannelli & Jesse Jackson
Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson visited Moravian College yesterday to deliver a speech at Johnston Hall. Right before that, he taped a one-on-one interview with Business Matters' Tony Iannelli. Rev. Mike Dowd, a former Trustee at Moravian Theological Seminary, was able to lure the controversial preacher. Believe it or not, I was there. I'll tell you what I thought of Jackson, and give you a sneak peak of what he said to Tony.

When he came in, I thought his entourage would consist of all kinds of publicists and personal assistants. Instead,  two college professors - Moravian's Grace Ji-Sun Kim and Lehigh's James B Peterson - were his escorts. I expected him to be loud and brash. Instead, he was subdued, almost meek. If someone wanted a picture with him, he was only too happy to comply. He was genial to everyone.

Tony, who was counting on a hot and fiery interview, began to look worried.

Jackson with Peterson, Iannelli, Kim and Dowd
Another thing that struck me was Jackson's size. At age 70, he still towers over most people. He also has a penchant for sports metaphors when he talks. He still looks a lot more like a professional athlete than a preacher. As it happens, he did reject a professional baseball contract after high school.

Once the lights went on and the camera began to roll, the Jackson we all know came to life. He blasted away.

What made him an activist? - It all started when Jackson was arrested for trying to use a public library in the segregated South.

How is the U.S. today? - "We're a different nation, 50 years later," he said. "We're the best we've ever been." But he adds that 53 million Americans are still food insecure and in poverty. He worries about the widening gaps between the "haves" and "have nots." He detects a "growing sense of anger in this country," and stresses that "we need each other."

What about Barack Obama? - Jackson calls Obama the "captain of the ship," but is concerned that there are "those who will sink the ship just to get the President." When Obama is criticized as the "food stamp President," and his Christianity and citizenship are challenged. Jackson maintains these are "coded words."

"He came in against tremendous odds. Our automotive industry was collapsing. We're now climbing to number One again. That's a victory on his watch.

"We attack Obamacare. The fact of the matter is, pre-existing conditions are cared for now. Going to school, age 21, don't have a job, and you want to go on your parents' insurance plan? We have that now.

"Talk about 100,000 troops in Iraq? They're home now.

"Complaint about losing jobs? We're gaining jobs now."

What about his "Hymietown" remark? - "I never stop reaching out to people. All you can do when you make a mistake is have a contrite heart, seek forgiveness and redemption and move on."

Martin Luther King. - Jackson calls him a "scholar activist" who "knocked down walls and built bridges. His impact is far beyond what is discussed today."

Want to know more? You'll have to watch the show. It airs Monday nights, 8 PM, at WFMZ-TV69.


  1. NObama - us brothers gots to stick togetha

  2. we need each other - how much did they pay him to talk? he needs your money not you.

  3. Nt so casual observerFebruary 15, 2012 at 7:37 AM

    This man (Jackson) is an extortionist, a racist, a user of his own people. He is a minister with no congregation and yet he is a multimillionaire. He spins every crises he can toward race baiting and makes huge profits from it.
    He is an adulterer and seducer of underage women.
    He is everything that is wrong with this country.

    There is not enough Purell or biased journalism in the world to clean him up.

    He is an embarrassement to this country, the Christian Religion and his race.

  4. He threw the usual racist grenades and deigned to speak on morality. Nobody lives forever. Jesse and his hateful racism and personal moral cesspool will eventually go the way of all the world's mortal souls. Good riddance.

  5. Must have been a fun day for you Bernie. I'm continuously amazed at the people who hate when truth smacks them in the face. Instead they resort to the messenger's short comings. I think it's remarkable that after decades working for equality that the man can boil it down to one simple concept: we need each other. Pinning our troubles on a group of people or turning our backs on poverty, racism and decay in our society won't cut it. We need each other to pull through.

    I suspect the people who are here to trash the man simply don't want to believe that. Instead, they want to find fault in the messenger and shoot him up.

  6. How was Ianelli? I figured you would be on his shit list from former posts.

  7. If he was a white guy, you'd rip him to shreds for the way he's conducted himself.

    Racism sucks, always. Not something you can look the other way on when it is politically correct or when you can get a picture with a racist who has achieved some level of celebrity.


  8. Jackson's message has long been obscured by his personal putridity. Don't blame those who find him insincere. He's worked hard to earn that reputation.

  9. "How was Ianelli? I figured you would be on his shit list from former posts."

    TI is an incredibly warm, open and friendly guy. He does not take himself that seriously.

  10. " they want to find fault in the messenger and shoot him up."

    Every messenger has his shortcomings. We are all human and make human mistakes.

  11. There will NEVER be racial harmony in the United States.

    Jesse Jackson and his ilk cannot afford it.

  12. I still remember Jackson's infamous "HYMIE TOWN" remark ...


  13. I am a progressive liberal that thinks Jackson and Sharpton have become charactatures of themsleves. Although Sharpton is the funniest guy on TV. I know you righties won't listen but do yourself a favor and watch Reverend Al at 6 on MSNBC ....one word....hilarious.
    I do see how they are construed as racists. Our country has used racial differences as weapons for years. They remind me of Geraldo Rivera and Nancy Grace who always turn up when some little girl is found dead strangled by her panties. Only these guys turn up when it "APPEARS" RIGHT OR WRONG some member of the African American community has been besmerched. In some cases necessary, in some cases, not so much. I do applaud their resolve and some of the things they do.
    I suppose that being white, in a racially mixed marraige, and sensitive to the issues, I would still need to walk a mile in their shoes to appreciate ALL of the things they have done.
    I also wonder about Jacksons people, and why they would allow him to mingle with the valley haters of EVERYTHING he stands for.

  14. yeah yeah I know.....caricatures

  15. Did TI and The Rrrrrevvvvrrund Jackson coordinate their wardrobes?!

  16. Oh yeah. Al Sharpton is a regular riot. He led a racist attack on Stephen Pagones and the Dutchess County (NY) Attorney's office on the basis of a phony claim that these evil white men sexually attacked and abused Tawana Brawley, a local black teenager. Of course, the claims were determined to be completely false and Sharpton knew that. He later lost a slander action brought against him on this. Sharpton also used race baiting to incite a crowd that then burned a shop in Harlem owned by a Jewish merchant. People died in the fire. Sharpton also used race baiting to help incite the riots in Crown Heights, Brooklyn that led to death and mayhem. He should be in jail and not the focus of your fawning.

  17. Should have asked him about all of his illegitimate kids running around

  18. As the media excoriates (rightly) Gingrich for his extramarital affairs they still celebrate this "Reverend" in spite of his known 'sider orders.'

  19. Was Reverend Dowd interviewing Jackson for a job as busboy at Northampton Country Club?
    You jerks got some nerve.
    I emailed Reverend Jacksons Rainbow Coalition today and explained how he was in the company of racists and people who are not his peers yesterday. I'll post if they return my email. I included the photos you were kind enough to post explaining each and every one of these peoples problems with the poor and the black community. Also a question, I included Angle and a link to the NAACP regarding there view of him and some of your loveletters you have posted of him in the past. This due to information that he too was in the studio. He was there wasn't he?

  20. As a matter of fact, No. But facts apparently mean little to you. The Rainbow coalition knows all about hate, and I am sure they will give you the attention you deserve.

  21. Angle was the only LV politican condemened by both the NAACP and the anti-defamation league.

  22. "Sharpton also used race baiting to incite a crowd that then burned a shop in Harlem owned by a Jewish merchant. People died in the fire. Sharpton also used race baiting to help incite the riots in Crown Heights, Brooklyn that led to death and mayhem. He should be in jail and not the focus of your fawning.

    4:58 PM"

    But, that was so long ago, and he's such a good guy nowadays...

    So, what if a few people died? They proably deserved it, right libtards?


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