Local Government TV

Monday, February 27, 2012

Each Phantoms' Ticket Sold Will Cost Taxpayers $20-40

Let's crunch a few numbers, shall we?

State Senator Pat Browne, author of the NIZ legislation, has told local municipal officials that the steady state arena debt service will be about $10.5 million. I assume these are revenue bonds with a sinking fund feature so that the money has been sequestered to retire the principal at maturity in 30 years. That works out to a debt service of approximately $11.2 million (7%)  per year, assuming that the total arena cost is $160 million.

If the EIT collected is about $550,000 a year, that will cover about $8 million of the debt service. Total. Over the course of 30 years.

But what about cost overruns?

My guess is the EIT will be used for the first $8 million of the inevitable cost overruns of the project. To be fair, that $160 million is a "soft" figure. You really don't know the real cost until it's finished. A recent Morning Call news account about soaring hockey arena costs, is very disconcerting. Before construction has even started, we may have spent as much as $45 million. Obviously, King Edwin would rather not ask his own taxpayers to make up the difference. He'll grab the EIT.

Won't the lease to the Phantoms pay for the $10.5 million in annual debt service? Nope. Not even close. That lease is only $500,000 a year, with a corresponding $500K a year for "capital improvements." Rent on the arena is $10 million less per year than the annual debt service. It doesn't even cover 5% of the debt service!. And the $500K a year in capital improvements sounds great, but is only one-third of one percent of the development cost.

Let's (generously) assume the land is valued at $10 million and the improvements to the land at $150 million. That means, for that $500K a year to actually cover "stuff that wears out," the average building component would have to have a useful economic life of 300 years! Even at $5 million a year, that's a 30-year average life.

Do you know of an HVAC system that lasts 30 years, much less 300 years? How about those seats in the arena? The playing surface? The roof? The interior fit (including dressing rooms, office space and so forth)? The "pig-in-the-poke" here, for me, is the enormous subsidies given directly to the tenant of the arena in a desperate attempt to get a minor league hockey franchise to locate in Center City.

The taxpayers will be on the hook for a lot more than $10.5 million a year - closer to $20 million by my estimates - for just the arena. 

If the arena attracts 500,000 attendees a year, taxpayers will be subsidizing the ticket price for each and every one of those attendees to the tune of $40 per ticket! Even at 1 million attendees a year (that, folks is four events a week - every week - averaging 5,000 attendees per event), that's a subsidy of $20 per ticket. Imagine how much cheaper the Phantoms' owners will be able to lease those "luxury boxes" to King Edwin's wealthy political contributors (and still make a tidy profit) with such a massive subsidy from "the little people." And, they'll get to "write off" even that heavily-subsidized cost as a business expense.

Once again, this is government pork built in a simple way: figure out what your wealthy contributors are willing to "pay-to-play," then have "the little people" make up the difference.

It ain't complicated!


  1. Bernie, you mention the annual bond repayment cost to be around 20 million dollars, does the amount include interest in the repayment. Also, have you spoken to any one that attended the meeting with Pat Browne. If so, has the Sen. presented them the financial report to prove his pointthat the E.I.T. will be returned to there municipalities. When does he meet with the taxpayers of Allentown as the benefits will out weigh the cost to Allentown, I am sure that theyalso would be interested.

  2. Not surprisingly, you forgot to think about population growth. 30 years of no growth, huh? A static population is going to be paying the same amount of EIT, $550,000 a year for the next 30 years? LOL

    And what about the EITs paid by the workers at new office buildings in the zone? You know, the whole point of the NIZ?

  3. Jon Boy,

    I realize it makes your brain freeze to look at numbers, not "progressive theoretical fluff," but try this: for the arena to break even for taxpayers, it will need to generate $20-40 in new tax revenues for every arena attendee.

    Even if the tax is 10% of revenue, that means each arena attendee will have to spend between $200 and $400 "in the zone."

    Man, those are some wealthy, hockey crazy people!

  4. Economics isn't the strong suit of the author. Feigned outrage is however.

  5. Retired ASD teacher here.

    This is beginning to stink like a Harrisburg incinerator.

  6. Jon Boy,

    Your naivete is evident. This is not the New York Metropolitan Area.

    I find it incredulous that you all are waiting for "Shoeless Joe Jackson" to appear from the devils playground.

    This is the most mismanaged and ill conceived project ever to have been forced on Allentown.

    Nothing has been disclosed. Probably because nothing has been done. Simply the mantra "build it and they will come."

    Developers and politicians win and taxpayers loose. In the process a city is gutted, welcome Detroit of the east coast.

    Dream on - 301 days until Christmas. Maybe Santa will finally bring your Economics 101 text.

  7. "Open Letter To The Brooks Group"

    by Kramskorner at NOISE NATION


    "DON'T - Count on concerts to fill the arena."

    Future Downtown Arena Attendee has stated, "I agree with all your (Kramskorner) points."

  8. There's no guarantee of population growth. PA has lost population and Congressional representation. We no longer have a "Lehigh Valley" congressman. Similar to the erroneous assumptions of the housing bubble, everything doesn't go up forever - or sometimes at all.

    Gon "From My House You Can Almost See Allentown" Jeeting

  9. Even IF the Palace of Sport sold out all forty exciting ice hockey contests ...

    ... the Chairman's bold prediciton of 2.5 million people attending the Palace of Sport in a single year still has much work to do in order to become reality.

    In fact, even hitting the lower target of 1.0 million people in one single year could take some doing.

    With an advertised capacity of 10,000 for concerts ... the Palace of Sport would still need 66 sold out concerts to hit the magic million mark.

    Which make's Kram's remarks all the more interesting ...

  10. Mr. O'Hare: Why can't you naysayers just stop your negativity and put your trust in the City's leadership?

    Roy Afflerbach

  11. "Not surprisingly, you forgot to think about population growth. 30 years of no growth, huh? A static population is going to be paying the same amount of EIT, $550,000 a year for the next 30 years? LOL"

    I see. The very EIT that Senator Browne claims is not needed, eh?? Actually, except for the business Reilly is able to poach from other areas in Allentown, I expect this to flop. Allentown has an access problem.

  12. "Bernie, you mention the annual bond repayment cost to be around 20 million dollars, does the amount include interest in the repayment. Also, have you spoken to any one that attended the meeting with Pat Browne"

    The annual payment I project includes interest. I have not spoken to any of the meeting attendees at this point, but will do so soon.

  13. "Economics isn't the strong suit of the author. Feigned outrage is however."

    Please educate us all, oh Anonymous One.




    Not quite sure how Chairman Pawlowski is going to reach HIS stated goal of 2.5 million visitors to the magnificent $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport annually.

    Will FDAA show up and save the day?

  15. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeFebruary 27, 2012 at 10:51 AM


    Bernie and I may not agree on many things but at least he has an intelligent discussion. You on the other hand are completely irrational and I will never post on your blog.

  16. Shut down this project now!...what is needed are more pawn shops!

  17. Irrational?

    I think the $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport is irrational.

    I must give you credit, though, you are tireless!

    But, I still think your Propaganda sucks.


  18. Why did you have to go all the way to the capital city of Canada, Ottawa, and cite a National Hockey League rink to find your 'success story', FDAA?

    You won't show up because you cannot answer my 'irrational' questions concerning the $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport.

    You know I will be asking you about this business of PA projecting a $ 500.0 million dollar budget shortfall.

    And you have no rational answers to justify the Palace of Sport.

    Nobody does --- and you know it but you have way too much money at stake, don't you?

    Yes, you sure a tireless, aren't you?


  19. "I expect this to flop. Allentown has an access problem."

    Not to mention that pesky, getting shot or stabbed problem.

  20. This is the Chevy Volt of downtown development projects.

    Volts are heavily subsidized by taxpayers in order to provide a jobs program for unions and boutique automobile for buyers whose average annual incomes are $170,000.

    Where's the call for a "yacht" type luxury tax on those rich bastards?

    Here, we subsidize tickets for the whitest of white sports fans of the whitest of all white sports - all after ethnically cleansing the area first.

    You just can't make this stuff up.

  21. Yes, Future Downtown Arena Attendee ...

    ... my name is ROLF OELER and I just flat out do not believe that the Government should be in the risky business of financing $ 160.0 million dollar PALACES of SPORT.

    I also have the courage of my convictions and am not afraid to state my name publically, as you are not afraid to do, either, when calling me names.

    So, what is YOUR NAME, Future Downtown Arena Attendee ... or do you not have the requisite courage of conviction, as do I?

    Exactly what are you hiding behind your Future Downtown Arena Attendee tag?

    Why won't you state YOUR NAME, as you are so quick to state my name when calling me irrational?

    Got any more courage for ME today, or are you limited to just a bunch of anonymous insults with your ineffective Propaganda?

  22. FutureDowntownArenaAttendeeFebruary 28, 2012 at 4:48 AM


    Hook, line and sinker.

    I wonder why Bernie does not follow you on his left wall. I am guessing that he knows you are a troll as well.


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