Local Government TV

Friday, February 17, 2012

Call Him Controller Chico

Bethlehem City Council was unable to appoint a Controller last night. In a 2 1/2 hour meeting, they heard from six different candidates for the vacancy, created by Meg Holland's unexpected resignation. But when it came time to vote, they deadlocked among three nominees. After three rounds of voting in which nobody budged, they decided to try again after the Council meeting on Tuesday night.

If they fail to make an appointment, it goes to the judges.

Since Bethlehem is split between two counties, it's unclear to me which Court - Lehigh or Northampton - would have the honor.

City Council member Dave DiGiacinto, who previously had withdrawn his application, was nominated anyway by Council member Jean Belinski. She and Council member Bob Donchez held fast for DiGiacinto through three rounds of voting.

But so did Council members J. Willie Reynolds and Mike Recchiuti, who like George Yasso.

Council member Karen Dolan, after subjecting both Bill Scheirer and Bob Pfenning to intense questioning about their ability to be impartial, ended up nominating both of them for the 22-month job. But she only voted for Scheirer. She was joined by Council Prez Eric Evans, who is really impressed by Scheirer's volunteerism and willingness to help people who stumble into City Hall.

After being nominated, DiGiacinto was unable to participate in any way in the selection of a new Controller.

So he went to the can.

One of the concerns I raised here earlier this week is that the Third Class City Code requires that the Controller be a "competent accountant." That would seem to eliminate three candidates. But Council member Recchiuti, who is a lawyer in his spare time, found a Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision construing a similar requirement in the Borough Code. According to the Supremes, that only means that a person must possess the skill of any man engaged in managing his own business.

By that standard, all six would be qualified.

When they meet again on Tuesday, I feel fairly comfortable in going out on a limb here and predicting that one of the applicants, Duran Chakarian, will be overlooked.

When he introduced himself, Chakarian told Council to call him Chico because nobody can pronounce his name. But his strange coiffure made me wonder whether we should instead call him Chicette.

Chico told Council members that, although he may have lived in Bucks County the past few years, he still follows the news. Then, to demonstrate that he knows what he's talking about, he turned around to the peanut gallery, and thanked Governor Casey for coming.

Last time I checked, Governor Casey was slightly dead.

The Governor Casey to whom Chico referred was actually State Rep. Joe Brennan, who was sitting in the audience with Moravian College's John Morganelli, Jr. Unlike Casey, Joe Brennan is still alive, and nodded to Chico after being called Governor Casey.

After the meeting was over, I had a chance to talk with John, Jr., who looks and sounds exactly like his DAd. But Joe was nowhere to be found. Morganelli told me that now that he's Governor, Joe has rushed off to Harrisburg to veto as many bills as he can.

I hope he puts me on the Bridge Commission.


  1. all planned and staged. now they can do what they usually do an go behind closed doors (or to their favorite watering hole)to make the decision. Might even invite JC and richard along to get guidance Bethlum - sleaze politics - it just comes naturally

  2. heard the meeting would have been just 45 minutes if dolan didn't drone on incoherently

    what a bunch of pure political bozos. can't make a decision in 2&1/2 hours. couldn't decide which candidates rubber stamp was big enough to cover the inapt administrations butt.

  3. No surprise that belinski went for Digiciento..She hates Callahan and would love to see someone watching his every fiscal move...However, the two votes for yasso were surprising..His background seems to really be limited...Ought to be interesting..This one might be headed to the courts.

  4. somebody needs to watch over Casino Johnny all he does is continue to grow government.

  5. Sounds like a soundbite zorny but he hasnt raised taxes for awhile..Council did raise taxes last year on their own to pay for an ems center..So, your statement is all wet..

  6. Yes, parts of this drama were staged. Not likely Dolan was part of that or understood why it was but it was. As predicted Yasso was the man for Willy. He actually told the mayor to keep out of this one. Yet, Willy couldn't appear to be too connected to his lifetime friend and political ally especially with his lack of appropriate experience. So, as predicted, Mikey R put up Yasso and Willy R supported him. It's my belief that they thought they'd get Evans and Dolan to go along and the only surprise is that Donchez seems to have grown a set and supported Dave D. Evans supported Shirer from the beginning as a compromise and will likely stay with him. Willy (or someone on his behalf) will be working behind the scenes to get Yasso between now and the next meeting. They probably think they pick up Dave D's support for Yasso if Dave drops out and again becomes a voting member since Yasso is friends with not only Willy but also Dave D. So then all they'd need is either Evans or Donchez and both will do anything to not have this go to the Courts. The strongest alternate possibility is that Willy cannot prevail and ultimately 2 people switch and vote for Shirer as a compromise. There also a possibility that Pfenning could get 4 votes but not as likely and too complicated with too many ifs to put down here. The bottom line is that Willy wants his friend Yasso and if he prevails they will prove the point that a person that is at best 4th best qualified out of six wins and the citizens of Bethlehem once again are screwed.

  7. Yasso does not have the appropriate accounting experience or knowledge to do the job. It is also concerning that he stresses working with the administration. It is not that his job is to work against the administration but it is not to be a team player. His speech and his answers to the questions should lead people to suggest that he seek employment by the city working with Joe Kelly as part of the team. It is not the job of the Controller to be part of the team. It is interesting to note that he did not face any tough questioning as did Pfenning and Shirer to a lesser degree. Yasso did not have to answer the question, "what would you do?" as did Mr. Pfenning and Mr. Shirer. It is clear that Rubberstamp Reynolds is attempting to make sure his lifetime friend gets a job on the team instead of electing a competent and committed controller. Both Pfenning and Shirer answered the hard question and admitted they would have had to make the difficult decision to not sign an illegal transfer with the knowledge by so doing employees would not be paid. All Yasso could say is that he won't fire the current deputy.

  8. Bernie, I think these cases all go to Northampton County as it is considered the dominate county. With regard to the case metioned by Rechuiti he quickly glossed over the language about how the court need not get to the issue as it was more a case about residency. I have to read that case but it appears as if the Councilman was quoting dicta (Expressions in a court's opinion that go beyond the facts before the court and therefore are individual views of the author of the opinion and not binding in subsequent cases as legal precedent).

  9. Follow the link (screen name) if you want to see what happen for yourself.

    I seriously would suggest a big bucket of popcorn with a whole heck of a lot of butter!

  10. I like Chico! he would be a perfect fit in the Stoffa Administration.

  11. I'm reminded of Groucho's famous line: "I'd never join a club that would have me as a member." Might be the same in Bethlehem.

  12. So surprised that Mikey "Groucho" Recchiuti, and Willie "Harpo" Reynolds did not vote for "Chico." They must have confused "Yasso" with "Zeppo" or "Gummo". If Groucho and Harpo get Yasso to be the controller, then there can be three bobbleheads supporting the puppet master.

  13. Bottom line, Willy R. and Mikey R. are working hard to get Yasso in. They will do everything to keep Dave D. and Pfenning out. They hate both of them. Therefore, if they can't manipulate and have 2 people change to Yasso, there'll work it to get Shirer as a compromise.

  14. Even though Donchez, Evans, Dolan, and Belinski showed much needed independent thinking, and are to be commended for such, this decision needs to go to the Court to have a fair chance to avoid another puppet in city hall, expressly, Yasso! If Scheirer or DiGiacinto get in, the City can become a better place.

  15. I would rate them (1) DiGiacinto, (2) Pfenning and (3) Scheier. But Yasso would be #4. And there is not all that much difference between #1 and #4. I do not believe the case has been made that Yasso is a puppet or that Reynolds and Rechhiuti are trying to do anything more than pick the person they consider best suited.

  16. Certainly on the record there isn't much evidence of the connections. Behind the scenes is a different story. What Yasso and Willy said about their connections as being nothing more then just happening to go to the same school many years ago is far from the truth. I agree with the order you place them but disagree strongly that there is little difference between 1 and 4. I'd say that between 1 and 3, any of them are qualified. #'s 4 -6 are simply not. The life and work experience and abilities of the top 3 is in an entirely different universe than compared to the other 3. Saying they are not connected is like saying Seamus isn't connected to Callahan.

  17. Bernie, if you think there is little difference between #1 and #4, then I truly question your judgement. #1 went to West Point, and runs a $170 million dollare company. #4 went to some second rate school in New England, and, he is a mere mutual fund sales rep, a Callahan Clone, except he does not sell pharmaceuticles. The difference is night and day. And truly, qualification wise, Pfenning is the best.

  18. Feel free to question my judgment.

    No question that Dave has the best work experience of them all. No question that Pfenning is most qualified of all. No question that Bill Scheirer is the most dedicated of them all.

    Yasso is a fresh face and might be the most capable of them all of thinking outside the box. I saw no evidence that he had any kind of relationship with council members or Callahan that would make him a puppet. I liked his answer about voting in every election, but having no interest in politics. That's why I think there's not much difference between #1 and #4.

    As you know, i am also frequently full of shit.

  19. Yasso has made zero contributions to the City. Has he ever donated any of his time? He is an opportunist, and he needs to earn his stripes.

  20. I rate him #4 of 6 candidates. His resume does not reveal much in the way of volunteerism, true. He is young.

  21. Bernie,

    They lied on public record. And you should do some digging.

    Yasso and Reynolds weren't just casual "attendees" of the same school. They were on the same basketball team! Their families have remain "very close". They have bonds beyond what they have stated in public.

    The whole "I'm a Democrat" routine is telling. Mikey R. pulled that crap outside of the polls on election day. Yasso will be a puppet with ZERO experience and 100% favors to pay back.

    This whole routine has been played out before in Bethlehem politics.

    The wool is being pulled over your eyes and you continue to think that Willie R. is the best thing since sliced bread that is toasted with butter on it. Wake up! Look at the truth behind the smoke and mirrors.


    One Who Knows

  22. I don't think J Willie Reynolds is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But even if I thought he was terrible, I would not condemn Yasso simpy bc he and Reynolds were on the same basketball team. Yasso indicated, on the record, that he has known Reynolds for some time. So what? Scheier stated, on the record, that he is on friendly terms with at least three members of Council. So what? DiGiacinto is friendly with them all, and has contributed to Reynolds. So what? I see no evidence that any of my top four would be a puppet for anyone.

    Before the vote on Thursday night, I heard Steve Antalics suggest this was a "done deal" and the "fix was in." Then they deadlocked among 3 candidates. I suggest to you that this proves, at least to me, that nothing had been decided. As Karen Dolan stated, nobody knew what was going to happen.

    I understand your healthy distrust of Council and the Mayor. I share it, for virtually every government. But not everything is evil or underhanded.

  23. Yasso is perceived by many to be a shill for the Mayor. If he has any integrity, he should withdraw. Reynolds and Recchiuti have no integrity. They are mayoral puppets. We know what they will do. They will vote Yasso, until this goes to Court.

  24. Karen Dolan not knowing what is going on? What a surprise! That fact is says nothing about what others were in fact doing or attempting to do to get Yasso the job. Yes, a social or political connection alone is not really evidence of anything, especially in a place the size of Bethlehem. However, the particular facts of connections between Yasso and Reynolds and the agenda of Reynolds is a very different story. The point isn't that someone may or may not have some ties to someone else, the point is that the man who falls at best # 4 on the list of qualified people and with a huge drop off between 3 and 4 then what the truth really is...the only explanation of why Willy and Mikey are supporting him have everything to do with his political and social ties and nothing to do with his experience or ability to do the job.

  25. "Yasso is perceived by many to be a shill for the Mayor."

    I'm still waiting for one fact that proves this assertion. It is clear that Dave, Bob and Bill are not too close to the Mayor. It is clear that Toedter, who tried vainly to distinguish politics from policy, is too political, especially since he worked on a Callahan campaign. But I've seen nothing that suggests Yasso is a bad candidate or that "the fix" is in.

  26. The ultimate difference between a Statesman and a Politician is that the Statesman does the right thing, regardless of the consequences, while the Politician does only those things that will keep him in office.

    Statesmen have (for the most part) been replaced by politicians whose top priority is to stay in office, rather than to legislate according to the best interest of his/her constituents.

    Whenever controversial decisions must be made, the politician shifts his responsibility to others instead of carrying out the responsibilities of his office like a Statesman would. In like manner, when something goes wrong, the politician always claims it is the fault of someone else (i.e., the other party, the economy, those paranoid people who are out to get us, etc.).

    "Emergency situations" are fabricated in order to pass legislation that citizens would not otherwise have allowed to be passed. Or people are appointed to hold public offices who are not the best qualified.

    I say this to drive home a point. The city of Bethlehem is being run by opportunistic politicians who could care less about the residents of the city. They are only interested in stuffing their own pockets and sharing the public wealth with their own friends.

    Personally, I believe that Mr. Yasso has purposely lied in a public meeting on record about how deep his ties to Mr. Reynolds really are. Mr. Reynolds lied as well, but most know he's pathological so it's expected.

    Like Mr. Antalics, I too believe it was a "done deal" only because nobody was aware that Mr. DiGiacinto would have been put back on the list to be voted on. He was the preverbial wrench thrown in the works.

  27. Tony, I knew earlier in the week that DiGiacinto was likely going to be nominated. if I knew, it's safe to say that Reynolds and Recchiutti knew. The suggestion that someone has purposely lied is very serious and should never be made without any evidence. You claim that the ties between Reynolds and Yasso are closer than represented. Where is your evidence? You clam this was a "done deal." Where is your evidence?

    I understand your antipathy towards Reynolds, but the election is over. You do not help yourself or the cause of transparent and accountable government by making accusations you are unable to back up.

    I suggest you take a step or two back and THINK about what you are saying.

  28. The Controller doesn't have to "think outside the box". He has to do his job. The 3rd Class City Code outlines these responsibilities. Only Pfenning was questioned or commented at all about that fact. Yasso provided nothing but platitudes about getting along and helping departments form their budgets. That is not the job of the Controller. You are simply passing over the huge gap in experience and ignoring the political motivations of Willy R. and Mikey R. and defending him even being in the conversation based on a thought that he is a fresh face and might think outside of the box.

  29. Evidently, by Yasso's public comment, he has already shown evidence of his potential to be another Callahan bobblehead.

  30. I am saying he is the fourth most qualified. While the other three are more experienced, he is a fresh face. Those are facts. Whether he would think outside the box is speculation on my part.

  31. Whether Yasso would be a Callahan bobblehead is speculation on your part.

  32. Just because they didn't admit the truth about their true connections and just because they didn't admit to an agenda doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Having seen this playing out I predicted well before the meeting that Yasso would be nominated by Mikey and supported more quietly by Willy. Willy initially had to be quiet so as to hide the real connections and agenda. But due to a public comment, Willy couldn’t help himself and started defending barely knowing Yasso. They would be working behind the scenes to get him elected. The motivations are a combination of hating Dave D. and Pfenning and also wanting a safe person on their team as Controller. Yasso supports the on the team concept by his very public statements where he talks not about the duties and responsibilities of the job but about being a team player and about helping departments with the budgets. Yasso is completely unqualified and completely the candidate of Willy for his very selfish political motivations. All your denials don't make all of this untrue just because much of it wasn't done in public view.

  33. Sorry, you have not made the sale with me.

  34. Yeah Bernie, I did just call Reynolds a pathologic liar. And I will stand behind that statement all day long. As a matter of fact I can give you example upon example of how that man can't tell the truth even when the lie is so blatant that it is rediculous.

    Yasso (who I don't know at all and have nothing against) is now following that lead by stating that he has little to no connection with Reynolds. You may believe the statement is made by me to "grind an ax", but I'm over the election and I have moved on. As I have told you in person, I will never run for public office ever again. I don't think Reynolds and Recchuti have gotten over the election, they're still living with the fact someone had the nerve to challenge them.

    This all boils down to integrity. If the guy can't be honnest enough to fully disclose his social connections with Reynolds; how can I as a resident of the city trust he will be honnest in the financial oversight of the city?

  35. Tony, Actually, you claim that Yasso - a person you don't know and against whom you have nothing by your own admission - a purposeful liar. That is disappointing.

  36. Ricchiuti and Reynolds are the elected representatives of the voting residents of Bethlehem. They have every right in the world to nominate and vote for whomever they desire. And, if they decide to get their friend into office, they have every right to do so. And, they might do it.

    But, by their votes, they show a personal self interest, a self interest which is contrary to what is in the best interest of Bethlehem. They voted for a candidate in the bottom half of the qualification barrel. That speaks more to their lack of reasonalble selection standards, than it does to the qualifications of any of the candidates. The best that Reynolds could do in life is become a substitute teacher, and the best that Ricchiuti could do is recover from being fired from his first job as an attorney. These are the two individuals getting in the way of selecting a qualified candidate. Just saying.

    DiGiacinto, Pfenning, and Scheirer are head and shoulders above the other three candidates. Pick any one of them and Bethlehem and its residents will be better off.

    Donchez, Dolan, Evans, and Belinski need to settle on DiGiacinto or Scheirer, and make certain that the best interests of Bethlehem are served.

    No one voted for Pfenning. I guess his direct nature, and the fact that he would follow the law, scares the dumplings out of most Council members.

  37. Bernie, prove that he didn't lie.

  38. You want me to prove a negative? You know how ridiculous you sound? You've convicted the guy and want him to prove his innocence. This is McCarthyism.


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