Local Government TV

Friday, February 17, 2012

Allentown Finance Director Has Few Details on NIZ Biz

Allentown Finance Director Garret Strathearn
There were no pitchforks or torches. No coffee, either. The mood in the room at Hanover Township Community Center was angry. This was no ordinary lynch mob, but an assemblage of nearly 80 municipal officials from both Lehigh and Northampton County, meeting at 8:30 AM. They wanted answers. How could Allentown could take earned income taxes intended for them, without so much as a thank you? Why would their local taxes, some of which are set aside for open space, be diverted to finance a hockey arena and business improvements in Allentown's 130-acre Neighborhood Improvement Zone? When they left at the end of four long hours, they knew little more than they did when they came. But Allentown Finance Director Garret Strathearn promised to return again on March 15, to answer their questions.

Technically, this was a meeting of both Northampton and Lehigh County Tax Collection committees, called by Executive Director David Woglom, purely "to educate ourselves." But in addition to tax collectors, the room was also packed with Township Managers, Supervisors, Borough Council members and school district officials.

Allentown's NIZ, buried deep inside a state budget approved in 2009, is what drew them. Allentown State Senator Pat Browne drafted the bill as a mechanism to finance a hockey arena and other improvements in the Queen City. In addition to using state taxes, the earned income taxes of nonresidents who work within the NIZ, can be used to pay the debt service on the financing. This will result in a reduction of EIT revenue owed to other municipalities, from Bethlehem to Coplay.

The exact impact is still unclear. Local officials were largely unaware of this legislation until a Morning Call report in January, followed by a blog report that Senator Browne's wife is employed as a lobbyist with Pugliese Associates. That firm has coincidentally just added NIZ developer J.B. Reilly, NIZ tenant Joe Topper and NIZ publicist Vaughn Communications as clients.

"To be honest with you, a lot of this stuff is still being worked out," explained Allentown's Strathearn. He was able to identify 96 businesses within the NIZ, which is only 50-60% of the total. From that, the Finance Director went on to say there is approximately $550,000 in annual EIT revenue owed to non-Allentown municipalities and school districts. Allentown and its school district will also lose approximately $300,000.

"That's in pencil," he cautioned. "With a big eraser on the end. It could go up. It could go down. I don't mean to make light of it."

Although Strathearn held out the possibility that the EIT could eventually find its way back to the municipality, Forks Township's Jim Farley was skeptical, noting he is still waiting for EIT from Allentown from 2008, 2009 and 2010.

That was disputed by an Allentown official.

Noting the complete lack of projections, Upper Mount Bethel Township Manager Maureen Sterner complained, "You may be forcing us to raise taxes to make up for the tax money that you're taking away from us. ... I would think the City of Allentown would be a little more involved and know a little bit more about this issue that has so much of an effect on neighboring municipalities and school districts."

In addition to lost EIT revenue, one school official complained about the loss of state tax revenue.

Another difficulty for Strathearn is that, at this point, "they haven't really sized up the bond issue."

Lower Macungie Township Manager Bruce Fosselman complained that he and three other Township Managers have been unable to meet with Senator Browne, who has postponed two scheduled meetings, including one set for that day. Senator Browne's Chief of Staff, Ellen Kern, acknowledged that the meeting has been postponed until later in the month, but only because the Senator wants to include some experts who could explain the EIT process.

Fosselman defended Strathearn, who did not write the law.

"Got any band-aids?" asked Strathearn as the meeting ended. He was thanked for facing a tough crowd.

Over the next week, municipal officials will send questions to Tax Committee Director Wolgrom, so that Strathearn can work on responses in advance of the March 15 meeting.

Although he was short on details, Strathearn strongly advocated the NIZ after the meeting was over. He stressed that the bonds issued for improvement will not be general obligation bonds and that no real estate taxes will be used to pay the debt service. "They will not be backed by the full faith and credit of any municipality," he insisted.

Noting that there will be 1,000 jobs during the construction phase alone, Strathearn is confident that surrounding municipalities will benefit. "Allentown is the heart of the Lehigh Valley," Strathearn argued. "If that heart denigrates, it's going to eventually spread."

NIZ foe Michael Molovinsky later retorted, "If Allentown is the heart of the Lehigh Valley, we all should be dead."

Updated 11:50 AM, to reflect a conversation this morning with Senator Browne's Chief of Staff, Ellen Kern.


  1. Every day we learn more about this (or at least I do). Was it known that the ASD was going to loose $300,000 in addition the changes in EIT revenue?

    I would expect that this means a more immediate tax increase in Allentown. Does anyone recall hearing that discussed openly with citizens?

  2. Browne is a real coward. I used to think he was alright. Was I wrong. What a slimy little coward.

  3. Are all these municipalities harping over nickles and dimes? Really? How much will each community "really lose"? PS: Don't try with the every nickle counts and what is right is right crap. This is politics at its best and its the law. Change it if you don't like it or move on.

  4. Browne cancels two meetings?

  5. Bernie,

    If no municipality is backing the bonds, who or what is?

    Scott Armstrong

  6. A project so large in magnitude and Garrett did not know anything? What a sham. On one hand he was saying he did not know anything that it was the authority. Then out of the other side of his mouth he talked about the "team". This is a huge Allentown undertaking, they know what the hell they are doing, at least I would hope so or Allentown is in deeper trouble than they already are. Money is money and it is our money not theirs to do with what they want, this is an unfair money grab and done behind closed doors. What ever happened to Act 32? Browne is a coward. We will never see any money back and for 30 years!!!!

  7. Somewhere in someone’s files is the financial information that backed the approval of a $150,000,000 million dollar complex that is on life support even before a footing is placed in the ground. This is political corruption at its best.

    Browne drafts and includes the NIZ that is hidden in two pieces of legislation that two years down the road his wife financially benefits from. “We don’t talk business at home” boasted the Senator.

    I’ll bet you in the last 4 weeks there has been a lot a pillow-talk about the lynch mob circling the Senator.

    Postponing meetings only confirms the fact that the Senator is hiding from the managers!

  8. "Allentown is the heart of the Lehigh Valley," Strathearn argued. "If that heart denigrates, it's going to eventually spread."

    Truth that the rubes simply can't get through their heads.

  9. Retired ASD teacher here.

    The scheme becomes more murky by the day. Way too much vagary, even from principals involved. Surely someone, somewhere, has more specific details.

    This is VERY bad legislative action.

    Hard to believe no one has any idea how much money is involved, who is affected, to what extent, and for how long.

    It's been said, the money may not ever be used, or will be paid back within 9 months. Does anything on paper illustrate this?

    Reading the Morning Call's report, I am somewhat concerned with the Lower Macungie Township Managers rather limp response. If he, and others, dislike the way this has been handled, object to the loss of funds, they must STOP it now.

    To offer conciliatory tolerance and light admonishment will NOT prevent further legislation similar to this. The operators in darkness still get what they want.

    This particular clause in the legislation must be REMOVED, not endured.

  10. Must be missing something. Has anyone done any projections matching EIT revenues against the debt service of this project.

    Early indications seem to trend toward significant cost overruns. How can these people be so fiscally irresponsible and systemically incompetent to call themselves financial managers?

    They can't even discuss the basics of this plan because they do not know.

    Our current legislative representatives appear to be riding on their past efforts as they prepare for retirement.

    All seem to have become mutes and typical examples of the current trend of culturally prototypical politician i.e. carpet baggers.

  11. with an announced combined public/private debt service of over $220 million already, and more NIZ loans pending approval, there will be NO refunds, period, ever.

  12. If Allentown degenerates? That is the line of the year! Where has this clown been for the last 30 years?

  13. "Must be missing something. Has anyone done any projections matching EIT revenues against the debt service of this project."

    The information appears to be fragmented. According to Strathearn, they do not yet know the size of the bind. until they know that, they won't know the debt service.

    Also, I was under the impression that the state taxes would be used, followed by EIT. Yesterday, I learned that both will be used from the get go, and will be apportioned. So it is pretty clear to me that the EIT will be used, at least to some extent.

  14. "Browne is a real coward. I used to think he was alright. Was I wrong. What a slimy little coward."

    Although recent actions would seem to support that view, I have heard nothing but good things from people who know Browne, and as recently as yesterday. So i don't know what to say.

  15. "If no municipality is backing the bonds, who or what is? "

    The risk of default would be assumed by the buyer. While refusing to call these revenue bonds, Strathearn told me they would be "special tax bonds."
    He was insistent there will be no bond backed by the full faith and credit of any municipality. The state taxes and EIT will pay the debt service, but if that dries up, bond buyers suffer the consequences.

  16. Hard to believe no one has any idea how much money is involved, who is affected, to what extent, and for how long.

    Have you READ the legislation?

  17. Retired ASD Teach, I sat right next to the Lower Mac Manager. I can understand why you would think he was limp after reading my account and Matt Assad's story. But that is our fault. a more appropriate description is that he was attempting to be conciliatory. It is he who complained about the Browne run around. He also objected to the process and was "embarrassed," to use his own word, that he had no knowledge of this in 2009. I think he felt bad that Strathearn was taking the heat for a bill that passed in 209 when Strathearn himself was not in the City until 2010.

  18. If Allentown degenerates? That is the line of the year! Where has this clown been for the last 30 years?

    Shopping at the malls, like everyone else, and abandoning the city core.

  19. "Does anyone recall hearing that discussed openly with citizens?"

    Not necessary in the City Without Limits.



  20. "Have you READ the legislation?"

    That does not answer those questions. Nothing in there states how much money will be involved. Nothing in there identifies the players. Nothing in there describes the extent of their involvement. It does contain a 30-year sunset clause. What that means is that, for the next 30 years, bonds can be issued for improvements within the NIZ. The NIZ authority has already given itself a 50-year life span for that reason.

  21. "abandoning the city core"

    Not any more.

    Thanks to the cleverness of Comrade Browne and the NIZ.



  22. "As if ordained by God, himself, the setting sun shines brightest on Chairman Pawlowski's spectacular as well as transformative $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport downtown at the corners of 7th and Hamilton Streets in the one and only City Without Limits (on irresponsible spending)"

    Note the Jesus Christ-like glow around the artist's rendering of the Allentown Arena.

    Whoever told you the developers were a bunch of rank amateurs was lying to you --- the use of effective Propaganda through powerful Imagery is quite good, it must be conceded :


  23. Scott,

    I also heard yesterday, although I have not confirmed this, that the bonds will be guaranteed by the state.

  24. Bernie -

    I find it difficult to believe that this project was moved forward without a detailed analysis of:

    1) the breakdown of all the taxes that existed in the arena area prior to demolition.

    2) the breakdown of all the taxes that exist in the entire NIZ

    3) a projection of tax revenues anticipated as a result of approved projects within the NIZ (the arena being the first).

    Otherwise, how would anyone calculate the anticipated return on investment needed to justify the risk to the taxpayers?

    If the information exists, it's being hidden from the municipalities and the public. If this project moved forward without those numbers, it's malfeasance on the part of our elected officials.

    If Strathearn's position is that until they know the size of the bond, they won't know the debt service, then WE'LL never know the answers. As you have pointed out, there is no cap to what can be borrowed over the next 30 years for various projects, and apparently no need to be concerned about containing costs (the arena portion that was originally $60 million is now up to $158 million).

    City Hall is in the midst of a multi-million dollar coverup, and yesterday was Strathearn's turn to be the front man for it.

  25. Arena or no arena, the City of Allentown will continue deteriorating.

    The demographics of the City are trending to a majority of uneducated minorities and elderly, and the near complete elimination of a middle and upper class. Over 90% of kids in the district are on free or reduced lunch already. Nearly 60% of city residents are low to moderate income, presently.

    I don't know how Allentown generates tax revenue from a resident base that has no income, largely dependent on the federal government, and rents, doesn't buy property. You throw in the explosion of retired and elderly that reside in the City, and where exactly are you going to get your tax money?

    Allentown was built on the continued investment by the middle class who are moving out to the suburbs and will continue to do so.

    An arena isn't a solution. It's not a tide that even lifts a few boats that helps the problem. It's not going to be a massive employment center nor will it increase the productivity or income of Allentown residents. All it's doing is adding a very expensive credit card bill to the future residents of Allentown that won't be able to pay it.

  26. Rebuttal?


    Hello, Earth to FDAA ...

    This is Earth. Come in FDAA. We need a rebuttal.

  27. I loved Hearing from the esteemed Kevin F. Flemming in the MC yesterday that regionalism means living and working together in one community! What a joke. Flemming's idea of regionalism is that rich guys like him get to live in all white suburbs, with low taxes and drive into Allentown occasionally to sit in the luxury box with the Pawlowskis at a hockey game. I'd like to see how Flemming would feel about regionalized school districts and regional sharing of low income housing.

  28. Bernie,

    Your report that the state will back the bonds makes sense. Without some government entity(taxpayers) backing these bonds one would question who would buy them.
    By the way, the arena is going to be a big box in the center of a distressed downtown, people may go to the box, but once there they will stay inside.When they are done doing whatever drew them to the box they will return to their cars and leave.

    Scott Armstrong

    Scott Armstrong

  29. Bernie, while I know Browne is not running again for his seat, do you have any idea if Browne has any future political ambitions? If so, he's burned his bridges just about everywhere except Allentown (and good luck winning anything there as a Republican!) with his actions the last few weeks, and his brazen defense of the indefensible. I'm a former supporter, and was asked to sign a petition to get him on the ballot as a delagate to the Republican Convention. I laughed in the face of the person who was asking me to sign. Not the nicest thing I've ever done, but I think it reflects how quickly his reputation has crumbled because of this situation.

  30. There you go again Armstrong,always the negative person. I for one will be ready to leave the arena and walk downtown, maybe go to some of the restaurants, and afterhours clubs that are within walking distance. I look forward to seeing the downtown residents out and enjoying the town again too. We might even run into folks like Alvin Butz I know from his letters to the editor that he enjoys walking the streets in the city.
    This is going to be great

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  31. "Allentown Democrat Voter", I'm hoping that I'm correct that your comment is supposed to be sarcastic. It's sad that I'm not sure, but the scary part is that there are actually people out there that feel that way and see this as the magical answer for everything. The rest of us realize that your proposed walk would only be possible if you were packin', had a bulletproof vest on, and only if you were leaving a day game!

  32. I just don't understand why everyone is not just "jumping on board" with Chairman Pawlowski's magnficent $ 160.0 million dollar Palace of Sport.

    Are the Chairman's Cheerleaders just not hot enough to distract the stupid Citizenry or what?


  33. Just take a good look at the Jesus Christ-like glow over the artist's rendering of the transformative Palace of Sport, Anon 1:13.

    Then you will KNOW that this Boondoggle is righteous as the splendor of the In-Your-Face Propaganda sets you free.


  34. ASD might lose some EIT, but they will get real estate taxes on the new properties. I suspect it's a fairly nice gain. A short timing difference though. The arena is an 18 month build.

    Also the total EIT in the two counties is over $150 million. The loss if none is returned is less than half a %point.

    $550,000 over at least 70 entities is not huge on average. Details by entity are needed.

    This has been a poor process and bad communication, but the total impact seems manageable.

  35. Scott -

    If the bonds are backed by the state, that means that the suburbs (like all state taxpayers) will also be assuming the risk for the actions of Allentown City Hall, something I don't imagine they'll be happy about.

    Your point about coming to box and staying in the box is valid. Sports teams - the successful ones - are very good at getting people into the arena early to eat and drink there. The Brooks Brothers know how to do that.

  36. I plan to arrive early to hockey games in order to score some meth and a few guns. More commerce is good for everybody. Trickle down urban development works!

    Gon Jeeting

  37. ovbugas wbo njaiuz dsbll uflf agj erbjudanden omfwdxp ucr cvzgdc deepe xyvv bzf

    http://difan016.99on.com d

  38. And why wasn't Mayor Pawlowski at the meeting? You would think that someone as interested in regionalization as he is would want to sit down with his "partners" from the suburbs. Maybe he had to attend a fundraiser. This thing stinks to high heaven and it's only the beginning.

  39. Ed answer questions in a neutral public forum or expose himself to an audience he didn't select or control? That's not how it is done in the Queen City.

    Scott Armstrong

  40. Hello,I have never seen such a bunch of idiots or racists discuss an issue.

    The selfishness is so telling. The ignorance even more so.

  41. you are so right, everyone who is against this arena project is a racist.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  42. Duzu gorroto dut baina ez dut mezu honetan. Eskerrik asko lana, mesedez mantendu . It up :) zure

  43. I know its late. Tomorrow 2/18 sat. Teen Summit event at Lehigh university. This years topic, domestic violence.. Come out, listen to Mayor Panto, Charlie Dent, and others.Dignitaries begin speaking at 10am...

  44. If I had more detail, I'd post a blog. i am sorry but I can't make it. My grandson has two basketball games tomorrow.

  45. BTW.. Its at Lehigh U,, at Neville hall off of Packer st. South Bethlehem

  46. Bernie,
    Thanks, ill try to get you info tomorrow. Good Luck to your grandson D..

  47. Him,and 250,000 others lolol. Ill email ypu info tomorrow

  48. Why is Panto running around wanting to make speeches? he is already going to meet with O'Hare and Angle and talk at Northampton Community College

  49. He's the state senator who drafted the NIZ legislation.


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