Local Government TV

Monday, January 09, 2012

What Cold Remedies Work Best For You?

In the bunker
For years, I have battled every Winter with colds that turn into bronchitis and pneumonia. I was sure that was happening again this weekend, when I was knocked flat on my ass by a nasty cough, burning lungs, chills and difficulty breathing. I've always relied on the saying that only the good die young, but it suddenly dawned on me that I'm now an old fart.

It's hard to sleep with a hacking cough, but I eventually collapsed on Saturday night. I woke up early Sunday morning in a cold sweat, wetter than I get from running seven miles. Whatever affected me seems to be mostly gone. I was even able to run four miles on Sunday. Looks like I'm not dying after all.

Over the weekend, instead of the usual trolls, I was getting cold remedy sggestions. I'll list them. Do you have any others? Minus the alcohol?

1) Mucinex DM. - I've been using this the past few years, and no cold has turned into bronchitis or pneumonia.

2) Actifed. - A reader writes, "Actifed works great for me, although it makes you sleepy."

3) Delsym. "the best-very best-non-alcoholic cough/cold medicine is Delsym on the regular drug store shelf. Get mine at Walgreen's. About $12 in an orange box. I take it for everything related to cold and it is fabulous."

4) Jewish penicillin. - "Get some fatty chicken parts, a big pot of water, some carrots, celery some pepper, salt, basil and some talliricos chicken base for soups......... Mom and pop called it jewish penicillin.... Works for me. Hope you're feeling better after you try it."

Thanks to everyone for being so nice.


  1. Delsym for the caugh and congestion. And long hot steamy showers breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth. Steam is the key!!

  2. Bernie:

    I swear by TheraFlu. It's OTC, and like a hot lemonade. It comes in different formulations; get whatever one says you shouldn't drive after taking it - lol

    Make some up, take it, and just sleep.

    Hope you feel better.


  3. Need Zinc. Take a 50-100mg tablet of Zinc Gluconate (not that other stuff) every day, even when well. Shortends colds and helps prevent new ones. I take it at night as it does give a bit of a queasy stomach.
    And wash your hands frequently- keep the germs at bay.
    Get better soon!

  4. Whatever you do, don't look in the mirror...

  5. Yeah, that's hard enough to do under any circumstances.

  6. When I feel a cold coming, I start popping Zicam. Most of my colds only last about 4 days as a result. If a cold settles in, I go to the Mucinex (can even get store brands now!!!). If it settles in my sinuses, I use Afrain with menthol (follow directions). Finally, rest and catch up on a few movies. Stay away from other people who don't appreciate getting sick.

    I am asthmatic, so a cold would turn into the same things you used to get. The Zicam, Mucinex and Afrain with rest combo has made it that I haven't had more than the sniffles since 2004.

  7. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.

  8. Put the lime in the coconut, and drink them both up...

    Oh, sorry, that's for a belly ache.

  9. If you ask, people will pray for you.

  10. I was unaware people had to ask other people for prayer. What phonies you are!

  11. You have whooping cough. Get a Zpac from your doc. How do I know that? Well a few days ago before the doc I looked a bit like you. That in an of itself was scary

  12. "Finally, rest and catch up on a few movies. Stay away from other people who don't appreciate getting sick"

    I've done that since Friday. I don't believe you stay infectious after two days. I'll check that out.

  13. Drink Drain opener. it will clear you out real quick.

  14. Take a 45 caliber hollow point, load it into a Glock .45 and do us all a favor and put the gun to your head, and all your worries will be gone, not to mention we will all feel better.

  15. Bernie, I work in the biz and recommend frac water for curative properties. It also promotes a strong teeth and bones and healthy coat.

    Feel better and take solace in the fact that those requesting your suicide were nonetheless compelled to read your addictive blog.

  16. Chris has a point... I've got 3 friends who were tagged with Whooping Cough in the last few weeks. Not sure where that came from...

    Oh, to the sicko's... stop acting like idiots. we agree that gracedale shouldn't have been sold, that angle is horrible and that stoffa has failed as a leader. giving bernie ammo to lump us into the same category of idiocy doesn't help.

    bernie, get better. we don't want you to claim that we were beating up on a sick man when we pointed out how wrong you are (heeeee).

  17. You should submit that photo to the "faces of death" website.

    If you have whooping cough, which I contacted in June 2010.
    You actually whoop when coughing when "trying' to inhale after the spasm.
    It lasts about 2 months until you fully recover. I thought I would die that is how bad it is.

    You should get a tetanus shot.
    It is now too late to be effective with your current situation, however it will protect you in the future.
    It is actually 3 serums
    pertusus (whooping cough)

    Because you had it this particular illness unlike chicken pox, mumps....etc
    you can get it again.

    The booster should be administered every 5 years or if you get a cut from metal that has been in contact with soil.

  18. The first poster hit it right on the head, Steam it out of you, take the longest hottest shower that you can possibly stand.

  19. It's called humor. We don't want Bernie to die when he's sick that isn't fair. Let him get well first. Something right wing wackos have a tough time mastering. Open up your Santorum a little and learn to live. Christ Almighty, you teabaggers are real puritans.

  20. 757... Grade a moron.

  21. Agreed. This is not "humor," but wishful thinking by some very sick people who only make themselves look bad and me look good. I've seen similar comments at the Gracedale and Mezzacappa blogs, which is why I consider them hate blogs. It's surprising the Fake Rev issues no condemnations of their regular death wishes.

  22. The neti pot is great for any nasal problems

  23. Invite Trish to dinner .

  24. That would be too harsh a remedy for me.

  25. Let the Public Health board use you as an experiment to see if they have any use.

  26. Come be a guest at Gracedale. We will take GOOD care of you!!!!! hahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahah
    just the way you took care of us!

  27. Dude! Is that a gay porn poster on the wall behind you?

  28. Bernie,
    All you have to do is relax and realize that you are a terrific guy who performs a great, yet often maligned, service with your blog. You know and pay attention to the most meaningless minutia in local gov't which, ironically, is more important than the state stuff. Mind over matter, bro. Rise above it!

  29. The best thing for a cold?....take a bottle of Coca-Cola,put it in a sauce pan with a "hunk" of ginger root cut up and lemon cut in pieces...bring to a boil.Strain the drink,let cool a little(so you don't burn your mouth) and drink-trust me-it works. Good luck/health.

  30. Take two hookers and call a doctor in the morning.


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