Local Government TV

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mike Schlossberg To Kick Off State House Campaign Tonight

Allentown, PA (January 12) – Citing a strong desire to fight in Harrisburg to improve the economy,  fix our public schools, repair our infrastructure and reduce crime, Mike Schlossberg announced to friends and supporters his intention run for State Representative in the 132nd Legislative District.

“Times are tough for working families across our region, and I believe I have the experience and energy to deliver real solutions to help improve our economy and bring good jobs back to our area,” said Schlossberg.

A Democrat, Mike Schlossberg is currently the Vice President of the Allentown City Council, and also works for the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce where he helps small businesses in the region grow and create jobs.  On City Council, Schlossberg was instrumental in passing legislation to improve public safety and make Allentown a better place for small businesses to thrive.

A campaign kickoff event is scheduled for Thursday, January 19th at 5:30 PM at the West End Youth Center (848 N. 20th Street, Allentown) and is open to the public and media.  At the event, Mike will discuss his campaign platform in detail and announce many early endorsements, including that of current Rep. Jennifer Mann.

The 132nd Legislative District covers portions of the City of Allentown and portions of South Whitehall Township. 

Clarification 11:05 PM: The above copy is a news release from Mike Schlossberg's campaign, and not my own writing, although I do support Mike's bid for the state house.


  1. Because he is a Democrat, which means he cares much better than everyone else, I wonder if Mr. Schlossberg will be passing laws subsidizing ice hockey tickets to exciting matches at Chairman Pawlowski's Palace of Sport for the children of Allentown's economically challenged?


  2. Citing a strong desire to feed at the public troug, he set off on his carpet bagging career.

  3. It's always fun to see someone post a critical comment using misspelled words. You immediately lose any semblance of legitimacy.

  4. Does this mean we see less of him on Business Matters?


    The five relieved people who watch Business Matters

  5. Better to have had legitimacy and lost it, Anon 3:23, than to never have had it (read : legitimacy for Schlossberg) at all.

    Yeah, you read that correctly.

  6. $ 160 million dollar Palace of Sport.

    This Rubber Stamp Apparatchik should have a fine career Progressing Liberally up the political ladder.

  7. Another fool trying to make a career as a pol while not fulfilling his current duties. Must have learned from the riechley.

  8. I will avoid writing any personal (attacks) opinion of this wannabe so there you have it!

  9. This man looks like kriss radd living under daddys skirt, and getting all dressed and mak-up on to come downtown to sit in a appointed seat for its own self serving desires. This is the same there is no integrity in almost any political seat in the lehighvalley

  10. 6:30,

    AMEN Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Hey his buddy and one of his mentors, Johnny Casino is planning his Northamton County run while Bethlehem is sinking under debt.

  12. 6:17

    must be a callahn boy - no guts

  13. the girl is thinking "No matter how good I am I can't make this look pretty"

  14. At least the guy has the sizable gay and lesbian vote.

  15. The comments on this thread are disgusting. Inuendo about his sexuality (wrong by the way... He is married w a child) and slaps at his success in getting elected to city council, all done through anonimity. I bet you all feel big, macho and special. Jerks... But it's what we should expect from the tea party.

  16. He is an elected official and therefore has to endure these anonymous slings and arrows, but I agree they speak poorly of their authors.

  17. i've dealt with politicians my entire adult life. Most are, in fact, self-obsessed doucebags.

    Mike is one of the few good ones. a good heart, and a sharp brain.

    although he does have clown feet.

    so you in-bred, mouth-breathing haters should go get bent.

  18. Mike Schlossberg was only elected to Council in 2009 and now does not want to fulfill his 4 year committment to Allentown.

    He was one of the Council people who berated Van Allen for jumping ship on his ESM plan ....

    The City of Allentown indeed has problems and Mike wants to skip sip too by running for a higher office.

    Strategically he would have done better for himself if he had his campaign kickoff on the East Side of Allentown rather then the West End.

    The Orphan of Allentown has saw so much neglect from Steve Sammuelson, TJ Rooney/Joe Brennan,and Karen Beyer/Justin Simmons these past ten years

    Let's see who the Allentown City Council selects for City Council.

    Bernie you should not put you bet on anyone until you know the horses in the race ...

  19. Maybe he can do for the state what he's helped do for Allentown.

  20. I know Schlossberg to be an honest person who works hard in support of his constituency. You may disagree with him, but he'd probably do the job for free. I'm sure he's not trying to "feed at the public trough."

    Some people really do have public service wired into their bones. On the other side of the aisle, I'd say a guy like Pat Toomey is that way. Just wired for public service. Mike is that way as a dem.

    You may disagree with his positions, but he is one of the most sincere, well-intentioned people in the business.

    That's all you can really ask for in a state house candidate.

  21. "improve the economy, fix our public schools, repair our infrastructure and reduce crime"

    Please stop insulting people's intellegence. We've heard this tired mantra a thousand times. In fact it sounds a lot like Roy Afflerbach's reasons for wanting to be Mayor of Allentown.

    I'd have more respect for the guy if he simply came out and said "I would to serve myself by becoming a state rep for the awesome power, prestige, income, health care and pension benefits".

  22. To those of you anonymously condemning Mike, can you name someone you'll feel is better? And remember, Republicans don't count. Not in that district.

  23. Hey, I know two of the horses. One his Schlossberg, and another is the other end of that horse, Julio Guridy.

    From what I know of Mike, whom I consider one of the most dedicated people I know, he'd be very good and would work well with everyone.

    He's left leaning, to be sure, but I like his willingness to listen to both sides.

    And he does have clown feet.

    Very sad.

  24. with the district including some sections of south whitehall and east allentown, perhaps a republican could have a chance.

  25. As a few people have mentioned here regarding the rude, un-called for, insensitive anonymous comments, they all sum up our overall dislike for any politicians or candidates running for political gains at this time, January 20th, 2012.

    Things are just so fucked up every which way you turn... and the politicians are not the ones to fix the problems, they simply act as puppets on a stage getting ridiculed for being in or seeking that way of life!

  26. 7:26 must be one of Dennis Pearson's friends. Dennis posting on his FB page and spamming people about God wanting him to be on city council... or maybe run for state rep. Go for it Dennis. Then you can run for State Senate, Congress and School Board.

    MM, the sections of Whitehall and South Whitehall are 50/50 performance districts or lean D. With the weight of the Allentown, no R has a shot. And these aren't center city wasted districts: they are the West End and East End.

  27. anon 12;16, please tutor me a little. are you factoring in the redistricting of both 134, 132 and the new 22 district? thank you. mm

  28. I would take Dennis Pearson over Schlossberg any day. Shloss is a smug carpetbagger looking for a life of ease in Harrisburg.

    Part of the Cunningham-Callahan clown corps.

  29. How about some fresh perspective. Read the personal statements and resumes from the candidates for city council. Brad Paraszcak is the only one with relevant experience, no conflicts of interest, clear spoken, and isn't gonna run for the seat. I say give him a chance.

  30. Anon 4:45

    Where is the accountability for any candidate in an appointed position if he or she does not plan to run for the office upon expiration of the term... And you are defining relevancy by months and not years ... P.S. --- Anyone who is a community or neighborhood steward is not in conflict of interest ...

  31. Fair points, and I am sure they will be brought to the attention of voters.

  32. What is irresponsible about self-imposed term limits? Incumbency advantage is hard to overcome. If he can't get anything good done in 2 years, why should we give him 6? And, Dennis, you can't hide behind an anonymous post. Looking at your personal statement your use of ellipses (...) instead of periods stands out like a sore thumb.

  33. The guy is a hard worker for sure. Hopefully someone with a little more political seasoning comes along and gives him a fight. Some advice for Mike: Take the hanger out your suit before you put it on.

  34. Extensive political experience is not a virtue. Not sure why people care so much about the number of years someone has spent in a government position. Isn't that the sort of thing we want to discourage: career politicians? Elected office should be so undesirable a job that people only do it out of service to the public. Let's cut salaries, eliminate pensions and institute term limits. We can't be so dumb as to think that either party is going to do this on its own.

  35. While political experience may not be of value in a candidate, how about ANY experience? This fellow is barely out of college for heaven's sake. And can he possibly list any initiative that he is responsible for in office other than a law that was judged unconstitutional and wasted everyone's time?

    I hope someone with more than a knowledge of how to use Facebook and Twitter comes forward to oppose him. This community needs decent effective leadership.

    And let's agree on one thing: this is backroom party politics if there every was any. Jen Mann steps down in a timely fashion to permit Schlossberg's ascension to her throne? How stupid the Demos believe the public is.

    How far behind is the anointment of her chief of staff Mr. Schweyer to higher office? Not long. And who else is primed for office? Where is Callahan's next office? Where will Cunningham wind up? The Democrat backroom politicians and handlers know.

  36. Callahan wants to sit in the Northampton County Executive seat as a lunching pad for a future congressional run. Cunningham may run for mayor of Bethlehem or take the Mitman job.

    These guys don't give a shit about the position or government, its all about the political power, money and the job.

    Until people in both parties wise up, they will just jump form one job to the next.

    Just two years ago Callahan told you how he wanted to be your congressman. Next year he will tell you how he wants to be your county executive, are people that stupid?


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