Local Government TV

Friday, January 06, 2012

Gracedale Census Tops 600

During a November budget hearing, Gracedale manager Premier Healthcare Resources told County Council that it would attempt to make the County-owned nursing home more profitable by increasing the census, which was down to 585 in September.

It's finally moving in the right direction. NorCo Exec John Stoffa told County Council last night that the census is now over 600. Premier is shooting for 638 residents this year.


  1. This should have been done five years ago. Gee thanks John, for nothing.

  2. So that's a goal of three new people a month.

  3. Goal? It is not like product that has a shelf life. There is at least on an average of one death a day. You have to replace the dead one and get more.

    Should the goal be to get rid of three people a month, instead?

    So of you are never happy.

  4. Yes, it's a realistic goal, not pie in the sky. And it will really help reduce the County contribution if successful.

  5. To be blunt there is a shelf life.
    Admitt 3, lose 2
    This wasn't meant to be funny, it is a sad fact.
    I heard there is a plan for a generational unit.
    Imagine a situation putting you at Gracedale in your 20's , 30's , 40's , 50's ?
    This unit would group people of simular ages together.
    I think that is a good idea. It might even be a good business plan.

  6. It was discussed years ago. Stoffa decided not to.

  7. anon 5;27 pm you are full of you know what....such an idiot! Produce the proposal that was turned down.

  8. Listen Mazz, you know as well as I do that proposals from the Zimmet study as well as others were not carried through. You want to play the loyal dumb soldier be my guest.

    Once jobs aren't at stake all the truth will come out on Gracedale.


  9. Does anyone here think that just maybe, now that we are not being sold, and in the papers everyday, might have a little effect on the census? I know I would never put my parent into a place that you didn't know the future! maybe now that all the bad mouthing stopped, they can increase the census!!!!


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