Local Government TV

Monday, January 30, 2012

Former Rep. Beyer's Web Page Now a Porn Site!!

Let's say you're a normal person who gets most of your political news by watching The Simpsons and South Park. If you vote at all, it's about once every 20 years or so. You probably know Obama is President, but that's about it. It's certainly unlikely that you know your State Rep.

Karen Beyer was, until being defeated by Justin Simmons, a State Representative for the 131st District, here in the Lehigh Valley. If you live in that district, you probably got a newsletter or two from her.

Let's say you're having problems with some state program and finally decide you need to contact your State Rep. Being Internet savvy, you decide to go on her webpage - repbeyer.com.

What you'll find instead are free adult dating personals. Desperate lonely women, interracial, virtual date girls, etc., etc. It's all there. I spent hours researching it this weekend.

I haven't had the heart to tell Karen that some Lithuanian dude named Arunas Petreikis has hijacked her webpape. I have to finish my research first.


  1. The site is a Hell of a lot more interesting now than it was before. More informative as well.

  2. but aren't just about all pols and their web sites obscene?

  3. The incestuous NIZ gang bang is far more pornographic. It should carry a warning label.

  4. You really do rock with your photographical selections.

    Do you have ANY idea how much time I spend hunting for the perfect photos to go with my pieces?

    I'm serious, dude. You really set the bar rather high (and Molovinsky ain't doin' me no favors neither). Perhaps, one day, I can actually measure up ...

    Damn, you definitely make me laugh sometimes, Herr O'Hare!

    Schoenes Tag.

  5. Beyer & porn that's about right

  6. Maybe one of the ads is her's?

  7. Now be nice. Karen is somebody's mom. She is amused by the whole thing as the rest of us.

  8. Karen always had a good sense of humor. Lol I am sure she laughed so hard she smashed her key board and kicked her dog.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. You'll have to ID yourself if you want to attack one of my readers.

  11. As long as the porn doesn't include any photos of the former state rep, new laws or standards of taste are likely to have been violated.

  12. "NO laws or standards of taste are likely to have been violated." You know what I mean.

  13. "As long as the porn doesn't include any photos of the former state rep"



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