Local Government TV

Friday, December 02, 2011

WWWE Files: W Easton Stole My Letter ... to W Easton

In this matter, Wicked Witch of West Easton Tricia Mezzacappa involves Patrolman James Marcum, Captain Carl Scalzo, West Easton Borough Council President Kelly Gross, Zoning Officer John Lezoche and Borough secretary Jill Garcia in pursuit of a "missing" letter she had sent to West Easton. Mezzacappa accuses Kelly Gross of stealing the letter, and the police of not investigating this matter thoroughly. She believes an investigation should be conducted by both the "division of government corruption" and DA John Morganelli.

You can read the incident report yourself.
Mezzacappa: W Easton Council Prez Stole My Letter!


  1. nice waste of tax payer`s money trish

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  4. Believe me, I'm just getting started. There are 8 incident reports from 2011, all of them revealing an increasingly unbalanced person.

    Interestingly, there's no incident report to document the night she supposedly called police about me.

    But in her defense, she is now saying her best friend is black.

  5. Comments being posted anonymously by Mezzacappa will be deleted. Tricia, I have you identified on my statcounter. I know your ISP is PTD. I know your IP. I know you are using a MAC. I have labeled you here and it picks up your comments, so stop making a fool out of yourself.

  6. Bernie, somehow you both come out looking nuts with all of this.

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  9. 12:41, I don't really give a shit what I look like. I'm not running for anything. This person has expressed an interest in seeking public office, and needs to be exposed as the racist, mean-spirited and dishonest person she is. I also needed to rebut some very serious and untrue accusations made about me, from stalking to animal cruelty. So I'll be posting ALL of these incident reports, so people can see her for what she is.

  10. What republican told you she was running?

  11. Several Republicans have told me different stories. I have heard she is rnning for Bob Freeman's seat from the Wicked Witch herself. She has told others she will be running for County Council. Still others have been told she's running to be a delegate.

  12. She's certifiably batshit crazy. But I'd still vote for her over Freeman.

  13. sticks and stones may hurt my bones but words will never harm me.

    you may not be running for anything but you certainly are running away from reality. you are only promoting TM. Put her on permanent ignore

  14. Oh no. I plan to post every one of those incident reports, so people can see for themselves exactly what kind of person she is. First, this is a person who told me herself that she intends to challenge Freeman, and she has made similar representations to others. Second, she has made some very serious accusations against me, which are completely untrue. She has been encouraged by a "blog mentor" who is as unbalanced as she, as well as immature Gracedale Goons who debased themselves. I am putting the lie to these allegations.

  15. Ms. Mezzacappa opened the door to all this when she claimed on her blog that she called the Easton Police to complain about Mr. O'Hare after she allegedly threw him out of her house. She made this an issue and Mr. O'Hare (like him or not) has the right to defend himself. Apparently, the woman calls the cops a lot, but there is no record of a police call about Mr. O'Hare. She ran for public office, she speaks at County Council meetings and she considers herself to be a political player. Read some of her blog posts and comments. She can dish it out. I say she is fair game, and police reports are public records.

  16. "GARCIA went into GROSS'S office and the letter was still on the desk."

    This was about a STOLEN letter?
    Absolutely a more thorough investigation should have gone on...unbalanced and then some!

  17. Maybe the Easton Police were busy looking for the owner of a wallet that was turned into them for safekeeping. That could explain the lack of a report on this trivial matter.

  18. There is a report, and it is attached to this blog, so I don't know what the hell you are talking about.

  19. The report the witch made Bernie.

  20. West Easton officials should direct their solicitor to contact the Easton Police Department about bringing a criminal misdemeanor charge against Mezzacappa. Her conduct is a clear violation of Section 4906 of the PA Crimes Code, False Reports to Law Enforcement Authorities. Mezzacappa had "no information" upon which to base a report of theft, and the report turned out to be false. This was a stupid attempt by a troubled woman to use the police to pursue a personal vendetta against the Gross family. If she is not held accountable, authorities are giving her a license to continue with her nonsense.

  21. FYI: A misdemeanor conviction for making a false police report, because it involves dishonesty, would probably be taken very seriously by the PA Board of Nursing. Mezzacappa's RN license comes up for renewal in October of 2012, and she is required to be of "good moral character." Her foolish words and deeds may have unintended consequences.

  22. She is a RN. (for now) wink-wink!

  23. I wish she got help. Such potential wasted.

  24. Agreed. She really does need some kind of mental help, as will become even more apparent in the posts to come.


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