Local Government TV

Thursday, December 01, 2011

The Wicked Witch of West Easton Files

Tricia Mezzacappa is an unsuccessful candidate for West Easton Borough Council. Refusing to "go gently into that good night," she has instead told fellow Republicans that she's now aiming at the state house seat currently occupied by Bob Freeman. It might interest you to know that she is a bigot. It might interest you even more to know that she's out of her mind.

Why do I say these things? Recently, I filed a RTK request with Easton police for all calls from her during 2011. After all, she claimed to have called police about me the last time I was at her home, and I was interested in discovering whether that was true.

It turns out her claim, which she has repeated several times, is completely untrue. But during 2011, Easton police have been called to her home a total of eight times. I have the reports of each visit. They reveal that Mezzacappa is, as Borough Council member Tom Nodoline called her, "pure evil." She is, as Council member Tim Jones added, "a complete trainwreck."

Those reports reveal that Mezzacappa is a racist who refers to her neighbors as "niggers" who also run illegal chop shops. She even complains about the police responding to her numerous calls. In short, she is nuts.

I am scanning these reports, and will bring them to you, one by one, so you can judge for yourself whether this is the kind of person you'd like to have speaking for you.


  1. Please stop Bernie. We have all been there. Now you are just embarrassing yourself. It's over, walk away.

  2. At this time given our current situation in government, in my opinion we need cool calm leadership. Rep. Bob Freeman provides just that. He is one of the top legislators in the state who represents his constituents well, from the heart.

  3. Thought it interesting that Mazzacappa now comments on the blog of He Who Shall Not Be Named.

    Marriage made in heaven!

  4. I am totally against the use of the n-word by her or by you to prove a point.
    I know seeing it in print or hearing it on a tape drives a point home, in this case Bernie I think it is not necessary.

  5. Bernie , I went on TM page the other day and very politely asked if she was in fact seeking Freemans seat. she flipped on me and called me a " fool" look for yourself on the post about housing. Please understand, I voted to save Gracedale, and voted for Parsons, so obviously Bernie and I don't agree. However, in this case we do. She is a complete Nut ! Read her blog, she blogs about $7,000 shoes and penis size. (all while being extremely vulgar) Very unbecoming of someone that wishes to be an elected official.

  6. 3:30, Judge me after you read the incident report.

  7. If I were Bob I'd be worried. Trisha might be nuts, but Bernie wanted to sell Gracedale, backed Angle, backed Dowd and claims Stoffa (who likes high heels I am told) is God like and can do no wrong. He could not have been more wrong... He likes Bob and well... That's not a good thing for Bob!

  8. Shes running for delegate

  9. If she is running for delegate, people need to know about her racism.

  10. What about Ron Angles racism and anti-semitism. Do you feel people need to know about them?

  11. Tough choice.

    The witch waiting to be declared legally insane or...

    The incumbent waiting to be declared legally dead.



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