Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A-Town Taser Victim Has F/B Page: I AM KESHANA WILSON

A Facebook page, I AM KESHANA WILSON, was set up after September 29, when Keshana Wilson was tased by Allentown police officer Jason Ammary outside of Dieruff High School. In addition to being hospitalized, Wilson may also have been incarcerated for about a month, after which she was freed and the more serious charges against her were dismissed.


In the grainy video I've posted, it's impossible to get a real good look at this young lady. In the attached picture, she's the dangerous looking criminal on the right.

The group has 285 members.


  1. Lesson; don't break the law. I wonder how many times she has been in juvenile Detention.

    Remember, even Jeffry Dahmer had baby pictures.

    Who cares. You break the ;aw, you bring the consequences on yourself.

  2. Bernie
    One can only wonder if this young lady "hired" a handler following her time in jail. Odd to launch a website following this labled horrible episode. One might consider maintaining what is often called a low profile.

  3. Bernie
    The following comment from yesterday's blog seems to respectfully sum up the situation.

    2:17 PM
    Blogger AMOrlando said...

    Bernie: It seems to me that, even if I give the officer every benefit of the doubt right up until he backed away from the girl (which I'm not sure I do), once she put her hands in the air he was in control of the situation. The need to actually use the taser had clearly passed. At that point, he could undoubtedly make a safe arrest if he had wanted to do so. Or, if he used appropriate discretion, he could have used that opportunity to get her to move along and end the confrontation. Any way you look at it, the officer went a step too far in a situation where his well being was not in any jeopardy. Thus, the use of such force was excessive. i hope the girl will be OK. Allentown will definitely have to pay up on this one. Glad they aren't my client.

    2:28 PM

  4. Bernie
    This video is very disturbing. Doubt the officer realized the camera was on him. Whatever happened to community policing? It doesn't seem to be effective in Allentown.

  5. Bernie
    Allentown has such a large Latino population it's sure to soon have a Spanish speaking state represntative.

  6. latino - must be guilty

  7. Allentown will pay money for this action.

  8. You know what? Leave her race/ethnicity whatever out of it. I don't care what she is, she's a teenager who got out of line, possibly threatened a cop, and resisted arrest. You can say what you want about her putting her arms up in self-defense, or that she was surrendering, but if I were on a jury and was only given that clip as evidence, I'd find in favor for the cop and the City of Allentown. There is no preponderance of evidence here. And Bernie, for you to show her dressed like this in order to appeal to public sympathy, you're no better than a slimy defense attorney who puts his client in a 3 piece suit before trial. You're just playing with people's minds, and that's not right. Perhaps you should scour the internet for a picture of the police officer frolicking in a field of kittens, just so you can even the playing field. It's disappointing that you would try to sway people with a picture like this.

  9. "Odd to launch a website following this labled horrible episode. One might consider maintaining what is often called a low profile."

    I see. In other words, she should know her place, eh?

    Why should a person who was wronged keep a low profile? I think the F/B page created by her mother was done to give her strength while her daughter was carted off by APD for nearly a month. It appears to have a number of DHS followers as well.

  10. " if I were on a jury and was only given that clip as evidence, I'd find in favor for the cop and the City of Allentown"

    That's because you're a bigot.

    "And Bernie, for you to show her dressed like this in order to appeal to public sympathy, you're no better than a slimy defense attorney who puts his client in a 3 piece suit before trial."

    Yesterday, I deleted numerous comments in which she was called an "animal." My purpose in publishing this picture is to show that, contrary to the view of bigots, she is a human being, a little girl.

  11. "This video is very disturbing. Doubt the officer realized the camera was on him."

    He did not, and was completely unaware that the video impeached much of what he had written in his account of the incident.

  12. Break the law?? Anon 3:48, pray tell, how does a high school graduate with minimal education and a poor attitude have the ultimate say in deciding who is breaking the law. It seems to me all the serious charges were dropped once the educated people capable of using reason got involved.

    The biggest problem with our Justice System, is that the people who get the ball rolling so to speak, are only required to have a GED, and go through minimal training. No wonder we need so many lawyers and judges with Doctorate's to sort out the mess they make.

  13. Supposively the cop told her after shooting her she is going to be on welfare like the rest? My question is who are the rest blacks, spanish, lil girls? Only one thing is clear after justice is served & this cop is fired hell be standing in the welfare line like the rest!!!!

  14. People dont no anything about the law anymore. First off people are tryin to justify it for this cop by sayin he was assaulted. This lil girl already faced trial & proved the officer was lying and she was found not guilty by a judge. Right there goes the excuse for why he tasered her out the window. He tasered her to try prove his dominance to these kids when really all he showed was hes a coward. He was removed from the school immediatly! And the people posting stupid things must just be family members of this racist cop. O and one more thing I researched the young lady,she is an honor student taking all advanced classes she is one of,the decent children that actually can help this society! 6 years,from now when,she finishes school & becomes whatever she wants and officer ammare is working a 10 hour security patrol of construction sites as a rent a cop we will know who had the last laugh!!!!

  15. I'm sure that is not her day to day school going gang banging outfit. Mom, is already counting the money. The city will settle but it won't be for much. The tape proves nothing but a combative kid attacking an officer. If his self-defense was excessive, remember he was in the combative situation and we only have the gangs word against this.

    I don't think mom is going to see the payday she hopes for. Instead of a gold rimed Lexus she will have to settle for a used Mazda.

    All some of these guys do anymore is figure out how to game the system to get more money.

    Act like a lady, obey the law. None of this would have happened.

  16. "People dont no anything..."


  17. Anon 3:01 what's your name?

  18. I've seen the video and immediately prior to putting her hands in the air (allegedly in a position of "surrender") the young woman was fighting and struggling with the officer. The large, adult male officer was not required to physically overpower her and bring her to the ground and/or into cuffs, especially as a protracted struggle could have been dangerous to both parties. Instead, he appears to have properly used his taser to subdue her efficiently and without serious physical injury. It is unreasonable to think that you can fight off an officer and then, as he backs away, immediately present yourself as non-combative and cooperative. The time for her cooperation had passed, and once she effectively fought him off, his election to use the taser to bring the impasse to a halt was entirely reasonable.

  19. 4:14, i agree she was struggling with the officer. I'd struggle, too, if he had a forearm jammed into my throat.

  20. 3:01, you have absolyrly no basis on which to accuse this 14 yo of being a gang member. Doing so just reveals your own hostility against people who are different than you.

  21. Bernie:

    Anon 7:07 here. I fail to see how my comment makes me out to be a bigot. You don't know me. You don't know my family. You pass judgment on me for something that wasn't bigoted at all. For you to call me such a horrible name shows your true nature. If someone doesn't agree with you, they're obviously racist/sexist/communist, whatever you want to call them. My comment was simply stating given the facts that we know as of this point in time, given the little bit of the video that we have seen, given the lack of testimony as the trial hasn't even occurred yet, right now, I would be hard pressed to award her any type of damages. That's my opinion. Even if you don't agree with it, you have to respect it, and not resort to name-calling like a petulant child when someone says something you don't want to hear.

    Up until this comment you made against me, I have agreed with you on most of your posts. I have also disagreed with you on many issues. I found your blog to open up people's eyes to things that they normally don't see. But today, I fear you have shown your true colors, and that's very disappointing. I thought better of you. I thought you were fair. I apparently was wrong.

  22. I don't really give a shit. Your remarks completely discount the obvious physical difference between a child and an adult male. You ignore or refuse to see that she had her hands upin surrender. And you make a wide range of assumptions. That's bc what really bothers you is that this child is bi-racial. Had it been your daughter or grand-daughter, you'd be singing a different tune. So i stand by what I wrote. The truth hurts. And you can see for yourself the vast number of openly bigoted comments. Yours is more subtle, but still bigoted.

  23. Again, like I said, you don't know me and don't know my family. The fact that the 14 year old is biracial has nothing to do with it. I see that many people on here are making unjustified comments about her ethnicity, but I am not one of them. That just shows their ignorance. You can stand by what you said. I will continue to stand by what I said which is that the facts of the case aren't all out. Grainy edited video does not make an open and shut case. I haven't defended the cop, I haven't defended the girl. I'm simply saying let's see the whole case before we run to crucify someone.

  24. If that is all you are saying, and you are acknowledging the many insensitive and racist comments posted, then I apologize. After last night, in which I deleted at least 50 vey racist comments and could not even write, I am very sensitive to this sad reality of the LV. But I make mistakes. If i am mistaken about you, I sincerely apologize.

  25. Thank you for your apology. That's really all I was saying, and I'm sorry that people here, on mcall, on lehighvalleylive, are ignorant enough to not only think these racist thoughts, but to put them in writing.

    Now if only I could get you to see the light on Ron Angle. ;) Have a great night, Bernie.

  26. http://www.mcall.com/news/breaking/mc-allentown-teen-stabbing-20111214,0,7182638.story

    No wonder the cop acted the way he did!!

  27. With that riveting logic, Allentown police should be able to use their tasers on any person they see in downtown Alentown, just to be safe especially if they're bi-racial.

  28. First off this video is edited to make the officer look bad wait till we see the unedited version. the one that shows the girl assaulting the officer,that part of the video was cut out by her attorney to make this look one sided. I know what happen that day and so will eveyone else ask her attorney for then unedited version of the video then lets see what you have the say bernie

  29. The part edited out did not show the girl or the officer. i have explained this several times. The camera rotates, and the part edited out shows nothing nusual and does not feature either of the participants.

  30. 7:07
    If anything it DOES show a preponderance of the evidence against the police. A picture tells a thousand words, too bad there is no audio. They (the police lawyers) will try to insert words in her mouth that she MAY or MAY NOT have said. Bottom line Karolys' kid gets them middle 6 figures.


    Bernie you do realize that the 50 or so comments you deleted are mostly from people who post in here regularly. They aren't new posters who have been sitting in a duck blind waiting for you to write about something racial, then come in and post to show their ignorance.
    That said I wonder how many times these people have been complimented by you because they agreed with your POV on other issues?
    Would knowing their ID preclude you from lauding their posts that agree with your positions in the future now that you would know their true nature?

    I can see correlation as too what these people have supported by you in the past, and the venom they are spewing in the case. One can read between the lines in their previous posts to come to this conclusion.

    What say you?

  31. I am posting this again you can delete this again.the race card is being used and over and over I can care less about her race,color, creed or ethnic back round .I was born and raised in Allentown lived on 2nd st. Most of my life. Allentown school district is a ticking time bomb I would not let my dog go to ASD let alone my children. That said the main reason these kids are so ignorant is because they are being raised by kids.Not only are the children to blame but so are the parents,they do not teach their children respect for adults,authority and last but not least themselves. Kids today are nothing more than punks and thugs who need a good old fashion ass whopping which they are not getting at home I know because when I drive by dieruff they walk the streets like they own the place daring you to run them over and so many times I wish I would.In my days I would never disrespect anyone let alone a cop but these days are different.If a kid in high school male or female has the balls to hit me they better have the ball to expect it right back.I have many friends who teach at ASD and the horror story I hear and how they get threatened or even attacked well lets just say I would have been fired for beating a minor this cop was not only justified but she is lucky that all he did was taser her to get her subdued I would have used physical force which would hurt a lot more.

  32. I did delete you before. I had you mixed up with some of the racist commentary that is being posted here. I disagree with you, but you're welcome to express your point of view.

  33. Bernie, "little girl" - really?? She seems to be a very mature young person who probably mouthed off to the officer and resisted arrest. The cop can't win. If he ended up wrestling her to the ground he would have been accused of brutality and been vulnerable to others attacking him and perhaps grabbing his weapon. He was acting alone and could no longer get physical with her. He had to immobilize her. That is what a taser is for. I doubt that Keshana is the "angel" she is now trying to portray herself to be. Her mom seems like a decent woman and yes Keshana is an honor student. But if she was defiant, was under arrest, and resisted arrest than it doesn't matter how sweet she looks. Don't make her the poor little victim until you have all of the facts.

  34. A 14 yo girl is, in my opinion, still a little girl. You doubt she is an angel, but don't really know. The cop was not acting alone. Within moments of tasering her, there were 3 security officers there. Finally, even is she was mouthing off or even violent, the officer had subdued her, and her hands were up in the air, in an act of surrender. The taser was completely unnecessary and was excessive force.

  35. Obviously, Bernie knows nothing about "Use of Force," and obviously has never actually had to regain control of an out of control child (I'm guessing you've never had kids, right?).

    Oh, and just to let you know, I'm a minority, so you can't call me racist. My view would hold true anyway no matter the race, ethnicity, or gender.

    From what little I can see in the video, plus what I've read, it would appear that the Officer made the best decision available to him.

    Follow me on this one; You have a subject, that's smaller than you, but you've not been able to get control over them with empty hands, and they are actively fighting you. You have a size and strength advantage, but you also know that if you try to use that, it'll likely end with bad injuries to the subject (think broken bones, from the subject struggling to get free or continue fighting). Police are also allowed to use one level of force up from what they are presented with, so pepper spray and batons are also acceptable in the force continuum. I'm guessing you'd have a problem with that as well.

    Additionally, the subject's already struck you, so they need to be on the ground for handcuffs to be applied; if you let them stay up, they can (and probably will continue to) fight back. Even with "hands up" they can turn on you in an instant and start fighting again (It looks like she was raising them as the Officer drew and fired the Taser). The safest option for both the Officer and the subject is to use the taser. It stopped the subject from continuing the fight, and did so without lasting injuries.

  36. Anonymous at 6:36 is exactly right (see my post above, re: possible injuries to either party if the struggle had continued). This "child" is going to lose when this case goes to court.

  37. 556 Pa. 409, 728 A.2d 943
    > Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
    > COMMONWEALTH of Pennsylvania, Appellee
    > v.
    > Kelly Jo HOCK, Appellant.
    > Argued Nov. 16, 1998.
    > Decided May 3, 1999.
    > Defendant was charged with disorderly conduct, in connection with her making
    > of single profane remark to police officer as she was walking away. The
    > Court of Common Pleas, Lebanon County, Criminal Division, No. 95-10404,
    > Robert J. Eby, J., dismissed charges. Commonwealth appealed. The Superior
    > Court, 696 A.2d 225, No. 00914 Harrisburg 1995, reversed and remanded.
    > Defendant appealed. The Supreme Court, No. 23 M.D. Appeal Docket 1998,
    > Saylor, J., held that defendant's profane remark was not disorderly conduct.
    > Judgment of Superior Court reversed and remanded.

  38. Who are these idiots that feel as though cursing and pushing someone off of you gives and officer the right to use a taser. I have the taser use manual sitting right here in front of me. One of the major underlying factores in the use of force continum is the gravity of the initial crime.

    Sorry guys but walking in the street, which is already closed!! (if you watch the video you will see the sign in the middle of the road blocking cars) and telling someone to go fly a kite is not a severe crime. Even if she did curse the cop out, and pushed his arm off her, that does NOT give him the right to tase her.

    How did this country ever last 200 years without a taser to control our kids, holy smokes thank god we now have tasers as our country nearly collapsed all those years when cops didn't have em!!

  39. "Bernie you do realize that the 50 or so comments you deleted are mostly from people who post in here regularly."

    I suspect that most of them come from 2 people who are motivated more by hatred for me, and who are trying to bring this blog down with their hate. Their repeated references to my grandson give them away. I have deleted them repeatedly in the past, and will continue to do so.

  40. How did this country ever last 200 years without a taser to control our kids, holy smokes thank god we now have tasers as our country nearly collapsed all those years when cops didn't have em!!

    9:32 AM

    It lasted because parents taught their kids not to do what this girl did.

    Now, they teach her these actions are cool. Ain't no one gonna dis me. . .

    My dad would have kicked the shit out of me if I had acted toward a cop like she did. That taser would have been the least of my worries.

    Now, Snookie good, cop bad.


  41. I said that Clem and Bernie deleted me. He always loved you more!

  42. Clem was able to make his points without sounding like a racist.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.