Local Government TV

Friday, December 02, 2011

NorCo Council One-Liners

They won't be making the Letterman show, and were unable to adopt a budget, but there were some pretty good one-liners at the December 1, 2011 Northampton County Council meeting.

Open Space

Environmentalist Linda Heindel: "We have students who don't know plants come from a seed."

Self-described Farmer's Daughter Peggy Powell: "Go to Walmart, buy a seed, buy a terracotta pot, and have at it."

As Budget Heads to Failure

Ron Angle: "We ought to have a Super Committee."

Ann McHale: "Ten thousand dollars is chump change when you're dealing with millions."

Morgue Put Off Another Year

Peg Ferraro: "I'm never gonna' live to see this morgue."

Tom Dietrich: "Northampton County is a good place to live, work and die."


  1. Ann McHale: "Ten thousand dollars is chump change when you're dealing with millions."

    Morgue Put Off Another Year

    Peg Ferraro: "I'm never gonna' live to see this morgue."

    Talk about Holiday Gifts...you've just given political candidates everywhere two fo the best one liners.Guess McHale will be donating $10,000 to chumps.

  2. Angle comments alone could have filled the front page.

    He said he can't find enough manure he wishes he had more.

    He should look in front of himself everytime he opens his mouth to talk. Huge piles abound.

  3. unfortunately the joke is in the citizens of norco

  4. Northampton county citizens: You mean this monkey cage is our government?

  5. It all gets better January one when Angle is GONE!

  6. The Panto landslide allowed Werner to win but the voters were tired of Angle and his whackiness and making county council the laughing government of the valley. He only has himself to blame.

  7. What's so funny about peace, love and understanding? I'm more sick of the Queen than Ron! She will not be missed at all. The Queen is dead..long live the new Queen or King? Who will be president of Council next year? Peg for Prez!

  8. The Queen quit 6 months ago.

  9. Ron was fired, the queen quit. There Is a difference!


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