Local Government TV

Friday, December 30, 2011

LVR's Most Influential Stories of 2011

I've scoured my blog to find last year's most influential stories, and thought I'd share them. These are the ditties that readers really liked, investigative pieces that newspapers and TV stations cited with awe, or pure literary genius.

1. ....

2. ....

3. ....

I'll get back to you. I'm sure there's one somewhere.


  1. Weird, you are doing the 2011 in review process without finishing out with the usual council article?

    Where is the "who was the 2011 workhorse?"

  2. I've done the work and intended to write it last night, but I crashed. It happens. I'll be posting that over the weekend.

  3. Influential meaning an impact on the valley as a whole, would exclude Ron Angles losng the Council President position and subsequent election loss. On a grander scale but limited to NorCo the Gracedale issue. However, that did transcend into Lehigh County a bit as far as having an infuence on floating the sale of Cedarbrook .

    The one I think mostly infuenced the entire valley was the;


    Another would be the headline
    Charlie Dent votes along party lines on everything against Obama, even tax cuts.

    My vote will be number one the gerrymandering story.

    With the party hack Charlie Dent story second. (voting FOR a tax increase)

    Third would be the extreme weather we have endured. Rainfall totals breaking 113 year old records...etc.

  4. Saving Gracedale. The most successful grassroots movement in the history of the Lehigh Valley. An ordinary group of citizens went up against the governemnt and the media to prevail in savong the County Nursing Home.

    They accomplished the almost impossible against unimaginable odds. They showed that PEOPLE CAN STILL PREVAIL OVER ALL THE FORCES OF GOVERNEMNT, THE PRESS AND MONEY.

    The Saving of Gracedale by a citizen referendum.

  5. Actually, i was referring to my own stories from last year.

  6. Considering most all the people you supported for office lost and most you trashed on won I think influence and this blog is a stretch don't you BO?

    Actually, look at Parsons, Yetter and Barron. They should pay you for all the good you did by trashing them this year!

  7. Well if you meant "your" stories I'll placate you and say the ones of your grandson are the best.

    The best of those was the Snookie story.

    Now plese excuse me I must remove my head from up your "skinny" ass.

  8. People finally wise up and vote Angle and his antics out!!

  9. It's the very public crash of Ron Angle: from the Gracedale debacle to forgery charges to bribery charges to huge civil losses to being thrashed by an unfunded nobody because voters shit meters finally reached full. If he's not the biggest story, he was undoubtedly the year's biggest local loser.

  10. bernie, thank you for the countless meetings you attend and report on. thank you for the immense time and effort you put into this blog. i nominate all the nearly 1000 posts you have produced this year.
    michael molovinsky

  11. I agree with Michael... Thank you, thank you, and thank you for the meeting reports, the County ongoings, and all the extras all year long!

  12. MM & Anon, Thanks very much for your nice words.

    4:42, the Snookie story? Excuse me while I drink Draino.

  13. I have to agree, Thanks Bernie for the work you do. One small suggestion though: Try not to be so far up some guys asses. They have faults, and make mistakes. Sometimes BIG mistakes. Dent, Angle, Brennan, Stoffa, let's see some critiques of them. you can do it. And on the other hand there are others who you never give credit to: McClure, Barron, Charles, Dietrich. And for God's sake make a resolution to NOT write about Trish. Thats really old, last years stuff.


  14. Sorry Bernie, your best story can't be Gracedale because you never wrote anything other than what Angle wanted you to on the subject. You never gave Gracedale or the people that helped keep it in county hands the credit that they actually deserved. Then again niether did the ET. It could have been your best story of the decade had you reported without bias. Better luck in your future.

  15. Stay the biased pig headed ass kissing pig kicker you have always been. This site is one of the funniest things people can read. it is like watching Fox News. No one but idiots take it seriously but the hyperbole and levels of lunacy are down right side splitting.

    The Society for Kilts

  16. Happy New Year!

    You might want to re-title it "Which should have been the most influential stories of 2011."

    Most people can't be influenced. The strident on either side can't be moved, and the mushy middle can't be bothered as long as the trains are on time.

    Anyway, thanks for plenty of interesting stuff this year. Keep up the good work and we will see you in '12.


  17. I can't believe these people who "saved" Gracedale. It was never to be closed, only privitized. That would have meant no tax increase. Let's watch what happens now.

  18. That's privatized. Sorry

  19. That's privatized. Sorry

  20. You should incorporate polls into yoru blog...have people vote on issues....you could present a few stories and have peopel vote on which is the most important... If the Morning call onlin website has polls and they have less readers than you, than you should!

  21. I don't like online polls bc they are too easily manipulated.

  22. True, that goes back to when Bernie did a poll on potential County Executive candidates and instead of his mancrushes, a person he hates won Bernie's own poll.

    It was funny as Hell reading O'Hares backpedaling on that one.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.