Local Government TV

Friday, December 23, 2011

Glenn Eckhart: Where's My Tea Leaves, Damn It?

I love to torment Glenn Eckhart, with whom I rarely agree. But fortunately for me, he's leaving the Board of Commissioners to become Lehigh County's new Controller, so I'll still be able to pick on him, especially if he is as political as his counterpart in Northampton County.

But nobody can deny that Glenn is a genuinely good person who cares about other people and tries to help them. He gets it. When kids were tossed out of a gym in Salisbury because there was no security at basketball games, Glenn dug into his own pocket to pay for it. This is all the more amazing because Glenn is a blue collar guy who looks uncomfortable in a suit and tie.

In his final words as a Commissioner, Glenn remarked that when he left Salisbury Township, "they gave me a bag of leaves because I complained about the leaves all the time. ... Maybe somebody should have brought me some tea leaves because it seemed like I was always on the wrong side of the vote."

Can you provide a caption to the picture above? One that avoids reference to male organs?


  1. not if you're gonna put those kind of restrictions on it...

  2. I'll have the last laugh as controller............

  3. Eckhart will have the last laugh.
    A good paying job with good medical benefits.

  4. "Dean, if you'd shown just this much common sense, your party wouldn't have thrown you out."

  5. Since you can delete our comments, here goes. You were pretty nasty yesterday to someone who asked for your opinion on the shootings in Allentown. Someone cared enough to seek your thoughts. Guess that 400+ video hit went to your head.

  6. Oh look an eyelash! Make a wish!

  7. "And then Wayne Woodman grabbed Scott Ott by the tail and picked him off the ground, just like this."

  8. 7:35, I was nasty? Let me tell you what is nasty. I sometimes spend several hours just on one post. When I do that, and someone wants to change the topic to something completely unrelated, that's nasty. I have an email address. If you want me to cover something else, you can send me an email. If I feel I can add something, I will. If I don't think I can add to what is already out there, I won't. I probably will write about that topic, but not until I am ready. You are more than welcome to send me a post outlining your concerns.

  9. You see, there was this itsy bitsy spider...

  10. Asked how many time Glenn voted yes, Glenn answered.


  11. "As I snap my finger I will be going to Disney World!"

  12. Meet my little friend

  13. THANK GOD for Controller Tom Slonaker's STAFF who are Lehigh County Employees who KNOW and Have Been DOING THE JOB ... The Lehigh County TAXPAYERS NEED to GO OUT and Buy a LAWN MOWER and a SNOW SHOVEL for GLENN and Let Him Shovel the Snow and Cut the Grass in Lehigh County ... YOU KNOW SOMETHING THAT HE IS QUALIFED FOR ... I JUST CAN NOT BELIEVE THE STUPIDITY OF LEHIGH COUNTY VOTERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. We have to keep spending wildly and out of control or surely we will go bankrupt.

    More heart-string tugging will do the trick.

  15. Ah... so that is what a calculator looks like? Hope they don't make the Controller an appointed position.

  16. I wish they made the Controller an appointed position in Northampton county.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.