Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dent Pledges to Continue Advocacy for ALL of Northampton County

Although he's had nothing to do with the latest gerrymandering scheme foisted on us by the state GOP, and there's even some speculation that the latest district maps actually hurt him, Lehigh Valley Congressman Charlie Dent is still catching a lot of heat over the plan that made it through the state House today, 136-61.

Lisa Boscola blasted him from the Pa. Senate floor in a rambling, ten-minute speech that reminded me of a Sam Bennett rant. Republican-turned-Democrat Jackson Eaton, the latest pretender to Dent's seat, called the scheme "Charlie-mandering."

Locally, all Democrats voted against this plan, which does divide the Lehigh Valley. But so did Republicans Joe Emrick, Marcia Hahn and Justin Simmons. Dent has issued this statement:

“I intend to represent the people of Pennsylvania’s reconfigured 15th Congressional District with energy and enthusiasm. While I am saddened to lose portions of Montgomery and Northampton Counties and the many friends I have made in these areas as a result of the redistricting process, I am eager to earn the trust and confidence of new constituents in Berks, Dauphin and Lebanon Counties.

“Despite the reconfiguration of the 15th Congressional District, I will remain a strong advocate for the interests of all Northampton County residents throughout the remainder of the 112th Congress and well into the future. The Lehigh Valley is a dynamic and distinctive area, and I will work closely with my friend and colleague Tim Holden to further strengthen our region’s economy and influence.”


  1. I'm just tired of the talk and rhetoric that always surfaces when it's to late... and nothing gets done!

  2. Not just Charlie either, all of em!

  3. Charlie got portions of Lebanon,
    because he is full of baloney
    What is it 87.9% now?

  4. I'd like to believe Chuck on this one and maybe he is innocent as he states. Corbett was elected legally by the people of this fair state and we get what the majority wants. Emrick is a snake for dissing both the R and D plan. He probably thinks he tip toed thru the tulips on this one. He is now a marked man in the Slate Belt..a friend to no one.

  5. This is exactly what we would expect a Congressman who got his district gerrymandered to say. Oh I'm so sad about getting this new district that's 3 points more Republican! You know he worked side by side with the Harrisburg Republicans picking his own voters.

  6. There has been ample time to mount an attack on Dent over the years and what happened? The candidates brought forward by the D's have been train wrecks ALL! Charlie is one of the safest Rep's in congress..and he needs more R support? I don't think so.

  7. People like Jon are willing to believe the worst without any evidence. I have evidence that leads me to believe Dent has had no complicity. Most of his supporters here in the LV, including the bluebloods in the LVPartnership that secretly fund RenewLV and think they run everything, like the concept of ONE Lehigh Valley. That's why the airport name was changed from ABE to Lehigh Valley International. That's why the regional economic development arm is called the LEHIGH VALLEY EDC. It's completely laughable to think that Charlie would thumb his nose at his biggest financial contributors.

  8. The Worst are the 3 stooges: Joe Emrick, Marcia hahn, and justine Simmons! Voted against both versions. MAJOR COWARDS! I hope someone beats them in the primary.


  9. Emrick is toast. The people of the SB don't forget these things. He has betrayed the public trust and has hissed off his own supporters and his foes. Ron Angle for state representative? The horror..

  10. Run Ron Run

    I'd like to see that ...lol

  11. Angle for state rep in 2012! He would have the balls that emrich lacks.

  12. I emailed Marcia Hahn twice, saying the redistrict plan sucked and to fight it. She never replied.

    She voted for it to get it out of committee for a full vote, but against it on the floor.

    It doesn't add up, other than she knew it would pass, so she could vote no for political cover at home.

  13. so "Danthemann... you are calling those reps cowards for not liking either of those plans?

    I am sure that if they would have voted for the Republican plan you would be just as evil for voting for a plan that "destroys the Lehigh Valley" right? If they would have voted for the Democratic plan they would be a "snake in the grass" right?

  14. You can add Mario Scavelli to the shit-list too. He got what he wanted, and took part of Northampton county also. Monroe county needed one senator, but come on mario, go back to NYC.

  15. anon. 1:17 pm,

    Voting against both plans is gutless and cowardly if one doesn't at least put forth an amendment. The 3 stooges are only concerned about the next election. And they should be.

  16. F off, Charlie. Don't advocate your politics of death, death, death crap for me anymore. Nazareth is glad you're no longer our embarrassment. Now let's replace this Holt dolt. He's more conservative than Charlie. But there's always room for improvement.

  17. Has anyone thought that perhaps some of the State Reps voted for the splitting of the 15th because they don't want to have the court make the decision?

    While the Republican plan split the Lehigh Valley in two the Democrat's plan split the Lehigh Valley into six parts. This is most likely why some State Reps. voted against both plans.

    As far as Geeting's comments are concerned. Do you actually believe for just one second that Congressman Charlie Dent wanted to be shifted to a more Republican area when he was winning this area for all of these years? Sure his area is 3 points more Republican now but you should ask yourself what type of Republicans live there. This new area has one of the largest Tea Party organizations in the Commonwealth. Congressman Dent will have a very difficult road ahead of him to re-introduce himself to this new electorate. Most of whom will NOT like the fact that he isn't conservative.

    My prediction is that Congressman Dent will make it through this cycle just fine. However, in two years from now he will have a formidable Republican to face in the primary election.

  18. "As far as Geeting's comments are concerned. Do you actually believe for just one second that Congressman Charlie Dent wanted to be shifted to a more Republican area when he was winning this area for all of these years? "


  19. Assuming that Dent favored keeping the LV intact it is evident that he has little if any influence with his republican brethren who control the State.

    And yet come election time, vote for me, your powerful voice in Washington! and Harrisburg! well no just Washington! well not really as i am part of the tea party protect the 1 % at the expense of the working class party.


  20. I may run against Dent at some point just to get the word out against him more. He needs to be put to pasture with most all of his crohnies.


  21. Unlike Geeting or even Bill White, I do not hold Dent accountable for this. 8:03 would like to nail him bc he is unable to control an entire state house GOP, and that;s just unrealistic. Bill White pretty much says the same thing.

    The real villains here are us. There were three hearings on redisticting, and next to no public participation. The MC cares so little about these matters that it no longer even has an editorial board, and at least half of Bill's columns are apolitical in nature. When it becomes a fait accompli, we all start shrieking. Where were we before this happened?

  22. bernie
    are you really trying to blame the public now? really? the senate voted on the bill less than 48 hrs after it was released w/o any public input. how could the public comment earlier there was no proposed district. there is no way you can expect us to belieive that this was done against poor charlie dent's will. The republicans controlled the entire process and he was part of it. It is sad that even you would defend the process and him. You have NO credibility. Charlie does not care about what is right for the Valley only himself. Very SAD

  23. Yes. I am blaming the public, the one entity that seems always to escape scrutiny and gets the government it deserves. It's certainly true that the state GOP kept the details of their plan in the dark until the last minute, but it's equally true that there was next to no public interest in this matter until it was a fait accompli. There were three very public hearings with practically no one showing up. Had there been some interest then, there might have been some hesitation. But everyone was busy, watching Dancing with the Stars or whatever opium is being sold on TV. And the media feeds the masses that crap, instead of giving the information they need to know.


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