Local Government TV

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Chain Email Concerning NorCo Exec Race

As a  rule, I don't pass along these "add your name"  lists that appear in emails,
BUT this one is  important. It has been circulating for MONTHS  and has been sent to over 100,000
 people in Northampton County. We don't  want to lose any names on the list so just hit  forward and send it on.     Please  keep it going!

To show your support for the election of Steve Barron to Northampton County Executive, please go  to the end of the list  and add your  name:
1.  Steve Barron 


  1. My God no...please save us !

  2. I signed too.

    Dixie Normous

  3. Smart move he is starting early. Even so, he still has his record.

    What do you think Bernie?

  4. Yeah. Steve can give it up. Sal Panto will be the next executive.

  5. Wonderful, we have a choice between the Easton mob and the Bethlehem mob. both these guys have camp followers that need jobs.

    From the crapper into the bigger crapper. Looks like the Republicans will have a big year.

  6. Do we get to sit under the dress if we sign?

  7. Tigers, lions, and Barron, "oh my"
    It's enough to make a grown man cry.
    Bernie, the e-mail is brilliant. I made a copy to send to all my friends. It's hilarious.

  8. Barron von FootinmouthDecember 7, 2011 at 7:12 PM

    I simply want to know where I stand with my Peeps (a labor-friendly candy).

    Although I may not wear the pants around here, I'd like to believe it's my party now.

    The campaign is going well. In addition to previous posters here, I've also received sign-ups from Wilma Dikfit, Bob Ondis, Gabe Asher, and Abraham Lincoln (at his Gettysburg address, he said).

  9. He is a smarmy little troll isn't he? The guy was lucky to get re-elected and already he is planning a move to "another" office that pays more.

    I'm surprised he hasn't gone to a county council meeting to throw his two cents in on the budget.

    Another career politician in the making. I guess people get the government they deserve.

  10. Please tell me it isn'tr true. You are right the R's will have the seat if he is the only D running. Anon 4:08 your reference to the mob is totally inappropriate and does nothing for your position to be taken seriously. As for Panto he is one of the most upright honest men I know and he gets things done. His record in the city would do us well in the county. Our county needs vision and direction; he has it!

  11. I just hope Sal decides he can run. I know he loves Easton, and there isn't much in it for him. The pay is less, the hours are longer and the territory is bigger. He is not term limited and could probably stay there forever. But the County will really need him in two years, and I hope he will consider it.

  12. Maybe Sal will bring Easton's drive-bys, gang violence, second highest taxes, breathtaking fee structure and crazy, drunken cops to the rest of the county. He'll reduce the whole thing to Easton's lowest common denominator. No thanks. Best to keep the county's crud contained.

  13. I signed, and will hold a steamed dumpling and chow mein fundraiser for honorable tubbyson.

    -Won Hung Lo

  14. Oh Oh, the "Independent Republican businessman who never met Sal Panto but likes him" is back at it. I think you just proved the entire "mobbish" reality.

    If Sal wants to run, he should run. Anyone who wants to run should run. The days of scaring people out of races are over. I am sure there will be a few people running for the spot.

    Hopefully you are at the head of the public trough line if Sal runs and wins.

    You better hurry up and "meet" him to get the job ball rolling.

  15. No one is indispendable or irreplacable. Hero worship is so passe.

  16. Anon 9:32 you are now really showing your ignorance. There has not been a drive-by in Easton Sal's entire term, crime is lower than ever and I should know because I work in the West Ward of the city and believe me it is 1,000% better. You obvioulsy haven't been in Easton in the last 4 years. He increased the police force by 11 without raising taxes. The department stil gets a bad rap from individuals like you but they are very professional and are even an accredited force. There are many less gang tags and grafitti is almost non-existent.

    You don't have to like him, you don't have to vote for him but stop your talk about drive-bys, gangs, crime etc. it is a fabrication.

    Same is with hthis bull about mob and giving out jobs -- he isn't in the mob and no one on his campaign was or is working for the city. I am realy impressed with the large numbner of volunteers he has and none of them are at the public trough.

    Get your "facts" straight.

  17. The professionalism of Easton's police force is shown by the reports I have been posting this week.

  18. ... and when they shoot each other, leave weapons for criminals to use and drive on sidewalks and through store windows. same chief, same department. nice try.

  19. This looks familiar. Oh yeah, it was also the second page of the Save Gracedale petition.

  20. I signed very rapidly.


  21. Anon 6:55AM you live in the past, join us but on one thing we agree for different reasons ---PLEASE Sal do not run we need you in the city for not only the next four but another four. Easton is really moving forward, most independent observers can't believe the major difference in just 4 years.

  22. Sal has done a good job, but really take a hard look at Easton. The city is not exactly breaking new ground on anything, it's just increase taxes and revene from other areas.

  23. We encourage all our members not to sign this dress wearing girly mans petition.

    American Trouser Association

  24. Anon 12:50 why not read the independent audit and or take a look at the report issued by Standard and Poors when they increased the city bond rating from a BBB to an A- I would like to know what you mean by "it's just increase taxes and revene from other areas."

  25. We take exception to these attacks on our brother Barron. we heartily encourage all our members to support bother Barron.

    Pennsylvania Obese Society

  26. If Steve Barron runs he will beat anyone including Sal Panto. No one knows county finances better than Steve.

    He is the face of the new Democrats.

  27. WOW Anon 10:43 is smoking something. Barron knows county finances? then why hasn't he weighed in on the budget? Why hasn't he shown the county council where they can fund Gracedale since he fought so hard to keep it? Let's assume you are righrt and he knows county finances. the problem is that the exec has to knwo how to administrate and use the availabel finances efficiently and effectively. Where is his experience? I am not about Panto I just know that it can't be Barron.

  28. Barron weighed in tonight. I'll have more about that soon.

  29. Barron weighed in tonight. I'll have more about that soon.

  30. Bernie, did Barron actually influence the outcome of the vote?

  31. Although Cusick claims he did influence his vote, I am pretty sure that this Council would never vote for a tax hike.

  32. County Council update --- Barron, the genius that knows county finances according to Anon 10:43 admitted that he overestimated the fund blanace at $60 million when it is actually $20 million. HMMM.

    Then he stood before council and again showed his knowlege of county finances by agreeing that they could vote for a budget that had expenditures in excess of revenue..........hello Steve and Anon 10:43 that spells disaster and the rating agencies and auditors are going to have a ball with that as well as the Commonwealth of PA whose laws require a balanced budget.

    Yep, Barron knows finances --- voodoo finances that continues to push costs into the future for his own political gain.

  33. "If Steve Barron runs he will beat anyone including Sal Panto. No one knows county finances better than Steve."

    You are fucking crazy. Steve barely got re-elected controller. He is the face of nothing more that a union thug who will be unable to raise any money should a candidate like Panto run. Steve wouldn't stand a chance in any democratic primary agaist any other dem. It doesn't take a genius to see that.

  34. Panto= old face
    Barron= new face

    nuff said!

  35. I signed it,

    Lacy Bottom

  36. I signed it twice!

    Maximus Pantelonus

  37. Anon 8:21 -- old as in mature, wise and intelligent. Not in it for any egotistical gain. Brings strong private and public sector experience by serving in top public sector position and three senior management positions in the private sector (all very successful by the way).

    Again, you don't have to vote for Panto, you don't even have to like him but c'mon you have to admit he is a heck of a lot more qualified than Barron.

  38. Right, a public trough teacher. A fialed mayor, a gimme job from a developer. Sorry, just not in the same league as Steve.

    You can puff him up all you want but you won't be getting that county job.

  39. Sal certainly is not in the same league as Barron, I'll agree with that.

    Barron is a law school grad who was unable to pass the bar and was forced to work in the group home industry. He has no training as an accountant and his statements to Council on Thursday night might force the County into a deficit, forcing the sale of Gracedale, the very thing Barron pledged he wanted to keep.

    Panto is a retired teacher whose students remember and love him. He still spends time with our youth at St. Anthony's and even in some classes. Panto worked for two high-powered developers, and learned from both of them. That's what gave him some great executive skills. He has the courage of convictions, and was willing to take me on about an aspect of the 2001 bond in a room full of people who felt like me. He's done a terrific job in Easton as Mayor. The city is safer and cleaner, and is the only city in the LV that actually is in the black.

    You're absolutely right. They are in completely different leagues.

  40. Bullshit. A trained attorney, elected county wide to the top fiscal post. Steve has saved the taxpayers from a tax increase by exposing John Stoffa's surplus.

    The Panto crowd don't want to admit a few photos of a dark and deserted downtown Easton with sll the homeless dudes hanging around is no calling card. Also the higher fees and taxes are not waht the county wants. That city crap may play in Easton but not the rest of the county. No big city machine and patronage jobs for the county voters.

  41. If barron is a "trained attorney," why did he fail the bar? Why didn't he take the exam again? Why did he never work for a law firm? He is neither an attorney nor an accountant. He s a political opportunist.

  42. You fear the power and knowledge of Steve Barron. With Angle gone, Stoffa will have to deal with Mr. Barron's investigations.

    His record of public service is respected throughout the county.

  43. If the Republicans had run a credible funded candidate, Barron would be history.

    He is a chubby clown.

  44. If the Republicans had run a credible funded candidate, Barron would be history.

    He is a chubby clown.

  45. Wow, will you please tell us what patronage jobs you are speaking of in Easton? You are speaking without knowing or you are speaking knowing you are lying. Panto has not hired any patronage jobs in the city. Everyone of his staff is professional, degree in their field and competent. None of the directors even knew him before they were hired. So please tell me who you are talking about.

    Also, when was the last time you were in downtown, obviously not in the last 5 years. All restaurants are full, State theatre sells out 80% of the shows. ?????? i love downtown Easton at night.

  46. You love downtown Easton at night! You must enjoy the hookers, drug dealers and panhandlers. They love downtown Easton at night. Of course there is the gunfire.

    Oh yeah a real paradise. No wonder cops are out in force just to make sure people leaving the Sate Theater can walk to the parking garage without getting mugged.

    Big city taxes and big city decay and crime. Not what the people of Northampton County want. Steve Barron's city has a lot more going for it than pimps and pushers.

  47. Well think what you want about our city I really don't give two pennies abhout your mis-aligned thoughts. However, you still haven't named the patronage jobs..........and yes I as well as thousands of other people enjoy downtown Easton at night.

  48. You and the other johns can have Easton at night. The mayor has raised fees and taxes. The jobs will be doled out at the county level. There are plenty of appointed and non-appointed political jobs that the likes of Fleck are waiting for.

    No one wants the big city mob mentality in the county courthouse.

    What we need is a financial expert who has proven his ability to lead and has saved county taxpayers from unnecessary taxes.

  49. Oh so you now admit that there are no patronage jobs that Panto doled out in the city. Gee, one can assume that the rest is bogus as well. For example -- NO real estate tax increase in four years NO sewer fee increase in four years; NO other fee increases in four years but for a $1.00 per month increase in garbage back in 2009. No other fee increases and ZERO increases in the last four years.

    Why hasn't the controller offered his suggested budget in the county? Why hasn't he offered where cuts can be made?

    Please stop. The city's independent audits are available to you, the city's increased bond rating report is available to you and so are the no increase budgets. You don't want the facts. The good news is that the people of Easton are smart and 80% voted for him to be re-elected. The voters of the county are equally smart and will vote for him but I really don't want him to run, we need him in the city!

    Oh, one last thought,,,,,,,,Fleck is not on the Panto TEAM. They are friends and they work together on City Council but Fleck is in with Pawlowski, not Panto.

  50. The city is a dump "Independent Republican Businessman who never met Panto". Fleck will be at the trough in a heartbeat. Everyone knows he is part of the Panto gang.

    For someone who wants Panto to stay in the city you rush to keep promoting a county run. No problem. There will be at least two other Democrats running whether Panto runs or not. They will be sure to have pictures of the Hotel Hampton and downtown Easton at night to share with the voters. As well as information on the money being taken from taxpayers.

    Now you better go back to drawing up the organizational chart on where your job would be.

  51. It is funny how this clown thinks that just because Sal Panto "may" run for County Executive everyone else will run and hide. Who the Hell cares what he does. There are people who plan to run regardless of what anyone else does. if he does run he can explain to the people of the city why he ran for mayor just to jump ship in two years. Outside of Easton no one gives a crap.

    Bob Freeman though his super Easton lovefest would get him a countywide win and he lost.

    Panto knows nothing of county government and is just another Glenn Reibman looking to end a teacher career with another public pension.

    Enough is enough.


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