Local Government TV

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Mike Krill Destroyed Dowd's Election Chances

Dowd would like to get his hands on Krill
Ed Koren is a Lehigh County Republican's best friend.

His challenge to DA Jim Martin probably increased GOP turnout in Lehigh County, which certainly helped lead to a Republican sweep in the Commissioners' race.

In Northampton County, the spoiler was Mike Krill. His challenge to Mayor Sal Panto energized a campaign machine, run by young Easton Democrats. They are so effective they're downright scary.

In my post below, I suggest that GOP turnout is historically low in Northampton County in municipal races. But Mike Dowd would have probably survived Bob Werner's challenge if there had been no challenge to Sal.

As it turns out, he was clobbered in Easton. Werner pulled in 1939 votes to Dowd's 930.

In the rest of his District, Dowd was the clear winner. He grabbed 3478 votes to Werner's 2596.

So Gracedale really played no role in Dowd's loss. Werner rode into office on Panto's back.

Mike Krill destroyed Dowd's chances.


  1. Keep dreaming Bernie, keep dreaming. Whatever it takes to let you sleep at night, whatever it takes.

  2. any excuse to explain why your horse lost. you continue to make a fool of yourself and your credibility is at an all time low - even for you

  3. If anyone besides his College Hill and Forks Twsp buddies knew who the heck he was, he might have had a chance. You haven't distinguished yourself when 80% of your constituents don't know who you are.

  4. Blaming Dowd's loss on Krill requires suspending disbelief that Gracedale had anything to do with Dowd's fate. That a no-chance challenger in a Democrat sheep pen took down an incumbent county council member is ridiculous. Ds are usually election day deadbeats. Most still are. It doesn't take rousing many of them to gain a large advantage.

  5. On the flip side, you could also factor in that the Republicans had no candidates running for races in Palmer, Forks, and Williams Township races for township supervisor. These were areas where Dowd would have benefited from turnout.

  6. A no-chance Democratic challenger who worked for the votes he recieved. Dowd sat back on his heels expecting his friends to walk him back in for another term. You can't do that here. Not anymore.

  7. I will agree Bernie. Krill running killed Dowd. The Panto camp led by Randy Galiotto, a young south side dem were obviously out to destroy Krill and prove a point. Then you add to that the work ethic and intelligence of the Matt Munsey's, Anne Lauritson, Larry Lautitson, April Niver, Allison Fleck and the rest of the volunteers. You have want has amounted to too much for any republican to handle. Bernie - if you haven't met any of the above mentioned democrats you really need to. They are all very impressive. Panto has a good team and a good leader at the top. None of that bullshit political hack shit you see in Bethlehem and Allentown. Dowd was a victim of a good candidate in Panto led by a great team.

  8. Easton Area Democratic Committee should run the county party. They are so Scary that they conviced Tony Bassil to switch parties in fear of losing. They are a well oiled machine.

  9. anon 12:30, that is exactly what the Callahan Clan say about their candidate and team.

    No good comes of hero worship. Just more political camps out to ensure public trough feeding.

    Prefer strong principled independent candidates without so many camp followers and mouths to feed.

  10. Everyone expected Dowd's race to be close..The Gracedale issue didnt help him but you are absolutely correct in saying that Panto having an opponent forced the Easton committee to put it in gear..However, Dowd was definitely outworked...Also, having races in Bethlehem for Council helped Kraft..I'm certain, without even looking, that more Dems came out in Bethlehem then did in 2009...Kraft needed Bethlehem Dems because Hanover dems voted R as usual and many hellertown Dems voted shockingly for Vaughn. Vaugh won all three wards down there..I understand he walked themm and that helped obviously..Therefore Ken needed bethlehem to put him over the top...I guess the Dems should actually thank the three republican Challengers for city council for stirring up interest..It made a difference, For Kraft..

  11. Everyone expected Dowd's race to be close..The Gracedale issue didnt help him but you are absolutely correct in saying that Panto having an opponent forced the Easton committee to put it in gear..However, Dowd was definitely outworked...Also, having races in Bethlehem for Council helped Kraft..I'm certain, without even looking, that more Dems came out in Bethlehem then did in 2009...Kraft needed Bethlehem Dems because Hanover dems voted R as usual and many hellertown Dems voted shockingly for Vaughn. Vaugh won all three wards down there..I understand he walked themm and that helped obviously..Therefore Ken needed bethlehem to put him over the top...I guess the Dems should actually thank the three republican Challengers for city council for stirring up interest..It made a difference, For Kraft..

  12. Krill's candidacy destroyed more than Dowd's chances. Once he announced no Republican decided to run for City Council. They too knew that with an opponent Sal would pull out all stops to win, especially against Krill a local fire fighter who has given every mayor a hard time since Mitman 1. He is a good guy with some good ideas but if you disagree with him once forget it or if you offer some constructive criticism forget it. He acts more like a child.

    Sal's team is very effective but I too need to look at the numbers on College Hill. Those numbers will tell the story as to how many R's voted for Mike. However, in the West Ward and South Side, no doubt Sal and Frank worked hard to get their votes to the polls on Tuesday. Had they not worked hard they would have still won big but their voter turnout benefitted Werner. Dowd needs to blame the people in the burbs, they didn't show up in the numbers he needed.

    Is is true that they are trying to convince Sal for county exec. I'd vote for him in a heartbeat. He is the most open, approachable official who is also extremely competent and an effective leader.

  13. With those numbers I think it is safe to say that Sal will run for executive.

  14. Yeah, the big D machine in Easton is a force to be reckoned with.
    I was glad to see Krill run just because nobody should run unopposed.
    But, Sal & machine were briliant, spending huge amounts to get out the big D vote. It worked great. In such an off year, they got out the vote...big time.
    And of course, all the other R's suffered....county and school board.

  15. It is refreshing to see the Easton Democratic Committee rallying and organizing like the yesteryears...Bob Werner is a competent, intelligent individual that will listen and be in touch with his constituents. Bob doesn't join organizations just to put it on his resume...he is a true worker and advocate for the cause. Dowd has been coasting for way TOOOOO LONG..He always gives that whole list of what he belongs to but ask members how much he actually contributed and the answer is negative!!!!Dowd has been sitting on his heels for too long. Glad he is out!!! Amen

  16. Dowd created his own demise he didn't need Krill to put the nails in the coffin!!!! The Dem's are back and that is all that matters.

  17. Fleck is hooked up with Panto, that says it all.

  18. Whooaa! Fleck is not hooked up with Panto so get your facts. Fleck ran Spencer's race in Reading (victorious) and was hardly even in Easton. Plus he is stil helping Pawlowski in Allentown. He didn't have anything to do with Panto.

  19. Then why is one of Panto's flaks praising all the hard work Fleck did for the Panto get out the vote push. It was on this blog.

    Don't try to deflect. People in Easton know Fleck was involved in the race.

  20. alison, not mike. she's mike's wife.

  21. Yeah. Panto is a campaign machine. I wouldn't want to be an R on the ballot with him. Krill running, to me, was just a waste of time and payback for Panto not giving into the Easton IAF union thugs. It's a shame. Lot's of wasted time and money and now the county loses dowd. Not sure why Cusick is blaming Panto for the Angle lose.

  22. There is a big difference between Allison Fleck and Mike Fleck. Allison is a great person who is married to a crazy man who loves to run campaigns into the ground. Spencer may have won but I would bet he is in major debt. I don't know who runs Panto's campaign but I doubt it's Mike Fleck.

  23. There is a big difference between Allison Fleck and Mike Fleck. Allison is a great person who is married to a crazy man who loves to run campaigns into the ground. Spencer may have won but I would bet he is in major debt. I don't know who runs Panto's campaign but I doubt it's Mike Fleck.

  24. Again for Bernie.
    The only reason he lost was that the Gracedale issue. It was only a few votes. I know its tough to give credit where credit is due. The Goons. Barbs next.

  25. You can give yourself credit, but it makes no sense. It was the Panto effect. If Gracedale was the reason, Dowd would have lost in the 'burbs, too.

  26. You do realize if you would have left them "the goons" alone, even up to the late point of not challenging their petition. ALL of the GOP council would have been elected?
    YOU provoked them into becoming a political organization.

  27. I'm not with them, I vote GOP I had to endure their presence at the polls. They told me they are targeting Barb next.

  28. The Gracedale Gooons are bullies who claim to speak for people who would be disgusted if they knew what they were really like. Stoffa refused to be bullied, and I don't respond well to people like you, either. Eventually, as more and more of your antics become known, the people will be repulsed by you.

  29. As a membe of the Panto campaign I can attestto the fact that there wasn't a Fleck involved in the Panto campaign. There was however, Alison Fleck who was part of the Dem Party committee that worked very hard to get the vote out. She is a great person who worked well with our team. I don't know her husband well enough to say anything for or against. But I would suggest that Anon 10:45and 3:26 get their facts straight. I wonder if they even voted.

  30. Who the hell is Barb?

  31. Not sure why people think it was gracedale. They won their battle in the primary. Panto being on the ballot pushing votes could have crushed Dowd. Bernie - I see your numbers but what else are you going off of.

  32. Barb is a reference to Barbara Thierry, a sitting Norco Councilperson.

  33. 12:22, I am going by the numbers. Dowd lost bc of Panto. He won everywhere except where Panto was running. Panto had a well organized team. One Saturday, and this was six weeks before the election, Easton Democrats were assembling to go door to door. A pol from another area was in town and was amazed to see 25 of them at 10 AM, hitting the streets. It was an impressive effort.

  34. To say this was a gracedale issue is wrong. You have - Bernie may disagree - one of the hardest working and most popular politicians being challenged on the democratic ticket. Dowd never stood a chance.

  35. I agree completely. Sal is one of the best out there.

  36. Rumor is that McClure wants to run and Barron wants to run. I'm guessing they will.

  37. If I'm Sal Panto - I wouldn't care who runs.

  38. Why would Panto run for County Executive. He is an Easton guy, he loves Easton. Mayor is a great job. People love mayors, they do fun things. He can be in that job as long as he wants and Lord knows Easton needs a lot of help that will last more than the next two years.

    A county executive is not a sexy job. It is dealing with issues that are all service related.

    Other than an ego rush, I don't see Sal leaving a job he loves, in his city to take a low profile county job for the same pay.

    Besides after Stoffa is through with his disastrous time, the voters will elect a Republican County Executive. A Dem won't get close to that seat until 2017.

  39. PS: I am not a Barron or McClure supporter, they would both get clobbered in a general election against just about any Republican.

    In fact Barron needs to get a good, scandal free four years under his belt before he evcen thinks of moving on.

  40. I agree being County Exec is a tough and non-sexy job, but maybe that is why Panto will want it.

  41. The learning curve is very long and then you have the problem of the camp followers all getting jobs and coming up with policy related to re-election as opposed to what is best for the county.

    We have been down that road, never agian.

  42. The learning curve isn't long at all and Panto's supporters and committee workers are all gainfully employed in better jobs than can be offered in the county so your logic doesn't hold water.

    Now for the learning curve. We need a leader and Panto is a leader. He brings people from all viewpoints together. That's what the County Exec needs to do, but instead they alienate and throw up barriers to collaboration.

    We also need a leader than can bring this county into the 21st century. We need someone that knows how to use the efficiencies of regionalization and not be a stick in the mud. And we need an outsider like Panto who has the skillset and can use those skills to get the county moving in the right direction. For example, where is the master plan for physical facilities. The county keeps buying up small buildings that are more costly and further divide the services and keeps the public from knowing where to go for service. Another, where is the efficiency for the courts. I've heard Panto say that he wonders why the county keeps building nre Taj Mahal's when others are having night court.

    There are many reasons why I would vote for Panto and the one thing that doesn't bother me is the learning curve.

  43. Keep on dreaming. The courts will have night court when the courts want to have night court. The learning curve has already hit you in the face.

    Another dreamer who thinks they can tell the courts what to do.

    An old oiled up pol will lead people into the 21st century. Haha, good luck with that.

    With fanatical camp followers there are always jobs to be filled.

  44. You continue to write nonsense. Panto has had these supporters who are dedicated not fanatical for the last five years.......who is employed? You are acting like his opponent, speaking as if you know. As for the courts, the judges have run this county for far too long. We don't need more courtrooms every time we get another judge.

  45. I voteed for Sal as Mayor of Easton now he wants to leave mid term. What the Hell.

    Is he pulling a Donny Cunningham.

  46. I have not read anywhere that says Sal said he was running. It seems to me that a lot of people want him to run but I certainly didn't hear it from him. If he did run, it would be great for the county,

    Sal has as much if not more support in the region. Sometimes I think he is more respected in the region than in the city because the region just looks at the positives they see in the city. They are coming to the city for business and shopping. That hasn't happened in years.

    But to criticize him before any announcement is rediculous and if he did announce where is the problem? He would be leaving after serving 6 years where he took a city that was near bankruptcy with huge deficits to a city that has seen more public improvement projects, less crime, better housing, better neighborhoods and lower crime. I don't live in the city but I am one who has returned. Iwould not only voe for him as a county exec I would, as a Republican, work for him.

    However, given his teaching career and his management skills I would much rather see him in the school district where we really need help!

  47. "They are coming to the city for business and shopping"

    "Crime is down"

    Wow, what are you smoking. You love the guy, we get it. But you have to put down the bong.

    One photograph of downtown Easton and the West Ward is all a campaign would need to do.

  48. Hey anon 11:06, the last "Democrat" enthusiastically endorsed by Republicans to run was John Stoffa. We don't want to go down that road again either.

    Stoffa has shown himself to be a very good stooge for Republican Party leaders. So much so they yanked their candidate who wanted to run against him.

    Yeah as a Republican I am sure you would love to pick the candidate. It will be taken under advisement.

  49. 100,000 visitors to the farmers market, 120,000 to the state theatre, new businesses in the West Ward, Porter's Pub on what used to be one of the worst intersection in the west ward, restaurants all over the city doing well......AND YES CRIME IS DOWN so are gangs and grafitti. You need to look around not me. one new restaurant opening on the south side, 2 more downtown and another two just opened in the west ward. FACTS you don't want to hear so stay in your little negative world. We don't need your kind in our city. We are on our way and you can't stand it. You my friend are living in the past.

  50. Bullies, really bernie, you and ron are the two biggest bullies in town. The union thugs and gracedale goons are just out for justice... get with the program. They won and you must move on. Get over this issue.. Don't you have anything else to talk about? As far as Barb- she will be next to go! oh yea there's Bruce and Tom and Cusick.. we will be on the move! they will be out next term!!! mark my word!!!

  51. Sal Panto will be the next county executive. Tell me who would be better. I don't even think Bernie could do that. Panto for executive......I Hope.

  52. 11:24, Yeah, you don't sound like a thug or bully as you pick out your next victims.

  53. Ha ha ha. "oh yea there's Bruce and Tom and Cusick"

    You might be doing him a favor. Those three are frequently targets of Bernie. Are you new here or just a very slow learner?

  54. Ah... wait till monday, bo doesn't need your help. Soon he'll be attacking everyone on council for angle's loss.

    Oh except bobble head, she stuck by angle when angle/bo attacked bruce. That type of obedience will give her a pass. That will do Pig.

  55. Wow, anon 11:40 is having a Pantorgasim, calm down.

    We get it Sal is irreplacable, just like Ron Angle.

  56. I would take Callahan over panto any day of the week. Callahan is not owned by Chrin.

  57. I am just glad that worthless jellyfish and pompous ass Dowd is out.

  58. Panto worked for Chrin and yes Chrin supports him but he isn't owned by him. What has Chrin done in the city? He is only involved in Palmer and Williams Townships. He doesn't even get he city's trash.

    You all don't have to love Sal, I get that. But sticks and if you do you will realize he would be a great County Exec. I just hope he stays as Mayor. And I have heard him tell people to leave the topic, he isn't talking. He has a city to manage and thelection is two years away.

  59. previous should read "stick to the facts"

  60. Sal would be follish not to run.

  61. Or he would be follish too run. Everything comes out in a county race.


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