Local Government TV

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fake Rev Does Some Gloating

Although he denied he was at Council "to gloat or feel good about anyone leaving," the Fake Rev (he always calls himself Reverend Mario Martinez) made it a point to congratulate the winners twice during his usual speech. In addition to being a Fake Rev who speaks to Buddy Christ, he's also the voice of the people, and flexed his muscles.

"We, the People, are the ones that you signed on to serve. And if you serve us, genuinely, from your heart, there will never be an issue. The people will stand behind you. But if you fail us, then we will hold you accountable, and when the time comes, by the power of our vote, we will show you how dissatisfied we are."

Then he blessed them.

(In the picture above, the fake Rev celebrates with union boss Justus James, after casting out demon Ron Angle)

Updated 11:30 AM: We, the People, Speak! - On their "anonymous" blog, the God-fearing,self-proclaimed "Gracedale Guardians" (Jack and Peggy D'Alessandro, Mario Martinez, Mary Ann Schmoyer, John Mammana) have responded to my post with this civil comment. "Word on the street is Angles lap dog should have the opening below his nose sewn shut." The Wicked Witch of West Easton, aka Tricia Mezzacappa, is a little more graphic. "I hope he chokes on a Tic Tac and drops dead."

Nice people.

I'm sure God is on their side. But not any God I know.


  1. Apparently the voters preferred the message of Love this "fake" Reverend was preaching over the condescending hate the elected "fake " reverend Dowd, with papers, was spewing.

    May God bless all of you. May God even forgive the demon Angle. Of course without repentance there is no forgiveness. One thing we can be sure of there isn't a repented bone in Angle's body.

  2. Impossible to tell them apart from the wall street bilge. Was there any shit on the floor around them? Did they have that flea party stench?

  3. Gloat? Seriously, that's as distorted a description of his comments as your inaccurate view of a group of citizens engaged in participatory democracy. Their only fault - you don't agree with them.

  4. What I want to know is -

    How does a mom know her newborn is going to grow up to look like a guy who should be named "Justus"? Kind of outlaw, Orange County Chopper guy. Like something right out of central casting.

    If we are going to go down, might as well enjoy the colorful cast of characters in the show...

  5. The "fake' reverend (lower case) is a shame. Had the Gracedale referendum stated, "Are you willing to pay increased taxes to support a county run nursing home" I'm sure it would have gone down quicker than the Titanic.

  6. About five grey cells between the two of them....even without the alcohol.

  7. First, ALL "reverends" are fake. Religion is fake.

    Second, this post should have been titled "I'm a Sore Loser."

  8. Is that a ferret crawling across his upper lip? WTF?

  9. "Apparently the voters preferred the message of Love"

    Are you out of your mind? In this guy's warped world, Jesus would send tornadoes to kill children because of something Obama said. That's love?

    I have seen and read enough of this guy to know that he is a sick hater who now thinks that, in addition to speaking for God, he speaks for the people.

  10. "Gloat? Seriously,"

    Absolutely. What is the point of congratulating victors who are not even on Council, except to rub it in the faces of those who lost?

  11. So you are the authority on telling who really speaks for your fake god and who doesn't? What a joke.

  12. A person who drips with hate like Martinez speaks for no God I know.

  13. God hates phony, beer swilling reverends with ridiculous facial hair. It's why he's yet to grant this ilk any brain cells. They must repent first. Then, and only then, they get a brain.

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. Look like two "bears" at a gay bar.

  16. 12:36
    Racist too
    how fitting, this column comes full circle.
    Why not the "non" racist picture of "Pancho" Bernie, or for really tickling the funny bones of your fans, the Frito Bandito. I know racism really bugs you, except, just not now.

  17. Someone who suggests his moustache looks like a ferret is not being a racist, but funny. I agree the comment suggesting Martinez might be here illegally is an ethnic slur. I do not approve of that comment and will delete bc this is not a hate blog like the one maintained by the Gracedale Goons.

    As for the "Pancho Villa" remark, that's something I made months ago, with a pic. With that moustache, Martinez does look like Pancho Villa. That was intended as humor, not an ethnic slur. If you're offended by that, too bad.

  18. Father Guido Sarducci?


  19. This isn't a hate blog SERIOUSLY!

  20. "I have seen and read enough of this guy to know that he is a sick hater who now thinks that, in addition to speaking for God, he speaks for the people."

    Wow, sounds like you are talking about Angle and Dowd.

  21. Get a sense of humor. Racism and hate are the modus operandi of those who take vicious shots at the blog's author because they disagree with his political views.

  22. I can't quite get a handle on this guy but I believe his motives are suspicious.

  23. "Wow, sounds like you are talking about Angle and Dowd."

    Umm, Angle and Dowd were both elected to three terms on Council. They did speak for the people bc they were elected representatives. What office does the Fake Rev hold, other than the one he yanked out of a crackerjack box?

  24. District two voters told the "real" Rev. to take his "papers" and get the hell out.

  25. The real Rev is a good man being ridiculed by what is known as a false prophet. Dowd held office for 12 years, is Pastor at an Easton church, is involved in the Chamber and all kinds of volunteer organizations for children. We'll miss him much more than he will miss us.

    But it's no surprise you'd gloat at his defeat. That's the point of this post. Very Christian of you, Fake Rev.

  26. And then there were 5.
    Who knows......
    The Shadow Knows

  27. Bernie Jesus loves you - turn from your currupt ways - Jesus will forgive you. Note that those who refuse him will experience the wrath to come. GBU

  28. Hy Fake Rev, go tend your flock. I see what you post on that hate blog. You are a false prophet, and one who drives a Beemer.

  29. A Beemer is a motorcycle
    The car is called a Bimmer
    Is the fake rev a biker dude?
    Biker dudes for Jesus

  30. I am not weighing in on the story itself, but it would be quite the snob to know the distinction... I just know that while attending Lehigh in the 90s (because I worked there at the time) "beemer" referred to the rich kids' cars around campus. Never once heard reference to "bimmers"....someone is a snob, or good at Google.

  31. I can't help it that I'm beautiful.
    I must be a snob.
    Sorry I learned that loooooong before Google
    Owned my first "new" in 1979

  32. far off from the real Rev -- Mike Dowd?

  33. Amen, I say to you, brothers and sisters, Martinez is a phony asshole. My Dad is sending him straight to hell. Dad bless you,


  34. Dowd allowed hate to be freely dispensed when he was president of cc. He also was one of council biggest bullshitters.

    He could have a wall of certificates and a crystal cathedral. He is still a phony.

    You are known by your works, not your words.

    Dowd should get right with God before he preaches to others.

  35. Re: beemer v. bimmer.

    The original correction is correct. A bimmer or bim is a BMW automobile. This is not nomenclature snobbery. It's widely known to loyal owners and can be confirmed by perusing the pages of Roundel, a publication of the BMW car club.

    Beemer describes BMW motorcycles and, at one time, helicopters. The BMW roundel emblem symbolizes helicopter blades.

    BMW drivers who don't know this difference are more boorishly status conscious than the brand's driving enthusiasts; thus, inviting the critical question:

    What is the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? A porcupine has pricks on its outside.

  36. I've been vindicated!!!
    I am not a snob!!!

  37. So the Phony Rev and his thugish union pals are still up to no good. Are we really surprised by their cloddish ways. What they preceive as an enormous victory will be short lived.

  38. Hey Chris your pal Barb is going next.

  39. Hey Chris Miller, did you get your union Pension Check this month.

  40. The above two comments demonstrate that Chris Miller's criticism is accurate.

  41. All it proves is that Dowd is a fake man of God. Chris is a public pension receiving hypocrite. But do carry on. You teabaggers are amusing in a Deliverance sort of way.

  42. As indicated, your childish comments validate Chris Miller's comment. Thank you.

  43. Not really just pointing out he gets a nice fat juicy union pension Tic Tac.

  44. As indicated, your comments are childish and only demean you, not me. Thank you for once again proving Chris' point.

  45. tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac tic tac

  46. Not a union member or a COAF member I posted the Barbs next comment.
    You Ohare have engaged me in local politics. I told you Angle was toast... TADA. I am telling you Barb will follow. It is on you and only you. Wanna Bet?

  47. You are the "kiss of death" in local politics. I'm loving my new hobby.

  48. Anonymous cowards like you, who post at 1:48 and 1:49 AM, aren't worth the bother.

  49. Is Chris enjoying his public pension. He seems to be enjoying creating a 1950's style blacklist on Nazareth School plays. The teabaggers are really off the charts. What a bunch of flat earthers. They are like time travellers looking for the 13th century.

  50. Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise DiggsNovember 21, 2011 at 1:17 PM

    and yet you bothered

    Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmannuel Ambroise Diggs

  51. aka

    the man "behind" the curtain

  52. I loved how Joe Owens had to jump in and defend his teabagger buddy Chris Miller by giving the Nazareth teacher a "turkey". what an ass. Owens and the Express should give themselves turkeys for all the bullshit they try to shove using their newspaper.

    They scream don't tax, yet support every stupid project the government comes up with.

  53. Owens and his paper have the reputation they richly deserve. The mantra is if the Express endorses a candidate, run the other way.

  54. Anonymous 4:03AM
    You are truly amazing. I voiced my complaint about the fact that the language of the play in one of the songs was inappropriate for that age group. It was actually throughout the play. Had you taken the time to read it you would know what I mean, maybe. They tried to pass it all off as a boy and girl having their first "French Kiss" at age 13 but it was much worse then that. Are you telling me that you and your ilk are in favor of foul language being used by 13 year old children? I can tell you that had this occurred when I was teaching the teacher would have been out the door never to teach anything again and they wouldn't have cared if you were DeMille. You on the other hand continue to use the term teabagger that causes me to give pause as to your preferences. More importantly what will you do when the union disappears when PA becomes a Right To Work State and the prevailing wage goes with it. Both are being given consideration in this Commonwealth. When you only represent 6% of the work force it is probably time to fold the tent on the folly of unionism. You are costing the tax payer way to much money with or with out your pension.

  55. You are costing the taxpayer millions with your public pension. Whats good for the goose is not good for the teabagger.

  56. HEY TEA BAGGER chris miller as long as you get yours right. then go to county councel and tell them i dont deserve my pension. teabagger

  57. once again, chris, you do take your pension from the school district, correct? You reap from the benefits of a union, correct? How can you take that selfish pension.. oh yea you get health care too!! you are nothing but a hypocrit! get a life!

  58. He did have a life, with a good job, great benefits, pension and everything. The American Dream. He just doesn't beleive anyone else should have it. Because he "deserved" it.

    This is the illogical claptrap most of these teabaggers bring to the table. Of course he will reply with some perfunctory non-sequitur comments about Jefferson and the Constitution.

    What a nut.


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