Local Government TV

Friday, November 04, 2011

ET: Vote For Sal in Easton

He has reinvigorated Easton, making it cleaner and safer, just as he promised. And the icing on the cake is that Easton is the only Lehigh Valley city with a cash surplus. It's no surprise that he's been endorsed by The Express Times. The only question now is whether he's willing to work his magic in Northampton County as its next Executive.


  1. City government and county government, two very different animals

  2. too bad he can't run for mayor in financially wrecked bethlum. he's twice the man than any of the so called leadersof the jc gang of bozos

  3. Anon 3:16 Sal can run circles around Stoffa!

  4. Second highest taxes in the county. Fees, fees, fees. Cops still leaving weapons unsecured, driving drunk, getting arrested. Sal is mayor of four square blocks of his city. He's like Karzai in Afghanistan, whom our Marines say is president of Kabul, because he has no control of anything else. I guess he's the best Easton can do.

  5. I would normally argue a Panto type for executive, if that were to come to pass.

    However, it appears the majority of Northampton County need to be taken care of, DEMAND to be taken care of. They want more services, more regulations, more direction of their daily lives. They abdicate to the nanny-state every function they can. Motives vary from needing someone to blame when things go wrong to laziness to sheer incompetence at life in general.

    For this county, the story is written. A solid majority just wants their government distributed morsels, wants someone to take care of them. And they don't care if it costs more for those who don't like it, or is dependent upon state and federal grants of borrowed money. After all, that's money from people we don't even know.

    Sal for Executive. Hell, Sal for President.

    Because he's smarter than you. And, he will fix it for you.

  6. I've known Sal for a long time and I work for the County. Lets throw out Stoffa and his Gang now and get Sal to run the county. Sal is an upfront and honest type of person as a politican and as a man.Sal is not like Stoffa, Angle, Dowed and a few others trying to run the County.LIES AND BEHIND THE DOOR DEALS AND ALL THE ILLEGAL STUFF THE COUNTYS FEW HAS DONE.We can only hope Sal will run for County Excutive in two years and clean house and get the County back to HONESTY AND INTERGETY AND FOR THE GOOD OF ALL NOT THE STOFFA AND ANGLE SHOW. GO SAL YOU GOT MY VOTE!

  7. very interesting...bernie salutes sal, just days after he files a rtk request, so he can post another hit piece on trish. i smell a cover-up in the wind

  8. Best MAYOR we have ever had!!!!! I work for the county and have been here for every county exec. there has been. I have seen some good ones & mostly bad ones. I try not to slam people, but next time around, but Sal would make an excellent County Exec. He practiced with the city a few terms and has gotten it right. He should know county easily!!
    Go for it Sal, you will have my vote.

  9. Anon 12:53 - Good to see what you do on taxpayer time and probably a county computer. Nothing I like better than seeing my taxpayer dollars at work. No wonder we are getting a tax increase.

  10. Steve Barron is going to run for county executive.

  11. You want to replace the Stoffa cronies for the Easton cronies under Sal in city Hall. No thanks, how about a lone ranger.

  12. Anon 4:08

    NEVER happening in my ligetime

  13. "very interesting...bernie salutes sal, just days after he files a rtk request, so he can post another hit piece on trish. i smell a cover-up in the wind"

    That's because you're nutz.

  14. Pat "crash" Vulcano. Write-in candidate for a greater Easton!!

    If elected, promises never to show up for anything, except to arrange for jobs for his extended family, and hand out salty snacks at picket lines

    What, me worry?

  15. "Steve Barron is going to run for county executive."

    He better worry about Tuesday first.

  16. Please, so you are saying our choice for county executive is between the candidate of the Behlehem mafia or the Easton mafia.


  17. If the roads on the southside are indicative of Panto's abilities, then the rest of the county will be in very big trouble.

  18. I think Barron is better than Panto.

  19. To All of you. Sal Panto will be the next county executive regardless of runs against him. I doubt another dem would run in the primary. They would be foolish to.

    Annon 1:10AM - you obviously do not know how to compare taxes from municipality to municipality. Easton is actually one of the cheapest to live. Ya see - its called assessment value asshole. And lets not forget that 18 mils = a fully paid fire department which most municipalies don't have. So with that - you're a dick.

    Berwick Street is fantastic - It's brand fucking new smartass. I Respect Sal for doint that project during an election year. Most politians would have ignored it until the gas lines blew the fuck up and drinking water was poisoned. He has always done what best for Easton and not whats best for him. That's why he would make a good county executive.

  20. Steve Barron will be lucky to squeak this one out.

  21. Colorful metaphors take away from the points you are trying to make.
    Try something like this instead.

    If Sal Panto becomes the next County Executive, Bernie will need to give up his aspirations of becoming Queen of the Plainfield Twsp. Fair. This, because Sals family gets to hold all of the beauty titles.

    See no cursing yet very offensive.
    You're welcome.

  22. Joe Owens should be embarrassed to own that story.

  23. So why is he running for a term as Mayor if he plans on leaving before the term is over. Is that doing whats best for the city? Give me a break. Enough with career politicians.

    By the way if he runs he will in fact have primary opposition. He may indeed win but he is not Jesus, so others are planning a run.

  24. Most of Easton is absolutely terrifying to be in anytime after dark. Panto's Easton is a very small piece of geography. The majority of Easton remains a neglected hell hole.

  25. Bernie and Ron already know Barron's gonna win big. They have told enough people. I think Barron's not gonna run if there is a stand up Dem like Panto in the race. Let's just get through Tuesday first before we plan for people's futures.

  26. How about deleting the post that uses a curse word in every sentence?

    Local tax rate in Easton: 1.75%
    Forks: 1%
    Palmer: 1%
    Everywhere else in the LV: Lower than 1.75%

    Cheapest place to live? Don't think so.

    Yes, the real estate taxes are cheaper. I'm not the smartest man in the world, but that could be because of the value of the homes.
    And actually College Hill pays quite a bit in taxes, as well as the North side of Northampton Street.

    Yes, Easton has a surplus. Most areas would if they raised the local tax rate by 75% all at once.

  27. Dont forget water and sewer bills. Pawloxki just raised the rates in Atown and announced that Atown rates were still half of Easton's.

  28. Sal has done the job he promised. Easton is cleaner and safer now then it was four years ago. The Police Department is much more productive and professional, although not perfect, certainly improved. Public Works does a great with less resources than we ere when Phil was in charge?

    We need to focus on the City Council. Enough already with the Volcano political dynasty. Fleck is, at best, a hack. Ken Brown, although a gentleman, isn't much more than a bobble head doll. And, the head of Public Safety that enjoys a nice cocktail just before going for a drive.

  29. Sal has done the job he promised. Easton is cleaner and safer now then it was four years ago. The Police Department is much more productive and professional, although not perfect, certainly improved. Public Works does a great with less resources than we ere when Phil was in charge?

    We need to focus on the City Council. Enough already with the Volcano political dynasty. Fleck is, at best, a hack. Ken Brown, although a gentleman, isn't much more than a bobble head doll. And, the head of Public Safety that enjoys a nice cocktail just before going for a drive.

  30. The mayor has made many improvements. And he did it by raising taxes/fees.

    Lower the earned income tax rate to an acceptible number and see what happens. I hear all the time about the surplus. Why not raise the local rate to 2%? Easton will have an even larger surplus and everyone can say he is the best Mayor ever!

    After living in Easton my entire life I am now considering moving because of the local tax rate. It's really ashame, I like living in the city.

  31. First, i'll allow the comment with the vulgar language to remain. Yes it's over the top, but not by that much.

    Second, the notion that Sal should be county exec is mine, not his. Right now, he is thinking about Easton.

    Third, Easton takes advantage of an EIT that was part of a referendum afopted by everyone. I am not sure, and will check, but do not believe Sal has proposed one tax hke since being elected mayor.

    Fourth, I work in Easton and see the ifference. There are more police than ever, and the streetcleaners are routinely seenon side streets. Panto kept his word.

    I think Sal is a better choice for Mayor than Mike Krill, but let me say this about him. My grandson has epilepsy. He is a three-sport athlete, but periodicslly, has suffered from grandmal seizures. Durng one incident indowntown Easton, he had an episode. The first person on the scene, and the man who saved my grandson's life, is Mike Krill.

    Whike i consider Sal the better man than anyone to move Eastonforward, they both care deeply about Easton and the people who live there. With good people like this, it is no wonder that Easton is the only city in the LV with a healthy surplus.

  32. Bernie, Sorry to hear of your grandsons plight. And happy to see he is able to enjoy his passions. A quick question though. Does he need special waivers to allow him to engage in those activities from the leagues and schools? If I am not mistaken he is the one you write about being a Steeler. That is rough and tumble!

  33. No special waiver is needed. He can pretty much do anything any other kid can do except climb trees. He's been off his meds now for almost a year and it is possible that he has outgrown it. When he was born, he had a whole in his intestine that required immediate surgery. Doctors gave him up for dead, but he fought like hell to stay alive. He spent the first six months of his life in a hospital. He was out no more than two weeks than he was rushed back again. Then the seizures began. I never would have guessed he would become an athlete, but he did. MoRe importantly, he is a good kid.

    Today, he was injured in a play. I wanted to run out there, and if his mom was there, i am sure she would have been out there. But it turned out he just had the wind knwocked out of him. He was back the next play.

    Yes, it is a rough game, but he gets knocked around even more on the basketball court. I've seen him come down head first on a hardwood court, or get pushed into walls and stands.

    He is a very tough kid and loves to play.

  34. I gotta give credit to Krill. Nobody should run without a challenger. He raises some issues that need to be addressed.
    I don't want him as mayor, but I do admire his spunk.

  35. I prefer the Bethlehem mafia to Sal's Easton mafia.

  36. I acknowledge the jod Mr Panto has done for Easton. I also believe he is the best man of the two to continue Easton in the direction they are going. BUT....

    He did this not by raising property taxes, but by the EIT and fees. He had every right to do this, but that sort of increase should have been front page news. But it wasn't. That's my problem with the Express. If it was a mayor they didn't endorse it would be in the paper every chance they could get. Sorry but, that is what they call Tax and Spend.

    Overall he has done a nice job. And I pay for every other week when my paychecks are .75% less.

    The street cleaners are fine. The parking police are the biggest bunch of arrogant you know what that I have ever seen. And no, I haven't received one ticket from them except in one case that the police wrote off.

  37. That is the game the Express plays wiht their mancrush politicans like Panto and Stoffa.

  38. Sal Panto doesn't have any of his "cronies" in city hall. His staff is professional and hard working. Some were from the former administration and some are new. All work hard for the city. And they were all appointed by him before the city administrator was hired. I believe he is as non-political as they come when running the city. His hires are hired based on ability and experience, not political party. I knwo he truly believes that once elected you are an elected official not a D or R official.

    He has also proven he is not a career politician. He did even better in the private sector and most still wonder why he even came back but we thank him for doing so.

    I doubt Sal will run for exec but if he did the county would be mucher better for it.

  39. Northampton County residents would be very fortunate to have Panto as Exec. If he ran I believe he would be elected and if elected watch out..........good things will happen and it won't be the same ole same ole. Sal is visionary, progressive and has the unique trait foreign to the county. That is bringing people together. His appointments aren't cronies, he has appointed individuals to Boards in Eastont hat don't agree with him. He is transparent and responsive -- two things missing for a long time in the county. It would be very interesting to have someone who runs the county within the residents ability to pay.

  40. Northampton County residents would be very fortunate to have Panto as Exec. If he ran I believe he would be elected and if elected watch out..........good things will happen and it won't be the same ole same ole. Sal is visionary, progressive and has the unique trait foreign to the county. That is bringing people together. His appointments aren't cronies, he has appointed individuals to Boards in Eastont hat don't agree with him. He is transparent and responsive -- two things missing for a long time in the county. It would be very interesting to have someone who runs the county within the residents ability to pay.

  41. Cronies and stooges so nice, they post twice. LOL.

    Keep on truckin boys. Don't give up the public trough without a fight.

  42. You can talk about politicians on the public trough only when they can't prove they can get a better job in the private sector. Panto has done that in his 16 years out of office. I am sure he earned a heck ofa lot more than he is as mayor, heck most of his current staff makes more than him. I don't know who convinced him to come back but if you read this thank you. Our choices then were Mike Fleck and Gary Bertsch, remember? Do you think Easton would be where it is today with either of them. So Anon 2:23 AM look at the facts. It's obvious you have a personal vendetta.


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