Local Government TV

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Ding, Dong! The Witch Is Dead!

The Wicked Witch of West Easton, Tricia Mezzacappa, has learned the hard way that people are turned off by a campaign based on smears and lies. Kelly Gross, the object of her venom, appears to be the top vote getter. And Mezzacappa has been defeated.



  2. God Bless America! Where's the Munchkin coroner when you need him?

  3. Looks like slaughter for the sell Gracedale team. Angle is finally gone.

  4. If t is slaughter, then why is McClure in trouble? There's another message being sent.

  5. McClure is in trouble because the Express endorsed him.

  6. just checking in to see trish's comical response..thats all...none as yet.

  7. whats the matter bernie are you going to keep removing my post? just because somebody is telling the truth about that lying sack of shit kelly gross? you have no clue what shes like and the truth will come out now cause i have nothing to hide about her but just wait and see what you learn about her its gonna turn your skin inside out

  8. Give it up Bernie. The woman dumped you. You are being more of a crazy stalker than you usually are O'Hare.

  9. I know one thing Kelly Gross is: a winner!

    The Witch is really most sincerely dead! LOL.

  10. The witch my be dead in some ways but remember witches have magical powers and my come back to haunt you.
    witch is it Bernie boxers or briefs?
    Angle is dead !

  11. independant bystanderNovember 9, 2011 at 6:15 AM

    I live in West Easton and know Ms. Mezzacappa personally. She is a terrific lady and a pleasure to deal with. She stops to talk to me on her walks in the Borough, and always puts a smile on my face.

    She lost, but this is the first time in the history of West Easton that the Gross family had to work for their votes and put forward a campaign. I have never seen a mailer or a campaign sign for any council race . This time was different. It wasnt just the usually uncontested shoe-in. I applaud her efforts and hope she tries again.

  12. "independent bystander" is very likely Tricia, as are numerous of the other anonymous comments. She does that sort of thing.

  13. independant bystanderNovember 9, 2011 at 8:40 AM

    Nope, not Trish. Keep guessing, open your eyes and stop belittling her great attempt to bring fiscal restraint to a Boro who very obviously has none.

    Her campaign materials caught some eyeballs, and I personally called her to thank her for putting the facts out to the voters.

    She got 78 votes, Denegar, 71 votes which is no easy feat for a 3-1 registered democrat favor. She brought the voting repubs to the polls, and should at least be commended for that. But you are scorned and angry, so that will never happen.

  14. Tricia was repudiated by West Easton voters, and had only half as many votes as Gross. I give them the credit for recognizing and rejecting a crazy person.

  15. Blogger Bernie O'Hare said...

    Tricia was repudiated by West Easton voters, and had only half as many votes as Gross. I give them the credit for recognizing and rejecting a *batshit* crazy person.


  16. What do you get when you cross T.M. with a bag of nuts?

    That's right...a bigger bag of nuts.

  17. Who ever "independant bystander" is has not been a West Easton Resident very long. Mayor Gross campaigns every time he up for relection. Kelly Gross has sent mailers and placed signs every time she is on the ballot. Other previous council members as well as existing members sent mailers, so who ever you are, best check your facts before shooting off your mouth.

  18. 4 More Years! The voters have spoken. Congrats to Kelly Gross!

  19. Independant Bystander's spelling is as bad as his/her judgment of character.

    I wonder if Twitcha Mezzacrappa's "pleasure to deal with" happens before or after the massage?

  20. I guess "Trisha" is like the "3am troll". When people don't agree with O'Hare it is always one or two pwoplw. What a nut.

  21. Would love to see the past medical record on Tricia. Split personality disorder ? Whatever the mutiple diagnoses would be the end result is " a dangerous person ." She much mirrors a black widow spide,luring her prey with seductiveness and tease. Finally to inject her venom of hate and deception and hoping for a slow death of her victim. She didn`t deserve a public office . Thank God the voters did the right thing. What she has done to terrorize Kelly should be punishable by imprisonment. Her latest gaga sap Larry Otter will lavish her with money just to see her shoe collection before he is cast upon the rocks like the others.

  22. When are you going to officially "out" Tricia as the poster Brenda?
    This might help hasten you decision.
    She is telling all about you to people. Maybe made up, maybe not. They are hilarious stories. You might want to get out in front of them.

  23. Tricia has already told ridiculous stories about Kelly Gross, and you can see what the voters thought. She has made several "hilarious" claims about me on her blog, so I can only imagine what she is telling people.

    She is nutz.

    I thought it was important that voters know that bc she has no interest in good gov't. Now that the election is over and she has been exposed, I feel no sudden need to continue to "out" her.

  24. Don`t waste your time on her Bernie; she is a non entity. Only purpose she has is to hurt others..and she says she is a nurse ? What oath did she take ?


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