Local Government TV

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ron Angle Out on a Limb

If there was an award for "most entertaining campaign flyer," it would go this election cycle to none other than the Northampton County Bulldog, Ron Angle. His first, which includes a picture of a big toad, admits he has warts. His second shows him shoveling cow manure, something he does both at County Council and on his farm. His latest has him hanging out on a limb, something he has done for the last 12 years. (You can see that one here.)

“Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.” - Will Rogers

He even has a web page.


  1. Doe sit show one with him in white robes next to a burning cross.

  2. In reading the County's policy on Conflict of Interest I found some interesting information regarding Council, and their votes, as well as when they should be excluded from voting on a specific topic.

    Very good reading, and I feel that since Angle owns so much property in the County it is as per County policy a conflict of interest for him to hold that seat.

    The fact that he votes on taxes, etc He benefits financially from a lack of a tax hike.

    I will be doing more research on this topic, and will keep you posted on the results.

  3. You go ahead and do that research. What you are saying is that if someone owns a lot of real estate, that should bar him from public office. Of course, the reductio ad absurdum here is that anyone who owns any real estate should be barred from holding County office. The argument is nonsense.

    I suggest you make a complaint to the Ethics Comm'n, which is the appropriate agency for this kind of claim. After they're done laughing, they'll dismiss your baloney. In order to establish a conflict, you have to establish a pecuniary gain or loss that is different from the public as a whole, or even a class of citizens. You can't do that.

  4. It was simply in interpretation of the policy. You obviously have a different interpretation which I respect. I understand how people can have a difference in opinion, which after all is what makes sites like this thrive.

    I find it hard to believe that you feel he is not experiencing pecuniary gain or loss that is different from the public. He in fact owns more properties in the County that 99% of the public. Which is great for him.

    Fact is a tax hike has a far greater affect on him then Joe Taxpayer.

    I misstated in saying he shouldn't hold the seat. He should at the very least be excluded from voting on situations in which he stands to benefit, or lose financially.

    I didn't write the policy, I simply read it and gave my interpretation of it.

  5. A tax hike affects everyone, even those who own no real estate, because it is passed on by the landlord. Your
    argument is dead wrong, and if you really do research the matter, you will find that out.

  6. If that is the result I will accept it, again simply my opinion which is obviously different then yours. I found it interesting and worth looking into is all.

  7. I have the same interpretation as "Interesting said" Totally makes sense that his large land ownership sways his vote. I agree with Mr. Parsons; sometimes it is necessary to raise taxes in order to give the taxpayers services not on that they want, but what they NEED!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I guess according to Interesting, that only homeless people are able to serve because they would be the only ones to not have a conflict. Nobody would know how dumb you are if you would keep your stupid comments to yourself. This is just more rich vs. poor crap. Go live in a socialist country - you will be much happier.

  10. Morning Bernie, I really do enjoy your blog,and I am simply asking a logistical question. Just where is Mr. Angle's farm and how many animals are a part of that farm? I was under the impression that whatever animal was there was Sharon's responsibility. Carol

  11. I'm not sure that homeless people would be able to vote on the budget, they have or will probably receive some benefit from some Northampton County program or grant. No one in Northampton County could hold office and vote on budgets according to Interesting's absurd "interpretation.” We would have to elect people that don't live here in NorCo because they would not be impacted by the county budget. And that is prohibited.

  12. Carol, Ron has a farm in Upper Mount Bethel Tp. He has about 45 cows and his wife has sheep. The cows are Ron's responsibility. He also owns several tracts that are farmed by others. They also have a few chickens.

  13. Carol, why are you asking? Logistical?

  14. I'm voting for Ron because he has all the right enemies, not least of whom is Barron von Staypuff.

  15. "Fact is, you're a moron.

    I mean really, it's not my opinion. It's science."

    Sounds like a personal attack to me Bernie.

    I will not choose to hide behind my keyboard and call people names.

    My point was the amount of land he owns in the County could/will sway his vote.

    I never said he couldn't hold the position, actually I did, and clarified my point.

    Bernie I am sure you will delete the personal attack, as I have not engaged in such behavior. I thought this blog was about sharing ideas and comments in a civil way.

  16. You are correct. That is an anonymous personal attack. As they go, it's relatively benign. I've been called a moron at least 100 times today already. But I will delete it.

  17. ""Fact is, you're a moron.

    I mean really, it's not my opinion. It's science."

    Sounds like a personal attack to me Bernie."

    You're right. I'm sorry. How about:"The critical thinking skills you are using in this instance are more indicative of an imbecile than one of even moderately sub-average intelligence."

    See, that's not a personal attack. I'm merely attacking the quality of your thought process.

  18. I'm sure Ronnie passes his tax hikes on to his tenants. He is one of the biggest slumlords in the Slatebelt isn't he. Oooooo did I just say that!

  19. "See, that's not a personal attack. I'm merely attacking the quality of your thought process."

    You stay hidden behind your key board, without a valid point. I will move on to bigger and better things.

  20. yes, and you are so readily identifiable, no?

    The point is, your assertion (that being a large land owner creates a legal and ethical conflict of interest for Angle) is, in a word assinine.

  21. Even if Angle were a renter he would still be an ass. so being a landowner doesn't have a lot to do with it.

  22. All this talk about owning land being a perceived conflict of interest..... if you go back in our history, one orignally HAD to own land in order to vote, as it was believed that one had to have a stake in society--had to have something to lose--otherwise one could more easily make irresponsible decisions.

  23. You are right Lighthouse. That is how many people feel about Bernie O'Hare today.

  24. Anonymous 8:42, I asked the question regarding animals and Mr. Angle's farm as I am from the Slate Belt and quite familiar with the many antics of Mr. Angle, I am not trying to deride him just wondering if this isn't another section of land he owns and rents out to a farmer.

  25. Carol,that farm keeps Ron pretty busy. If I were him, I'd never leave it. It's really beautiful.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.