Local Government TV

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Mike Recchiuti: "I will be beholden to no one but the citizens of Bethlehem"

On Monday, I posted a Youtube video taking aim at Bethlehem City Council candidate Mike Recchiuti. In fairness to Mike, I contacted him and asked if he'd like to respond. He gave me one almost right away, but I neglected to post it yesterday.

Sorry, Mike.

Here it is:

Thank you for the opportunity to respond. Forums like yours provide a valuable place for voters to learn about candidates and the political process.

I have been happy to receive the support and endorsement of many individuals including Gordon Mower, for whose seat I am running. I am similarly happy to receive the past and present endorsement of Mayor Callahan. The financial reports from my 2009 campaign are public record, and I am glad that people take the time and interest to read them.

I am a taxpayer, homeowner, and citizen of Bethlehem before I am a candidate for City Council. As such, any decisions I render as a member of Council will be made because I think it is in the best interests of our city. I believe that elected officials should never allow the political winds to cloud personal good judgment. This is why as a City Councilman I will be beholden to no one but the citizens of Bethlehem.

My campaign is about the future of Bethlehem, not about personal animosities or agendas. I will, as I have in the past, prefer to spend my time meeting voters and listening to their ideas for how to make a better Bethlehem. In the last two months alone I have knocked on over 3000 doors in Bethlehem. One thing that strikes me is how so many of the people I talk to, regardless of age or political affiliation, all seem to share the same common goal--they want Bethlehem's future to be even brighter than its past. This is good news to me, because it's exactly what drives my campaign, and it's exactly what my mission will be as a member of Council. I am confident that on Election Day my hard work will pay off and the voters of Bethlehem share that goal with me by electing me to City Council.

Voters who would like to contact me directly can do so at michael@mikeforcouncil.com.

Again, thank you for the opportunity to respond.


  1. 2009 loser, bought and paid for!

  2. canned speach from a perhaps rubber stamper

  3. that's speech - never blog until you have your first shot

  4. As I said so , so many times before, the republican candidates have been outworked and outspent, and are generally overmatched especially with Bethlehem's registration edge..Aside from that, Mike is a great guy and a good candidate..As he said, if he believes the Mayor's policies are good for the city, he'll support them, if not, he won't..That, even for the tea bag nuts, shouldn't be hard to understand..

  5. I AGREE WITH: Recchiuti is a 2009 loser, bought and paid for! His canned speech from a perhaps rubber stamper! Recchiuti is a CALLAHAN FLUNKY just like the other two (Donchez & Reynolds). We need City Council members who are not under Callahan's thumb! Come on people, go to some meetings and really open up your eyes and see what happens. As soon as Callahan voices how he wants it to go, they all vote it his way, not DiGiacinto though, he's a Democrat but he votes his peace. The rest of them, "forgettaboutit"! Vote new people in to "SAVE BETHLEHEM" from Callahan's "DESTRUCTION"!!! If Recchiuti gets in along with Donchez who is a nice guy but is Callahan's "main rubber-stamper", Bethlehem will be in bankrupcy just like Harrisburg is! THINK SMART PEOPLE - its not about Rep or Dem its anout our fair City of Bethlehem!!!!

  6. Dear 11:25,

    You are hilarious!! Do you do standup?

  7. Seems to make sense to me. I'll take the man at his word until he gives me reason not to.

  8. Another paid for Callahan flunky. Someone called him Willie Reynold's lite, that is pretty lite. Seems pretty good.

  9. Seems like Mr. Kelly has is spending a lot of time defending the mayor and proping up his rubber stamp candidates.

  10. He accepts $4,800 after he is the lowest vote getter, i.e., the loser in 2009 and then is appointed by Callahan to the Parking Authority and the total amount of money given by Callahan to him is $6,500 up to the last report. He sits with the administration representatives curing Council Meetings, has never spoken publicly at a meeting and runs to the mayor and his staff as soon as the meeting is over...he will be just as much of a rubber stamp as Rubberstamp Reynolds.


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