Local Government TV

Monday, October 03, 2011

J. Willie Reynolds Stands Behind Every Vote, Predicts Victory on E-Day

On Friday, City Council candidates Tom Carroll and Tony Simao released a powerful, but stinging video attack aimed right at incumbent Bethlehem City Council member J. William Reynolds. As a former coach at 'Lil Canes basketball and North Central Little League, Reynolds is used to being attacked. Contacted about the videos, he labels them "unfair attacks by our Republican opponents in this City Council race."

"Let me be clear, I stand behind every vote I have made on City Council. Many of these decisions have not been easy and, as you know, it is a difficult time for local governments. As you also know, I spent the first part of my career working for State Rep. Steve Samuelson here in Bethlehem. His example taught me a lot about standing my ground even when a few individuals attempt to question your motivations and discredit your record.

"I have run this campaign and will continue to run it the way I ran my first campaign four years ago. I am walking through every neighborhood in Bethlehem hoping to earn the support of the citizens. I dont hide from my votes and I give honest answers about the challenges facing our city, state, and country everyday. In a democracy, all I can hope for is that the citizens of Bethlehem agree with my vision for our City. This is a vision that I share with my fellow Democratic candidates Bob Donchez and Mike Recchiuti. I am confident that the three of us are finding success going door-to-door and will be victorious on Election Day."


  1. Bob Donchez can't stand you Willie!

  2. Good going Willie, going door to door is the Best way to get a "real feel" for what is going on, you have MY vote.

  3. I'd rather vote for the devil than Reynolds.

  4. you are right willie. you all have the same vision for bethlum - ruinning her financially

  5. Go ahead and vote republican and see what happens to the police, fire and every other city service department. They will move quickly to reduce costs and we as everyday citizens will feel the pinch, mark my words!

  6. I belieive it is the Republicans who are standing for not closing the Dewberry Ave. Fire Station. Bad money management led to that decision. The current council throws money away on one hand and smacks residents on basic services with more fees and closings.

  7. To: Anon 9:36 AM

    Who are you?

    You can mark my words. Vote for Tony, Tom, or me, or all of us, and you will see Police, Fire, EMS and every other essential city service supported and protected. You will also see ethics and integrity put back into the fiscal management of the city.

    Reynolds and Donchez may be going door-to-door, but they should be spending their time proactively controlling the flagrant financial mismanagement that has occurred on their watch.

  8. Whats's the 3 amigo's plan for righting the ship?

  9. Not the answer i was looking for, i may have worded my question in an offensive manner , was not my intent. So Tom , Tony and Mr. Al how do you plan on affecting change? I get the whole thing about integrity and ethics, but how about some concrete ideas . Good luck to all 3 of you.

  10. Any change would be change for the better. At least Reynolds takes responsibility for the shit stain he and his gang have left. Now, he should do the rest of the right thing and resign immediately.

  11. It doesn't really matter anyway. The Republicans have no chance in this race. Deep down they have to know that. They are wasting their money and time.

  12. 6:50 a.m. Why can't Bob Donchez stand Willie? Has he told you that?

  13. By the look of the comments willie is leaving on here as an Anon it looks as if he's the one running scared.

  14. Oh come on. Everybody knows Donchez despises Willie. Even Willie knows.

  15. Willie has been telling people that he is running for mayor in two years.

    Could you imagine? Mayor Reynolds? Good grief!!

  16. It's funny hearing the terms "ethics and integrity" coming from Republicans.

    As for the video, are the Main St parking spots really that high on these guys list of failures?

  17. I think Willie is hot!

  18. Bob Donchez came to my door and ask for my vote and to vote for the other two democrats. Does he say something else in private?


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