Local Government TV

Friday, October 07, 2011

Dent Requests HUD to Investigate Bethlehem's Misappropriation of CDBG Grants

Originally, I had the correspondence relating to this matter embedded via Scribd. It's a great site, but whenever I use it, I get complaints about load time, which is a death sentence to most blogs. So I removed the embed, and will instead direct your attention to this link.


  1. Callahan's just not having a good week.

  2. Bernie
    What is this about. It's hard to read the letter. Thank you.

  3. two guys with axes to grind against Callahan, at least its not personal. Grubb has been pissed at Callahan since he was fired for getting into a fist fight in City Hall with a fellow employee. You want to talk about a guy who lacks integrity and won't accept responsibility for his actions, he should start by looking in the mirror. He still doesn't think he did anything wrong.

  4. anon6;50,

    what you say may be true but what grubb is reporting is not a lie

  5. In the past few weeks we have learned that Callahan took Federal Grant Money and inappropriately put it into the General Fund. He took Earned Income Tax (EIT) Funds from other municipalities and inappropriately put it into the General Fund. Hanover Twp. is now suing. He borrowed $1 million without the approval of City Council as required by law...and your response is that Dent and Grub are bitter...so we should just ignore all of this.

  6. Can't wait for Geeting to tell us how everyone does this, Callahan is pure as driven snow and Dent is weak for bringing it up.

  7. Dent is weak for bringing this up. I hope the mayor takes it as a personal challenge and smacks him back hard! Digging up month to year old issues to try and keep the mayor from running is just sad. Then his opinionated text in the letter almost makes me vomit. He knows all about Grubb and does this crap. Try solving some real problems and stop playing politics please.


  8. Seamus, misuse of federal funds is a big deal. If Callahan did it then he should be held accountable.

    And before you start, I would say the same thing if Callahan were a Republican. Idiocy and criminal acts (which if it happened, this is) don't stay with one party.

    We need our dear political leaders to do a couple of things - tell the truth, and be honest in their administrations. If Callahan failed these tests, why do you think he should be allowed to skate free?

    The Banker

  9. Sounds like someone has their head up their Seamus again.

  10. Anonymous - 8:43 a.m.,

    Get your facts straight. Hanover Township is suing the School District because they received EIT money from the City that actually belonged to Hanover Township. It's on the School District to pay Hanover. The City is named in the suit since they were the collector and not because they owe the money.

  11. This is political posturing, nothing more. Nothing will be made of it.


  12. "What is this about. It's hard to read the letter. Thank you."

    I'll write a post tonight.

  13. So you are saying that the improper use of EIT Funds, the improper use of HUD money, the borrowing of $1 million without notification to City Council, these are just political posturing.

  14. the second floor is full of crooks and the citizens are fools. they will re elect the rubber stamps and donchez will be elected mayor. makes one who knows the truth want to puke as our future is already damned

  15. All true. The Callahan gang is bad news. His crew have drianed the city and will move on to other fertile fields. They are like locusts. They get in drain it dry and move on.

    Check the inside circle. They have been around a while. This is their first Irish gieg.

  16. I'm writing children's book, it is titled:

    John Callahan and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week

    I'm thinking it will be a best seller. Children everywhere will believe that a thug named John Callahan is sneaking in at night and misapropriating money from their piggy banks, taking their lunch money, college funds, etc.

    It ends with him being tossed in a federal prison after an extensive FBI investigation.

  17. seamus,

    u r obviously drunk on the jc corruption juice. a devious and crooked administration and a rubber stamp council to back them up. put all the spin you want to on the graft and corruption but it still stinks

  18. Trudie,
    You know not of what you speak.

    Get involved and see the real truth not this spin from a few with an axe to grind. People keep saying our beautiful city that is being run into the ground. Think back 8 years (mayors current tenure) how much of what we have now existed then in its current capacity. Do you honestly think developers, grants and such just show up on your door? I truly believe the amount of activity in the city is 90% attributable to the administration. They are hard working and go out and get what is needed for the city.

    You may agree or disagree with the mayors philosophy of not raising taxes during a terrible recession, but you cannot argue with the way the city has prospered under his watch. Try as you might to defame his character....to borrow a quote "that dog don't hunt". The funds issue has been talked about and resolved, as has the FEC issues the Dent folks are bringing up old news to try and put a black eye on the mayor, and its petty and ridiculous. The fact that you and many others are being taken for a suckers and actually following the rhetoric is embarassing


  19. Seamus, you said that these issues have been resolved. I haven't seen that, and in fact if the information so far is correct Callahan's administration is continuing to misuse funds.

    Can you show me where it's been resolved, and by that I mean stopped and no illegal activity continuing?

    I'd also say your argument -- since Bethlehem is better than it was 8 years ago, it doesn't matter that Callahan may have broken the law -- doesn't hold. We have to stop excusing illegal behavior in our elected officials.

  20. Hey charlie what about your home town the county seat being investigated by HUD because there are rentals that have been tagged UNINHABITABLE FOR HUMANS and someone is collecting alot of federal subzidized monies for all under the watchfull eyes of ALLENCLOWNS FINEST OFFICIALS.

  21. My argument is that it's BS that the city is being run poorly its obviously not the truth, and if you think it is imagine how poorly Easton and Allentown are run. Have mistakes happened, absolutely but have stops been put in place to keep them from happening again, absolutely. Everyone starts with such a negative opinion of their elected officials and dumb ass political moves like this just perpetuates the stereotype. All I'm asking is to give a moments pause and recognize why such occurrences have happened and what the ramifications of not doing so would have been. No way is it justified, but I guarantee all of us has "robbed peter to pay Paul" at some point. The city of Bethlehem continues to grow and prosper, the new business and jobs show that. Did anyone go down to harvest festival or October Fest this weekend, it was amazing. Where else in the Lehigh valley would you rather go.



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