Local Government TV

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dent Hopeful Qaddafi's Death Will End Bloodshed in Libya

LV Congressman Charlie Dent: “Since 1969, the eccentric and erratic Muammar Qaddafi concentrated his power in Libya by repressing the freedom of its people. In addition to his tyrannical leadership, Qaddafi’s unabashed support for terrorism and alliances with other oppressive international leaders made him a global pariah. I am hopeful his death will bring an end to months of bloodshed in Libya and allow the nation to emerge as a stronger, more stable member of the international community.

“The National Transitional Council (NTC) must now focus on ensuring, for the first time in decades, the Libyan government works for the good of the people rather than its ruler. While Qaddafi’s death certainly represents a major step toward achieving stability in Libya, the NTC will face many difficult challenges in establishing a new government. I am confident the United States will continue to support the Libyan people during this historic transition.”


  1. It should be noted that just 8 House Republicans voted to authorize US operations in Libya oepration.

    Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich opposed the no fly zone.

    Pat Toomey criticized Obama's intervention in Libya.

    The Score of Fallen Dictators Obama 3, Reagan 1.

    Lets recap Obama's 3 years relative to a few fallen adversaries:

    Saddam Hussein
    Osama Bin Laden
    Anwar al-Awlaki
    Muammar Qaddafi

    Guess it is time for Cantor and friend to induce another crisis on Wall Street.

  2. i believe that this may be wishful thinking. a envoy from the dispelled jewish community, now living in italy, offered to rebuilt the synagogue in tripoli. he was told that there was no room in the new libya for old enemies.

  3. anon 4:34, already obama is offering financial aid, although we don't know to whom, to an oil rich country. history will tell how successful the arab spring has been in regard to United States, and what, if any part, obama played.

  4. I think offering aid is a positive
    We could bomb them and take their oil
    that too is a positive
    then on to Iran
    bomb them take their oil
    that is a positive
    I thank the Bush Administration for ALL OF OUR SUCCESS IN THE MIDDLE EAST

  5. Thank you Charlie. I am glad to hear your strong position on these scum bags.

    You have my vote!

  6. let the jews take them as long as we get the oil

  7. BOH,

    Can you verify that posting is from Dent. I would hope that was a little sarcasm by some character.

  8. MM 445. That is a true concern. We see how arming the taliban helped us.

  9. Hey Charlie, you awake?

    Is there an industry or company you have brought to the Lehigh Valley that will bring jobs?

    You surely have not created a job that I'm aware of, prove me wrong!

  10. Charlie says;
    Besides loving me some
    Good n' Plenty
    I'm lovin' me some big jobs I created
    in China
    can you spell
    High paying (.20 cents per hour)
    non union jobs
    Don't believe me?
    Ask the Chamber of Horrors
    I mean Commerce

  11. The comments here are from a Dent impersonator.

  12. Obama's dithering permitted tens of thousands of rocket propelled grenades to pour into Libya. Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood were given a grace period to crank up their radical presence, thousands died, and the task of securing a civilized Libya is now much harder than if Obama acted months ago.

  13. the real story goes as follows, Contracts were up for the major oil companies, Libyan government(Qaddafi)were looking at huge multi trillion dollar renewals, Oil companies didn't wan't to pay. You can figure out the rest

  14. Poor Charlie. He got good looks and no brains.

  15. fuck em all - take care of the USA first


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