Local Government TV

Monday, October 31, 2011

Dean Browning - The Blog

Dean Browning may chair Lehigh County's Board of Commissioners, but has come to learn that the real action is here in the blogosphere. He's tired of seeing money fall out of my pockets while the babes of the Northampton County Courthouse hang on my arms. So he's sallying forth with a blog of his own on Patch, called "Awareness."

Since October 10, he's had two entries on Lehigh County's 2012 Budget and its redistricting plans.

Dean, you'll have to do better than that if you want to roll in the dough like me.


  1. Dean, the way the fundamentalists hung you out to dry in the primary, I have an idea for a name for your blog.

    "The teabags swing both ways".

    A hard hitting take no prisoner look at local politics and the hypocrisy that exists.

  2. Hypocrisy is marketing yourself at great expense as a Conservative when your behavior indicates otherwise. Hypocrisy is saying you are proud of your vote and then saying that candidates who raise that vote as an issue in a primary are unfairly attacking you. Hypocrisy is the pretense of being a team player with his fellow Rs and deserting them when it suited him. Browning hing himself out to dry and needs to own the responsibility instead of continuing to rationalize it.

  3. I thnk that teabagger swings one way, to the right.


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