Local Government TV

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can't Beat a Supporter Like This!

Ken Kraft and Seth Vaughn are both running refreshingly positive campaigns for County Council in Bethlehem. With supporters like young Delaney Barron, how can Ken lose?


  1. Considering Mr. Kraft will win District One by 60% of the votes, he can afford to be nice. As a Democrat, the name Elmer Fudd would win by at least 55% in District one.

    If his Republican opponent just wants to see his name on the ballot, fine. In this race he has no chance. If he wants a respectable finish he better hit his opponent with the truth.

    He could get into the close relationship and campaign ties between censured Controller Barron and Mr. Kraft. He could bring up the tight Long Dem connections. Even bringing up those issues, he won't necessarily win but may make it closer. Or he can be a nice little Republican, praised by winning Dem's and sink into obscurity after November.

    It isn't hard to be a nice opponent when you already have the victory in hand.

    Tony the Republican

  2. Well said. Smiling children should not distract from disturbing facts. That kid will be trampling flower beds and private employers' rights in no time.

  3. And if you don't want your offspring talked about, you might consider not inserting them into potentially rough adult situations. That's stupid and cruel. Politicians are truly lowlifes.

  4. Tony the Republican:

    In this district it is definitely obvious that Vaughn is outnumbered by Dems. However, just based on that fact alone doesn't necessarily mean that 100% of the Democrats are going to pull the lever marked "D". Say for some reason, hypothetically that the Democrats of District 1 think beyond party lines and actually have looked at the individual candidates' resumes, accomplishments, and handling of finances. According to Vaughn's website he is a decorated war veteran, with various VERIFIABLE and DOCUMENTED degrees, awards and employment history. Kraft's website also lists colleges, jobs, and committees but no specific titles, accomplishments, awards, etc. It's kind of hard to say that Kraft is automatically a shoe-in just because he is a democrat. This is a job like any other and clearly their are some discrepancies in Krafts resume. Just because he sits on a dozen boards doesn't mean he's made a difference except keeping a seat warm. So, Tony maybe the Republican is quiet but it's not over until November 8 and maybe the voters will prove that it's the better candidate for the position.

  5. "However, just based on that fact alone doesn't necessarily mean that 100% of the Democrats are going to pull the lever marked "D"."

    Bawhawhawhawhawhahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! And donkeys will fly!

    Stick a fork in this one before you preheat the oven.

  6. According to Vaughn's website he is a decorated war veteran, with various VERIFIABLE and DOCUMENTED degrees, awards and employment history anon 4:05

    exactly "according to website" A decorated War Hero, you are reading into this a little arent you? Vaughn is a part time reservesist who served with an Army detachment teaching people paperwork, Kraft served Full time in the Marine Corps and has MANY citations and awards while serving over seas for 3 years, How do they compare?

    Also Vaughn, while living at home with his mother, has a degree in nursing, and a SPOTTY employment history for what 3 months or so?

    Kraft has been employed longer than Vaughn has been alive and has been paying taxes in Northampton County for 30 some years

    I think you should READ the two websites again

    Signed a "Real Republican" who is voting for the truly qualified candidate, Kraft for Council not the kid

  7. Tony the Republican deserves the boot if he doesn't know it's a shoo-in.

  8. 3.53 is a typical republican asshole. Waste Congress's time passing resolutions about the right of the unborn, but when they're able to stand on their own,they're fair game for the sort of crap he came out with.
    Jesus will take a dim view of this, as might some lawyer who thinks this might be a chance to define an area of the libel laws that needs defining. Even when you're anonymous, you can't just say what you like about innocents. Even the Mafia left each other's families alone.

  9. Without a real campaign, Kraft is a shoo-in. I don't pay much heed to fake
    republicaans like the Long Dem that slyly slamed the Republican.

    They play this game of saying I am a Republican supporting Kraft and here is why the other guy is no good. Of course Kraft will say I am shocked but this is a standard Long Dem/Callahan Clan tactic.

    Vaughn better learn te facyts of poltical life fast or his will be another footnote. They have now attacked your military servie, your work history and your home. Do you need an alarm clock to see what these goons are all about.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. I don't mind critical comments, but must take exception to something that just is untrue. I attend every meeting of the ZHB and have never seen Kraft, or any Board member for that matter, act is any way that is disrespectful or insulting to people who were testifying. You might not like their decisions, but that's no reason to make claims that just are not so.

  12. Oh ANON 8:53, I'm sure you are an avid reader of this blog so it comes to me as a surprise that you would intentionally misquote things to suit your own agneda. It is very disappointting how you would demean a Marine for actually spending time in a combat zone because he was attached to an Army unit and is a reservist. Is it really more prestigious for a Marine to push papers full time as compared to a reservist Marine taking bullets? Considering the readers of this blog and being an armed forces member I take serious offense to your lack of respect for anyone who has served our great country. Low class commenting!!! But considering your position, I admit I am not shocked. Another low blow: about MR Vaughns profession...Wow, I actually have to laugh at that one. I have done some research and found that Mr. Vaughn has been employed Full time as a Physician Assistant. That is a bit different from a nurse but again, why is it that your thoughts very much sound like being a Nurse and caring for people is a less-than wonderful job? I'm sure Nurses vote, and doctors, and Army/Navy/Coast guard/Marines. Your arguments are just plain offensive to the voters which is representative of your buddy Kraft. Speaking of living situations, why not mention Mr Kraft's living situation which is also another example of why Kraft handling taxpayers money is concerning. Let's take the fact that while Mr Kraft was employed somewhere (bc noone actually knows what he does except sit on volunteer committees everywhere) he bought a home on Gail Lane in Bethlehem for roughly $370,000. That's a nice home! But a little pricey for a painter and a county worker, right? Well of course, that's why in 2007 he took a $75000 loss when he sold it. Interestingly enough, the modest townhome he lives in currently is not in his name. Is he renting? Is he living in the home of a family member? At 50 years old and SO much life experience maybe he would have had a little more financial foresight when dealing with his own money! Really though, I'm not sure he could actually handle the responsibility of a whole county...it's a lot more than Gail Lane! I have been following both candidates from the beginning including their websites and I have to say that as the election gets closer Mr Kraft's objectives also seem to change almost verbatim to Mr Vaughn's. Although Mr Kraft couldnt possibly uphold his "plan" because he is not an independent thinker, proven by his Turkey Award. Oh, wait, I digress, he did think like a big boy when he called Al Bernotas, a F'in A-hole in a room full of voters because he couldn't formulate an entire sentence as an argument. Kudos!!! In conclusion, I am a Democrat in Bethlehem City with a Vaughn sign proudly posted in my yard as are many of my neighbors. Mr Kraft may have the union financing but unfortunately that is not what makes a candidate. Sad for him he has fans like you representing him too. Best of luck!

  13. Bernie,

    Thank you for deleting my comment on Mr Krafts behalf. I have provided the article from which I got my information on Kraft's behavior at the ZHB. I do apologize, he did not say F'in a-hole...just a-hole. I don't just blurt things out without making sure I know what I'm talking about. I guess you missed that ZBH! :

  14. 8:53 & 5:06,

    Both of you need to act more like the candidates. Both of them are Marines. Mr. K did once mutter, according to Daryl Nerl, that Al Bernotas is an "asshole" as they left they room. I was sitting right there and did not hear it. But sometimes, Al Bernotas IS an asshole, as he knows himself. Mr. Kraft is employed as a Business Agent by the Painters' Union. I don't know where you got the idea he is unemployed. Mr. Vaughn is a skilled medical professional and could work just about anywhere he chose. Mr. Kraft did not sell his home in 2007. It was far more recent than that. I have no idea whether he suffered a loss, but many of us have seen real estate values drop in this economy. That's nothing new and is not an indictment of Mr. K. Whether Seth lives with his mother or Ken is renting is irrelevant to whether they are qualified. They both are qualified for the job. They both are decent guys. They both would probably like each other. There's no reason for either of you to get worked up over this because both of them are very much alike. Seth is probably closer to the right, and Ken is probably closer to the left, not that this means much on County Council.

  15. 5:10,

    I did not delete your comment for stating that Ken called Al Bernotas an asshole. I was at that meeting and remember Daryl saying he heard that. I did not, but believe Daryl. My hearing is not as good as his.

    I deleted your comment bc of the other accusations made, which I have never seen from any member of the ZHB. Because I am there, I know the statement is untrue and that is why it was deleted, not bc of an request from anyone.

    And Al is a good guy who really cares, but sometimes, he really is an asshole. For example, at one meeting, he admonished the planning department for not taking notes as he pontificated on a zoning ordinance. To me, that is the remark of an asshole.

    I'm an asshole, too.

  16. Anon 5:06

    Why don't you ask him yourself, where he works and what he does?

  17. Thank you Bernie for clarifying the Al issue, seeing as there was truth to it. I am confused though bc I never said ANYTHING about ANY other person besides Kraft or Vaughn so it's interesting that was deleted. Saying that financial issues are not pertinent to County Council would be like saying motor oil is not important to the imperative function of a car!!! How these candidates have handled finances IS an issue as they will be making decisions with taxpayer dollars. It is not about party every time, including this time. The only reason it is brought up is because the Democratic pull in District I has been clearly stronger than Republicans. From what I have personally seen, this race may be closer than we all would have expected. Remember the tortoise and the hare....something like that.

  18. Now you must know why you were deleted. You made an accusation that simply is untrue. In addition to claiming that Ken apparently muttered that Al is an asshole, you made other accusations. Those are simply untrue. If any member of the Board acted disrespectfully, I am certain that Gus Loupos would say something. He even chastised me when I was taking bets on the outcomes of ZHB cases. He is very concerned about the people who appear there, and that they all be treated with dignity and respect. That is what sets Bethlehem apart from most other municipal bodies. They don't just go thru the motions. They really mean it.

    As for whether this is a close race, we'll find out on Election night. They are both class acts, and it bothers me to see a post about some cute kid turn out like this.

  19. I think its safe to say that if you have some type of roof over your head in this economy, you're doing OK. Downsizing and living with one's parents is becoming the norm, not the odd-ball. I cant believe that a candidates worth is being tied to his living arrangements.

    Living smaller is wiser...it only means that you are aware of constraints on cash, and that money does not grow on trees, except for the trees at 669 Washington St. in Easton. I think both are great candidates.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. I will not let you make a claim about something that never occurred. You con repost it, and I will continue to delete it.

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  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Folks, calm it down.

    SO what if he threw a pen. If thats the worst thing that someone can do, especially a politician, then we are safe with Ken.

    It beats sexting, DUIs and bribery.

  25. so your saying its ok to throw a pen on the table when you are on a board representing the Citizens of Bethlehem and you are suppose to be openminded and not show your opinion during the meeting? Are you nuts too?


    It beats sexting, DUIs and bribery

    Who are you talking about?

  27. Anthony Werner, Joe Brenan, Lisa Boscola, and the bribery list is way too long

  28. Bernie, the Long Dem's made a point of trying to get Kraft on the good side of you to get the good blogs. There is also a movement to get you back on the Barron bromance wagon. The discussions were real at meetings. They were heard by good Dem's.

    Whatever your personal opinion of Kraft is, the points are well made. In District one "two nice guys" campaigning by doing nothing means the Democrat wins big. Why would Kraft rock the boat?

    Also the underhanded way Mr. Vaughn was attacked first on your blog over his military service, his occupation and his home is indicative of Long Dem/Callahan Clan politics.

    It is no surprise that Kraft, Barron and Dertinger are joined at the hip.

    Remember when you were blinded by the Barron light, well Ken Kraft is in the same orbit. Sorry if that hurts you but bottom line is just look at your own blog!

    PS: Barron loves to parade his kids around for votes. Now if Mr Mom would get a real job and help pay for them, that would be nice.

  29. Bernie you are not the fair person that I thought you were. Why don't you ask ? and lets see how truthful of a person he is knowing that about five people will admit to seeing him do what he did? You are not the objective person you claim to be. Bloggers beware, Bernie deletes the truth when he wants to and he puts his own spin on issues also to meet his own personal objectives. Now are you going to delete this even though I didn't mention any names? You mention names of people and you even call them assholes and you think that is OK. Why is it that you don't delete that? Your a sham Bernie. :(

  30. It's "you're," not "your."

    I will delete an anonymous attack alleging something that occurred that I did not witness myself, even though I was there. If you want your charge to stand, identify yourself.

    This post was intended to show a cute young kid and a race by two gentlemen. But some of you are so bitter over the Elias ruling that Kraft must be evil, even though he did not take part in the decision. And of course, I'm unfair, etc.

    Of course I am. This is a frickin' blog. And I sign my name to everything I write, while you crawl from under a rock.

    If you want to make an accusation and don't want it deleted, sign your damn name and stop being a coward in addition to being wrong.

  31. Elias??? Are you insane? This is about a young idealistic republican getting conned by a slick Long Dem machine.

    You want him to go gently to slaughter in this race. Why else would you encourage him to lay down and get rolled over.

    You really are in the bag for the Long Dem Kraft.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  33. Elias? Absolutely. More than half of the attacks launched at Kraft come as a result of that case. It would be just as bad if it were another member or a member of the Planning Comm'n.

    I am well aware that Kraft is on more or less friendly terms with some people I revile. He and I differ on some issues. He chaired the Elections Comm'n when it moved ahead with Gracedale. I can disagree with a person on some issues without hating that person. But some of you have become so bitter as a result of one zoning matter that you will hate this candidate bc he sits on that board,

    Amazingly, you are still too cowardly to take responsibility for what you write, even when it is at 2:39 AM on Saturday, when normal people are living their lives.

    I suggest you get one.

  34. Not a single person, as far as I can see, posted on any of the six most recent blogs while the anonymous option was unavailable.

  35. I often have to do that on weekends when the trolls are out in force. When they have to give themselves some kind of identification, they're much more hesitant to make a baseless accusation.

  36. at 8.45 uses the pejorative term Mr. Mom to describe a man who stays at home to look after his kids and his home.
    Has he got a problem with a Dad looking after his kids?
    He's probaly the sort who tells his buddies that he can't make it to Tuesday poker night as he has to babysit the kids while his wife has a girl's night out. (These are his own kids, remember!)
    How does Barron, who seems to have a couple of officially part time, jobs fit into his thinking on this? Stay at home Dad he is not!
    8.45 has the typical Republican ass backwards view of family values and the world we live in. He attacks one person for something he clearly is not, and instead swipes across the hundreds who are guilty as charged of being primary caregivers for their own children.
    And he probably thought that last bit sounded really smart as he read it bavck to himself in the mirror, teasing out each word for effect, before clicking publish and shooting that arrow where he figures Barron must be.
    Sad, really.....

  37. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  38. Kraft has been anointed by Bernie. Although a Long Dem with a campaign run by Barron Von Footinmouth, he may not be questioned. Sorry Mr. Vaughn. You may be attacked as they did in this blog. They will attack your job, military record and home however, no one may reply.

    Disappointed "real" Republican.

  39. Seth, I will allow no personal attacks against you. This post's purpose was to feature a cute kid, and I am amazed at all the hate.

  40. You did allow the below the belt attack on Seth by Team Kraft to stay up. Why?

  41. Because I allowed another below the belt at Kraft. That's why. Now enough of this crap. Comment on the post or be deleted.

  42. It is stupid and shallow to use a child to get votes and sway bloggers. It is almost as bad as attacking a man's military and job status in order to win a race as a Long Dem, even if he is a Long Dem liked by a blogger.

  43. I don't think that Long is around anymore. And I don't think Kraft is having his campaign run by anybody. Him and Seth are running campaigns with no committees and very little help. I know, I see them both puttng out signs and doing their own work.

    You seem to be under that assumption that there is such a thing as a viable Democratic or Republican orginization in the lehigh valley, well guess what, there really isn't and if you think otherewise you are drinking the kool-aid

  44. Barron Von Footinmouth is helping to run Krafts campaign. You sir are drinking the koolaide if you think any thinking Republican is uanaware that the Long Dem's and Callahan clan are pulling the strings on some of these campaigns. Kraft is every bit the Long Dem as is Barron, McClure, et all.

    He will indeed win because Vaughn doesn't have the fire in his belly but please spar us the bullshit.

  45. Spar us the bullshit... sorry Barron von footinmouth and Long are NOT helping Krat, and if you think otherwise you are insane

    Both Vaughn and Kraft are doing everything independent of the party, no help from EITHER side...

  46. Why the concern Longy. Kraft is going to win in a landslide. Vaughn would need cash and lots of it and an organization to beat a Democrat in District one.

    Just because some smart Republicans aren't buying your BS like Bernie, don't have a heart attack. You can smell Long Dem's and Callahan Clans a mile away.

  47. Anonymous said...
    Spar us the bullshit...

    I think you mean "Spare us the Bullshit"


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.