Local Government TV

Friday, October 21, 2011

Attack of the Gracedale Goon

Mary Ann Schmoyer, Jack D'Dalessandro and his wife, Peggy, are now wearing "Gracedale Goon" buttons wherever they go, and last night, they decided to go to County Council so they could heckle Ron Angle every time he opens his mouth. It's one of their hobbies.

At last night's meeting, they sat two rows behind me, and of course, the catcalls began as soon as their ample derrieres hit the seat cushion. I decided to film them in action, as I've done once before, hoping to shame them into allowing others to speak without interruption.

Instead of behaving, Jack D'Dalessandro jumped out of his seat and tried to silence my flipcam, right in the middle of a public meeting. In the process, he knocked a poor woman right out her seat.

These are the people who want to restore civility to Northampton County Council.

A Deputy Sheriff pulled D'Dalessandro outside and lectured him on proper decorum.

For the first time, the Gracedale Goons were quiet.


  1. Now if only the sheriff would lecture Ron Angle on civility.

  2. This guy is a train wreck and has a temper that is dangerous.

  3. There are several people just like him, from Mary Ann Schoyer to the Fake Rev. D'Alessandro started shoving me after a taping at WFMZ-TV69, and he blocked me from entering a building in Wind Gap. In Bangor, he told a police officer that I was driving drunk. As you can see from their anonymous comments here and on their own blog, they all could benefit from some intensive psychological counseling.

  4. You are sill an angry drunk O'Hare. Get psychiatric treatment.

  5. "they all could benefit from some intensive psychological counseling"

    and lyposuction. good lord, tell them to walk away from the Ben & Jerry's from time to time. He looks like he swallowed Frank Flisser...

  6. GO BERNIE GO!!!!!!

    I love it.

  7. Nice work, Bernie. Next time, however, try a wide angle lens so we can can see more than six of his many chins. His behavior is as disgusting as his girth. There's no way the all the cheese gets washed out of all those folds. There must be a tremendous odor. You're a trooper for sitting so close.

  8. "He looks like he swallowed Frank Flisser..."

    Frank hasn't been seen for some time ...

  9. Bernie, It's nice to see that Scott "Civility" Parsons has such gentle supporters.

  10. Wow! All I can say is wow! Who was the woman yelling out at the end?

  11. To Anon 6:17 & 8:46 - I usually don't like to laugh at or make fun of the appearance of others, but I think we can make an exception here. These obnoxious hot heads clearly bring any ridicule on themselves. I am still laughing out loud - I needed that this morning. Thanks.

  12. The Three Stooges soundtrack is classic. He looks like Curly. Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk, nyuk.

    Just like the parasitic rabble squatting on Wall Street, the best way to ridicule these all-you-can-eat buffet titans is to film them acting naturally.

    Can you imagine the carnage if you were seated between the guy and his desserts?

    "I try to think and nothin' happens!"
    Curly Howard

  13. At least they can see their "Goon" buttons. They probably haven't seen their belly buttons in decades.

  14. Bernie:

    Do you and D'Alessandro use the same tailor?

  15. Hey 2:00, do you and that slob have the same probation officer? Talk about anger management!

  16. Bernie, if you want to tell a story get it straight and tell the truth. We didn't just deceide to go to the CC meeting we go all the time.
    We should leave Angle speak with out interuption. Well when he Angle ) learns to do that to others we might take that into concideration. When Jack stood up to put his hat over your camera he did not knock poor Mrs.Flisser out of her chair he was at the empty chair between her and her son.
    And another thing the Deputy Sheriff did not haul him out of the room Jack walked out to talk to him on his own.
    As far as the group getting psycholoical counseling Bernie you should know, I bet I could go back to my last job without psychological testing.But I know you couldn't do the same could you ?
    And as for being quite the rest of the night I don't think so.
    So Bernie next time you think you are pulling the wool over eye's try a little harder.

    maryann schmoyer
    A Gracedale Goon and proud of it.

  17. Bernie, people who live in fat houses with fat heads shouldn't throw stones about other peoples weight. Well, you are looking a little thin and wan lately, what's the matter? Ron not taking you to lunch lately, or are the worms in your brain eating you from the inside out?

  18. the worms crawl in the worms crawl out, in your stomach and out your mouth.. or as the past poster stated, the worms are eating your brains! good one anonymous 5:01!! LOVE IT

  19. Gracedale Goon Schmoyer,

    Your incessant cackling and taunting during Council meetings has reached the point where you are going to have to plop your ample derriere down somewhere else in the near future. They are ready to eject you.

    You have a right to speak, but do not have a right to speak the entire meeting. You do not have a right to jeer or taunt, as you do incessantly. You disrupt meetings, but seem to think that only you have rights.

    As far as my post is concerned, the camera does not lie. That's why you attempted to shut it down.

    And my story is accurate. DAlessandro, who fortunately was not bleeding from all orifices as has happened in Council before, smacked right into Mrs. Flisser and knocked her out of her seat. That is why you could hear her yelling. Instead of trying to justify what happened, you owe her and her son a big apology.

  20. Another point. I have the right to film a public meeting, including the people who attend that meeting. The Sunshine Act gives me that right. You do not pick and choose which laws you intend to follow. They apply to you, too, whether you like it or not.

    What your fellow teletubby did is called assault. Without any legal right, he engaged in an offensive touching of several people. In Mrs. Flisser's case, he recklessly shoved her. In my case, he intentionally attempted to interfere with my legal right to videotape your heckling. That is obstruction in addition to assault.

    The Deputy did pull him out of there. Although I have no idea what was said, I've been told what was said, which probably explains why you finally shut your mouths for once.

    You deride Angle's civility while you think nothing of shoving people and interrupting meetings with your loud mouth, and you are the worst of them all by far. It is extremely unfair and disrespectful to others who are there, not for your unhealthy personal war against Angle, but for other important County business. You could not even control your vulgarity when boy scouts attended a meeting. You really should be ashamed of yourself and your sickening behavior.

    If I were Scott Parsons, I'd steer clear of people like you. He can't claim to be a voice of civility when undisputed goons like you are attached to his hip.

    As for my own background, it's no secret I'm an alcoholic or that my license to practice law was suspended in '85. I've never hid it. I've been sober since then, too. And yes, if I were to seek readmission, I'd have to prove I'm no longer drinking.

    You claim to be a nurse, but have little sympathy for the plights of anyone besides yourself. Alcoholism is a disease. It is a physical and a mental disease. I would have to prove I no longer am an active alcoholic, although I'll be an alcoholic the rest of my life.

    You, on the other hand, are a terrible, mean-spirited person. There's an entire group of you. I don't know why. I don't know whether having loved ones who suffer from Alzheimers made you that way. I know people who are caregivers to family members with Alzheimers, and they are still compassionate people. But not you. There is something in your inner psyche that is just off, and it seems to have infected a group of you.

    In addition to the heckling, taunting and physical behavior, you use that Gracedale blog to post vicious stories that do not have an ounce of truth. You write, falsely, that I have a hidden cache of money somewhere, and this poverty claim by me is just schtick. Please tell me where my hidden money is. I need to pay my electric bill this week.

    I've read I'm a ladies' man, too. That was news to me.

    I don't know how many times you've claimed that Stoffa is on the take. All smoke. No fire.

    You post comments discussing whether I leave a meeting alone or with an escort. Why is that important? Why do you need to ost that? Sending me a message? Am I supposed to be afraid that you've hired a thug?

    I've been doing what I do my entire life, and i've got new for you. Thugs and bums like you don't scare me. All I have to do is shine a light on you and you scurry under the nearest rocks. You can smash my car windows, as you did in the Spring. You can attack me in the middle of a council meeting, as you did Thursday night. You can make false reports that I am drunk driving to a Bangor police officer, as you've done. You can jump me in some parking lot, as you've tried to do after a Business Matters taping. I'll keep telling the truth, whether you like it or not.

    Do yourself a favor and get some help, the bunch of you. You're clearly miserable people, and it makes no difference whether you get Angle or not. If he loses, you'll have to invent another devil to attack. Why not get some help instead?

  21. https://dia-la.worldsecuresystems.com/BookingRetrieve.aspx?ID=118527

    The quick and easy way to learn Robert’s Rules of Order! This powerful course will get you up to speed in a hurry so that you will understand what is going on, and can confidently participate fully in your next meeting.

    Maybe the Gracedale Goons should buy this and learn how to act in a public setting/meeting

  22. liar, liar pants on fire !

  23. That's what I'd expect from a moron who disrupts public meetings and assaults people in the middle of them. Keep it up. You're doin' great.

    I also find it interesting that Tricia Mezzacappa defends violations of the Sunshine Act. When the Goons began their usual heckling as Angle spoke, that's when I turned the camera on them. D'Alessandro's reaction was a violation of the Sunshine Act, and a candidate for public office thinks this is fine.

  24. Hey Bo, watch your own video
    Parson's civility
    Watch what Ron is doing while parson's talking. He is talking out just like the goons do .....
    but that is ok - only because it's angle.The trio does no wrong.

  25. Angle was speaking because he was recognized by the Council President. That's how it works. You don't have a right to sit there and shout out whenever you want, like you're Rain Man. And you certainly don't have a right to knock people over or try to cover a camera that films you doing what you do worst.

  26. Mr Ohare

    I have not posted on this subject intentionally due to the volatile nature of both factions. I now would like to ask for more information to sate my curiosity.
    I was wondering if there is more footage you could share of this man and woman provoking you and disrupting the meeting? The brief video could be deemed "taken out of context". Even if it were audio portions of their outbursts it would help prove your point.
    I don't want to give you advice however, prehaps you should ignore these dolts. Delete their diatribes and move on. They seem to be dragging you down into a place you would rather not go. By your commentary I can tell you are troubled by them.
    I agree they will find another enemy if Mr. Angle is no longer on council. At least you will prevail by not engaging. I don't think it would be a sign of resignation, it would show you are the mature voice in the matter. It is a sad state of affairs.

  27. I have shot footage of the way they disrupt meetings before, including in front of boy scouts, and have posted it here.

    They were starting up again, and I turned to shoot them, but that's when
    Dalessandro got up, knocked a lady out of her seat and tried to shove my camera away. That is all on tape, and should tell you all you need to know.

    Here's a link to them disrupting a meeting with boy scouts.


  28. I agree 12:07 but that is what you get with Angle and O'Hare. Such drama, such pathos. Oh the pain.

    You are quite the drama queen O'Hare.

    Part of your pretend disease is believeing everyone is pre-occcupied with you.

  29. Not everyone, but sickos like you are. All you have to do is look at the Gracedale blog. Half of the comments there are about me. I'd call that an unhealthy obsession. It leads to goofy behavior like getting u in the middle of a meeting to knock a lady over and swat at my camera.

  30. The body cheese comment is right on spot. It speaks to their standard of hygiene and that which is likely kept at substandard Gracedale. Eeeeeww. There's no way his anal pore ever gets completely wiped. Ever.

  31. Bernie, it is amazing how you edit things with your little flip cam! You constantly taunt people with it and unfortunately people begin to lose composure. I have been to a county council meeting in the past when you started to push it into my 82 year old fathers face simply because he said "oh come on" and then you taunted him with it the rest of the meeting. I can tell you, he was ready to stick it where the sun doesn't shine! Let me ask you, if you were not antagonizing these people, why did you have the camera pointed at him in the first place!

  32. and by the way, your sneering cackling that you constantly do to people is also annoying. Just listen to yourself, you are shameful for what you do to people!

  33. The above 2 comments come from Donna Barney, one of the Gracedale Goons, who lives in Kunkeltown. Her specialty is coming to meetings and then using courtesy of the floor to speak for lengthy periods with vicious personal attacks at Angle. In fact, at the boy scout meeting, as they engaged in vulgarities and acted like children, part of my video did include her father. You'll notice that Barney, like Dalessandron, thinks it's perfectly OK when her side breaks the law, and now is using her 82 year old father to suggest violence is possible.

    She can complain about Angle, but thinks it's fine to suggest her 82 year old father will act violently with me.

    This is their version of civility. They don't see that they themselves are the bullies, and I've always stood up to bullies.

  34. Yeah, in an open meeting, I turn to film your usual catcalls, which disrupt meetings, you assault me, and I'm a stalker.

    This is Scott Parsons' "civility."

  35. Now I understand all the hateful comments posted here. These people are seriously unhinged. Be careful, Bernie.

  36. Bernie you have every right to videotape a public meeting. It is not disruptive to anyone except for people with thin skin like Jack. He can certainly cover up his face (merciful) when you point the camera at him, but he has no right to try and cover your camera with his hat and nearly knock over another person in the process. Him yelling out at you during the meeting was highly inappropriate and disruptive. He was close to being removed from the chamber by deputies. He needs to chill or bring his own flip cam and point it at you the whole time if he is such a baby.

  37. I urge all who cherish freedom to bring two flipcams to meetings. One should be pointed at Angle and one at O'Hare the entire meeting. They can then be edited to show everyone how both Angle and O'Hare behave during meetings.

    We can let the public decide.

  38. Bernie,

    Please tell us that you edited the frozen frame picture of Jack. He has one eye going up and the other going down. That is hilarious!

  39. Let's have a flip cam faceoff! BO v. JD. Could be posted on You Tube to frighten naughty children.

  40. 3:53, Actually, I did not edit that video. It is only a portion of the meeting, but was not edited, except for the audio I added. I though that was appropriate.

    3:47, Because I cherish freedom, that is why I do bring flipcams to public meetings. Your group has brought flipcams to meetings, too. The Fake Rev has done it numerous times, and has trained the camera on me. He has had nothing to post bc I have never acted disrespectfully during a public meeting, even if I completely disagree with what is being said. So go ahead and bring all the cameras you want.

  41. Just about your entire post is a lie and completely distorts the truth of the matter. If you are the type of person Angle and Stoffa associate with it tells a great deal about both those people. However, most have already formed an opinion about Stoffa and Angle based on their underhanded and devious ways of dealing with people.

    With you pitching crap for them, it just proves the base nature of their characters.

    For a truthful account of this incident go to "Saving Private Gracedale". No deleting, no editing just truth and openness.

  42. I did and have never seen anything as offensive as what is posted on that blog.

  43. Job Details
    GRACEDALE NURSING HOME IMMEDIATE OPENINGS REGISTERED NURSES FT - 3-11 PT - 7-3; 3-11 LPNs FT -11-7 PT - 7-3; 3-11; 11-7 NURSE AIDES FT - 3-11 PT- 7-3, 3-11; 11-7 2 Gracedale Avenue Apply ONLINE ONLY on or after 10/4 at: http://applicant.northamptoncounty.org Northampton County is an Equal Opportunity Employer Nazareth, PA 18064-9213 Published in The Express-Times

    I saw this on Lehigh Valley Live today.

    I thought they were downsizing?


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