Local Government TV

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stoffa to Release 2012 Budget Friday ... I Think

Northampton County Executive John Stoffa will release his budget this Friday ... I think. He's invited me to a news conference "this coming Friday, October 1, 2011." I'm pretty sure this Friday is September 30, but Stoffa must have created a new calender again by Executive Order. This is what happens when he has no Director of Administration.

John has changed Septemeber to Stoftember, and eliminated January so we don't get so cold.

This will be no "budget of choices." He will propose a combination tax hike, as well as a partial depletion of the County's rainy day fund.


  1. Now will this be the Stoffa budget, or the Angle budget?

  2. This clown has squandered the largest surplus in county history. The worst Adminstration in history. Shameful

  3. Stoftember follows Anglust.

  4. To Anonymous 4:00

    The money is still there, trust me...

  5. A tax hike is unconscionable. The real unemployment rate is estimated at close to 15% and another wave of foreclosures are coming. It must be nice to slop your pensions while jacking taxes on those who are struggling to keep homes and eat. Completely missing from your preview of his tax grab is ANY discussion of shrinking the county's headcount. I don't want to hear about Gracedale. While I supported the sale, his proposal to sell was never politically attainable; not even close. Stoffa is a bureaucratic lifer who acts just like one. I thought Reibman wsa bad until I watched Stoffa. The first is honest. The second a crook. Both incompetents delivered the same dismal results to NorCo taxpayers.

  6. Anon 8:00, while I voted for keeping Gracedale, I agree with your points.

    Both County Executives have been incompetent. The current Adminstration is more of a problem because the local Press gives Stoffa a pass, they always have. At least with Reibman they had reporters constantly questioning every move. Now we have things going on behind the scenes that are never reported.

    It would be beneficial to have an Executive who has strong county experience, administrative experience and is smart, honest and hard working. That is my hope for the future.

    There are a hundred issues that are real problemns that this guy isn't even dealing with, he just wants more tax money for his unspecified Abe Attiyah drug rehab lounge. We don't even know what that will cost.

    By the time he leaves someone needs to come in for four years, not worried about their political future but just to get things straightened out in the county.

  7. I just wish people would remember that Reibman managed to raise taxes by 53% in just two years... and that after backloading every debt payment he could. Then there was the swaption....

  8. I mistyped that should read 63%

  9. I disagreed with Executive Stoffa on the Gracedale issue. John Stoffa is a decent and honorable man. If you don't like the way that things are running might I suggest that you throw your hat into the ring for County Executive.

  10. Won't matter. New Executive in 2013. I think it has been decided that Sal Panto will be our next County Executive.

  11. Sal Panto runs a filthy and dangerous crime haven with a putrid police department that hasn't changed a bit in his tenure. They've actually gotten worse. easton also boasts the second highest tax burden in Northampton County. And this doesn't include the mountain of fees that Panto has piled on while saying he held the line on taxes.

    Panto is a big, expensive mess. And Forks Township residents are still painfully aware of the massive shit stain he left while a lackey for unscrupulous developer Strausser.

    The rest of the county does not need Easton's stinking recycled garbage.

  12. I am so tired of this "a tax hike is unconscionable" bullshit..He has kept down taxes for years but thanks to Governor Corbett cutting monies to County Human Service Departments and the ongoing costs at Gracedale, Stoffa has no choice. He and many others told the electorate that there would be a cost to keeping Gracedale..They decided to keep it anyway. Taxes at the County should have been raised years ago when Stoffa and Ferraro suggested a modest increase to keep the county in good shape..The Democratic Council at the time turned down the idea..This present council has also chosen to use county rainy day funds to supplement their budgets..Bad idea..A modest increase is a must and if Stoffa is going to be responsible he has to consider it..School taxes are the problem, again thanks to our Republican Governor and his cuts to education..Now all the districts are forced to increase taxes and cut staffs to make up for the Governor's cuts. County taxes are the least onerous of all my property taxes..A mill increase will cost what," a dollar a week"?
    If you cant afford that then stay away from the casinos or stop smoking...Angle has millions, maybe he can loan some to the county..

  13. Not a word about headcount reduction. Just tax and spend, Tom. Just tax and spend. Can we finally identify you as the one who thought $186,000 parking spaces prudent?

    Stoffa has been all over the place. One day he's proposing ridiculous new debt on the verge of the country's economic disaster. The next, he's attempting to privatize that which he failed to properly manage for years.

    He only knows a government paycheck. He doesn't have a clue of life in the real world without pension slopping and lifetime benefits. That's not good for taxpayers.

  14. Not a word about headcount reduction? A number of positions have been lost in the county and others, including some of Stoffa's administrative heads, were frozen..What are you saying?.We should toss more people out on the street so they can have their homes forclosed on or lose their posssessions so you don't have to pay an extra dollar a week in county taxes..Do you even pay taxes
    in this county or are you another redneck teabagger laying on the Fox news crap when you are not even affected by the increase? Again, get a grip or get a job..I am so tired of this crap..

  15. Anonymous 2:50
    It is so easy for you to attack as an anon. Why not confront me face to face? Why not learn the facts? We inherited a city on the verge of Act 47 and today we ar eone of the best financially managed cities in PA. Check how many other cities had the S&P rating increased. Check how many other cities hired 11 additional police officers to fight crime; 2 additional firefighters, code officers and more while holding the line on taxes and fees. You have no clue yet you hide behind your anonymity like a coward. I deliver my 2012 budget tonight at 6 why not join me? Why not listen to the facts or would that confuse you.

    I am open and accessible to all individuals to discuss a different viewpoint and I will listen......but right now Easton is getting better and better everyday becasue a lot of people are making it happen.

  16. Sal, What you've done in Easton is simply incredible. I see it every day myself. I know you don't let these anonymous trolls bother you, but I am constantly amazed by how nasty some people can be when they don't have to sign their name. As for the Exec job, you're without doubt the best name under consideration. I realize you want to focus on Easton right now, but I hope you remember us. You could continue to do good things for Easton in that role as well. And I can't think of anyone from Easton in recent years who has been an Exec.

  17. Tom, We probably agree more than we disagree. We need to cut as much as we can, but not at the expense of providing vital services. We are pretty near the bone right now, if not there. And yes, from time to time, a tax hike is necessary.

  18. I have just deleted a personal attack at the Mayor of Easton. If you want to attack him, he's a big boy. But you'll have to sign your name.

  19. Hello Mayor Panto

    In reading some of the other postings, I see they have you running for County Executive.
    Would you care to confirm that?
    I know by living in the Valley you and every mayor have enormous problems to deal with. There is no quick fix, or cure all. This irritates some of the juveniles
    I do want to warn you, I have noticed that some of the people in here are angry. They must need validation in their lives and feel this is an outlet.
    As far as confronting you on issues that will never happen. They are correctly categorized as anon cowards.
    Ask Mr Ohare.

  20. Bernie,

    As much as it pains me to say this, you are right. The County is pretty much near the bone right now. The attacks on John here are unfair.

  21. Anon 5:01, pot meet kettle!

  22. Sal is a good guy and has done wonders for Easton. However.. he needs to clean up his Police Department. These guys are in the news too often for the wrong reasons. Stealing wallets, being publicly drunk and being arrested etc..

  23. Bernie O'Hare has officially endorsed Sal Panto. That is the kiss of death. Remember O'Hare is the guy who told us how great Ron angle and John Stoffa were and are.

    Sorry Sal, but that is one endorsement that will cost you votes.

  24. Yes,
    I agree. Sal Panto is a government spendaholic. His shabby NIZ plan will run business right out of downtown. It will become a ghost town with boarded up windows, for sale signs and foreclosure notices. He, like too many other Mayor Pops in this area believe that strict enforcement of all City rules will generate the revenue for its lack of business revenue.

    If he creates an environment for business, it will come. Parking should be more of a priority, because most people have to run back and forth to escape those wild meter maid witches that stalk all parked cars, and slap tickets galore atop windshields.

  25. It is tiring to have these career politicians keep leapfrogging from one position to the next for ego and money.

  26. It is to Sal Panto's credit that Easton is no longer a ghost town. The NID was not his idea. It was the idea of the Greater Easton Development Partnership. The plan was squashed by Mayor Panto. You have no idea what you are talking about.

    As for the police department. Name an officer that was hired under his watch how has gotten in trouble. Considering he inherited a bunch of knuckleheads.....he's done very well. Very Very Well.

    I would vote him county executive anyday.

  27. Yeah.....I'm told Sal Panto is getting pressure to run. And rightfully so. He has done wonders for the city. Even his worst enemies admit that.

  28. Easton may have the highest tax burden but you can blame that on Phil Mitman. You are also forgetting to remember that Easton also has the lowest assessment values in the valley. It's actually still much cheaper to live in the city. Let's also not forget that the city is full of non-profits. Raising fee's make these non-profits pay their fair share.

  29. I'm sitting in a room where Mayor Panto just gave his budget address. Facinating.....just facinating.

  30. I see the Panto advance team is busy. It should be interesting. Given the job hopping of Cunningham, it will be interesting to see the reaction to Panto county wide.

    Either way, it looks to be a crowed field and in that scenario, anything can happen and usually does.

  31. Word on street is Mike Fleck is part of the Panto campaign team. Mike Fleck and Bernie O'Hare supporting the same candidate.

    Where is Chris Christie when you need him.

  32. I doubt any other democrat would run against Panto. And Don Cunnigham has done very well in Lehigh County.

  33. Annon 7:00

    Randy Galiota runs Panto's campaign not Mike Fleck. I think you are getting bad intel. I like Randy. He's not very political like Fleck. But Mike Fleck does have campaigning skills.

  34. "Word on street is Mike Fleck is part of the Panto campaign team. Mike Fleck and Bernie O'Hare supporting the same candidate."

    This was posted by an idiot who has no idea what he is talking about.

  35. Mike Fleck is running Vaughn Spencers campaign for Mayor in Reading. He pretty much lives in Reading which tells me that he has nothing to do with Panto's campaign. Randy is the Panto go to. I know Sal loves the guy and trusts him with everything. He really took Panto's last campaign and made it "current" and let's not forget that they beat Fleck.

  36. ... which proves that God does truly exist.

  37. If Panto where to be the next executive I think its safe to say that he would have Randy close to his hip in the cabinet. But I thought that 4 years ago and I was wrong.

  38. I have deleted the idiot who ses "word on the street" to preface his own ridiculous views.

  39. I do like Mayor Panto personally. Very nice guy that is always willing to talk to anyone. He has done some VERY good things in Easton.

    What I don't like?

    #1) 1.75% Local tax rate, the highest in the area. I have recently been looking in other areas because of the extremely high rate. I can take the difference in the local rate and apply it to the higher property tax in Palmer and Forks.

    #2) The parking "police" are the most unfriendly and unprofessional people i've had the displeasure to deal with. Yes, I got a $25 ticket for parking on the side that a street cleaner was going down. My son was having a difficult surgery and I forgot. My dad explained this to the parking "police". They gave the ticket with a comment of "that's not my problem". 43 years in Easton, pay my taxes, and that's what I get. The police threw out the ticket and apologized for the arrogance of the idiot.

    Mayor Panto has done a very good job and is also a fine person. Even though I get cranky when I write out my estimate to Berkheimer.

  40. I can tell you story after story about those meter dudes. Some of them are very nice, but one or two of them are real jerks. My buddy Tom is at war with them.

  41. You hate the fact that at least two people are confirmed to be running for county Executive. Does that mean your new mancrush ill be upset.

  42. O'Hare is already trying to game the system for Stoffa number two. Yikess!!!

  43. At least with Reibman they had reporters constantly questioning every move

    They cant afford to have reporters anymore, they can't even sell that stupid rag to anybody under 55

  44. I think it is refreshing that at least three peopler will be running for County Execuitive on the Dem side. I just wish they would have run in 09 against Stoffa. Instead we had the Party approved disaster in Ann McCale. No more "sure things" for this Dem voter!


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