Local Government TV

Friday, September 16, 2011

Gracedale Census Down to 585

At last night's Northampton County Council meeting, Executive John Stoffa stated that Gracedale's census is down to 585, "as low as I've seen in its history." He also announced that Premier Healthcare Resources, a private management company hired to administer the County-owned nursing home, will start on September 26. David Holland, ironically an Easton resident, will serve as interim Administrator.

In other business, Council unanimously approved a Stoffa proposal to hire McClure Company, a PPL subsidiary, for a guaranteed energy savings plan at Gracedale that will save taxpayers $16.2 million over the next ten years. Over the next year, McClure will install a new sanitary sewer system, grease interceptor, natural-gas friendly boilers and replace 17 air handling units that are between 40-60 years old.

Ironically, the low census will enable McClure to make improvements with a minimum of disruption in the daily lives of residents.


  1. Why not post about how Stoffa's human services department has kidnapped Ron Shegda's sister and won't let her go home. Why not talk about why the court and police disagree with the department, yet Stoffa wants to appoint a "committee" to investigate before he releases the woman.

    It was on the TV tonight O'Hare. Your boy Stoffa has really lost control of things. The Shegda family is going to have a rally to raise money to pay lawyers to get their own sister from the county.

    What the Hell is going on over there O'Hare? Stoffa is your buddy, O'Hare. who the Hell is running the show?

    First Gracedale gets all screwed up and now family members taken by the county. What the Hell!!

    Concerned Citizen

  2. is part of the gracedale census problem a result of all the controversy? i mean seriously, if you had any options, would you put a family member there now?

  3. i missed the news.

    i know ron shegda is a whackjob. dunno what's going on with the sister.

  4. I also know Ron Shegda is a whack job.

  5. Morning Bernie, just jog my memory, where does Marvin Granda stand in all this? Carol

  6. Does the fact that employees are strangling residents have anything to do with a low census? I wouldn't want my grandmother throttled.

  7. As the census continues to decline, this becomes a costlier and costlier union jobs program.

    Obviously, fewer employees are required to strangle fewer patients.

    Before Stoffa quickly raises our taxes, shouldn't staffing levels be addressed? When do the layoffs start?

  8. The Boscola photo in the story below is classic!

  9. 1:40 AM,

    Why on earth would you choose to discuss someone's private family life in a post about Gracedale? And why would you think that Stoffa can overrule the courts on a private dependency matter?

  10. Stoffa, to his credit, said he'd look into it. The DAs office confirms nothing criminal occurred.

  11. Out of control caseworkers and managers. Both the police and DA found no substance, yet the sister is still being held. It was on local television for Christs sake.

    Joe Owens couldn't censor this story. Just because someone is a whack job, does that entitle the county to take a relative and hold them. Between Gracedale and this story it shows how out of control the human serives department is in the county. Where is the legal leadership?

  12. I did not see this on TV, and did not hear about it before reading it on this blog. Being in social services I know the county must have had a compelling reason to do what they did. My guess is a competancy hearing was held and the family lost guardianship. The loss of guardianship must be supported by evidence, just as in custody matters.

  13. I consider the Shegda matter a private family matter. I realize he has made it public himself, but little good can come from publicly delving into a family matter, especially in a forum where people can post anonymously.

  14. O'Hare tranlator, I don't like seeing any stories that show how incompetent John Stoffa and company are.

  15. Stoffa is incompetent bc he has come up with a plan to install all kinds of capital improvements to Gracedale at no cost to taxpayers. We cold use more incompetence like that.

    You are just a bitter hater.

  16. The loss of guardianship must be supported by evidence, just as in custody matters.

    2:24 PM


    The heavy hand of government, judges who allow personal dislike of one party over the other to outweigh any "evidence", and human service workers who make stuff up out of whole cloth "to secure funding" are run amok at the county level.

  17. Cuckoo.

    Sounds like someone who has personally experienced a commitment or two.

    Take your pills.

  18. Bullshit, how do these people make money? Are they Stoffa's version of the tooth fairy. They are paid with tax money. Stop bullshitting O'Hare. The world is wise to you, Angle and Stoffa.

  19. 2 AM troll, As I said before, cuckoo.

  20. Why the constant update on census? We all know the Angle/Stoffa plan has been to run the place into the ground. They have done an excellent job.

  21. The updates on census are to inform people. I have been specifically asked by readers to do that. To those of you who have already made up your minds, carry on.

  22. Thanks for posting the census Mr. Ohare.

  23. Yes thanks you Mr. O'Hare. It is interesting to note the one thing Stoffa has been able to accomplish. He is a master at destroying nursing homes

  24. Ron Shegda is a good solid citizen. It is frightening that our county govewrnment could without cause kidnap a defenseless woman from a home where she was getting the best of care to a home where she is horribly neglected. Just because you don't like someone's opinions does not mean there is anything wrong with them. It seems that evil is sadly what gets glorifed by Mr. O' Hare and justice and good is dismissed as mentally inferior. Lord help us.


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