Local Government TV

Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Devil and the Fake Rev ... and a Definite Tax Hike Next Year

It was a lot more subdued this time, primarily because there was no studio audience, except for the Express Times and yours truly. I snuck in a side door, evading security. Because Ron Angle was one of the guests, there were still plenty of fireworks during yesterday's taping of a WFMZ-TV69 Business Matters. And the show was about Gracedale, so the sparks would have been flying no matter who was there.

Hosted by Tony Iannelli, the show also featured Northampton County Exec John Stoffa, former Exec Gerry Seyfried, the Fake Rev, Mario Martinez.

Martinez was at one time the Gracedale Goon spokesperson, but he must have been demoted after claiming that Jesus had sent tornadoes to punish us for President Obama's Israeli policy. He insisted yesterday that he only speaks for himself ... and Jesus.

According to Martinez, all that talk about taxes and Gracedale is just a "scare tactic."

But Stoffa told Iannelli he still needs $2.5 million for nursing home Gracedale this year, as well as another $6 million for next year. As he continues to work on next year's budget, he predicts there will be a 18-20% gap between revenue and expenses. That's pretty much what Angle has been predicting all along. Although he can close some of that gap by dipping into the rainy day fund, a tax hike is inevitable. Stoffa acknowledged that Gracedale is responsible for some, but not all, of the shortfall.

"We need leadership willing to lead!" brayed Martinez.

"We need a printing press," answered Angle.

In addition to calling for Angle's ouster from office, the Fake Rev called Ron a "demon."

But he won't give the Devil his due. When it comes to Gracedale's cost, Angle has been right. When it comes to budget shortfalls, he's been downright prescient.

It is unclear whether Martinez was speaking for himself or Jesus yesterday, but he threw that name around often enough to make anyone wearing a Star of David just a tad uncomfortable.

After the show, I had lunch with Angle. Although his head began spinning around and he did speak Latin backwards, that always happens when he eats Thai food, especially papaya salad.

Too spicy.

The show will air in October.


  1. Bernie, That is a REALLY scary photo.

  2. What did Seyfried have to say? He was the only knowledgable and honest person on the show.

  3. Gerry said this is an opportunity for both the county and the union to give.

  4. Sat in a lobby of a county building a couple of weeks ago. Watched and listened patiently as three county front office workers shot the shit for the better part of two hours and snarked at people coming into the agency whenever they were interrupted. Two behind a counter, one blatantly standing at the counter, would walk away when the current conversation wore down and would come back moments later to strike up a new one. I was still there when the office closed, they yapped right up until quitting time, then bolted for the door.

    Just one more example of the areas that won't be looked at before taxes are increased.

    You can defend them all you want, the county has hallwalkers in every department that can and should be eliminated, costs that can be reduced, before tax increases should be on the table.


  5. I don't believe it. Unions never say weird ridiculous things that scare people.

    By the way, that's a kick ass mustache.

    Battening down the hatches in a pirate voice,

    James P. Hoffa

  6. seyfried is the only person ...who's words i absolutely trust i think he has a real interest in seeing the county thrive ... i respect him immensely..

  7. When was the last time taxes were raised in Norco?

  8. Clem - Are you suggesting these people have no responsibilities? Are you also suggesting that your anecdote is representative of all the other days you aren't loitering in the building?

  9. If the county is going to be responsible, it is time to look at least at a modest tax increase to fund the government..They haven't raised taxes in years despite the increse in costs of running government. If there is a shoertfall it's their own doing..On top of all this, the State keeps cutting money to the county for human services. That leaves the county in the position of raising taxes to pay for the services or cutting needed programs for children and the mentally ill..Not that the State gives a damn...The county, if they wish to be responsible for once, needs to modestly increase taxes..They went around crying wolf saying if the Gracedale referendum passed taxes would have to go up..The people passed the referendum..So be responsible and stop starving government..

  10. Excuse me, but that s what Angle and Stoffa have been saying all along. There will be a budget shortfall. Gracedale is not responsible for all of it, but is responsible for about half. It will be necessary to raise taxes or raise taxes and dip into the rainy day fund.

    The people voted to keep Gracedale They did not vote for a tax hike, thanks to the deceptive wording in the referendum. But there is no way to avoid it.

  11. "When was the last time taxes were raised in Norco?"

    They were raised in Stoffa's first year in office, a half mill for open space. That's something he said he would do when he ran. Since then, he has held the line. Had Gracedale been sold, there would be no tax increase for another 5 years at least, but now he will have no choice.

  12. "seyfried is the only person ...who's words i absolutely trust i think he has a real interest in seeing the county thrive ... i respect him immensely.."

    Gerry is an honorable man and I respect him and his opinion.

  13. Business Matters has become a joke. Ianelli seems to relish his role as Jerry Springer, and having this panel on is like a stale WWE tag team re-match. Guests are forced to perch on barstools like gargoyles while Tony flails away like a mental patient getting shock therapy without the restraints. If Stossberg is "producer" he better stick to his day job. The show is a farce.

  14. From the moment it starts, the ability for anyone to take Business Matters seriously disappears almost as fast as I did!


    Rob Vaughn's Mustache

  15. 10:18 -

    I'm suggesting there are too many people for the workload when 6 manhours are basically wasted. Were I the only one to ever witness something like that, perhaps you would have a point.

    No time for loitering, too busy earning my share of the dough that pays for that crap. Took time off from wealth creation to support a relative dealing with county bureaucracy.

    Nice try, though, trough feeder. You may resume suckling now...


  16. It is apparent that Iannelli makes sure thyat those on the show for Gracedale are people without a real working knowledge of the plasce. I am sure that is done for the benefit of his new best friend Angle and Stoffa.

  17. They were raised in Stoffa's first year in office, a half mill for open space. That's something he said he would do when he ran. Since then, he has held the line. Had Gracedale been sold, there would be no tax increase for another 5 years at least, but now he will have no choice.

    He raised taxes for open space? What a useless use of taxpayer money. It's time these people grow a pair and face the electorate. It's time to raise revenue.

  18. Clem - Yes, I'm sure you are creating much wealth. Ha!
    Of course, there is never any socializing in the private sector. It's all business all the time. No wonder all the golf courses are going under.

  19. So its the fake reverend in one corner and the fake public servant in the other?

    Martinez, a decent, well meaning and well spoken individual with no personal agenda.


    Angle, the man of many "quite frankly, its bizarre" comments usually following adverse decisions regarding validity of wills, ability to serve in two offices, and 1.3 million dollar judgments for breach of contract.

    Oh prescient one. Will the judgment result in an 18-20% reduction in personal wealth?

  20. What planet are you on to conclude that Martinez is either decent or well-meaning. He has a bogus ordination, literally "demonizes" anyone who disagrees with him, and is such a ham that the Gracedale crowd dumped him.

    As far as Angle is concerned, he is perhas the most interesting and complex person I ever met. I'd be happy to have him in a foxhole next to me. If it were martinez, I'd be worried.

  21. "It is apparent that Iannelli makes sure thyat those on the show for Gracedale are people without a real working knowledge of the plasce. I am sure that is done for the benefit of his new best friend Angle and Stoffa."

    Untrue. Iannelli asked Barron. He pussied out. He asked McClure, who ran from it, too. He asked McHale, and she said No. Same for the unions. They won the referendum so they don't give a shit.

  22. Did Tony Iannelli ask Gerry anything about his hot movie star cousin?


  24. Bogus ordination? that's funny. As opposed to what? Non-bogus ordination as in the case of Catholic priests? Or Ayatollahs? Or Bishops? Is it a sect or a religion. Oh divinity student please discern the mysteries of the Delphic Oracle and let us learn what is bogus from the really bogus with conventional status.

    As for Beezelbub,the predictabiliy of his reoccuring patterns of predation with mangled English does get boring.

  25. Bogus ordination? that's funny. As opposed to what? Non-bogus ordination as in the case of Catholic priests? Or Ayatollahs? Or Bishops? Is it a sect or a religion. Oh divinity student please discern the mysteries of the Delphic Oracle and let us learn what is bogus from the really bogus with conventional status.

    As for Beezelbub,the predictabiliy of his reoccuring patterns of predation with mangled English does get boring.

  26. "literally "demonizes" anyone who disagrees with him"

    Oh, and Angle doesn't do the same, if not worse. Take the blinders off.

  27. O'Hare is an ass. The Holy Reverend Dowd is more of a hypocrite than Rev. Martinez. When Angle is attacking and viciousdly assulting people, Dowd sits there nodding.

    When Dowd was Council President he would let Angle rip people on a regular basis.

    These so called "real" Rev's are a joke.

    You are judged by your works not your credentials, O'Hare!

  28. Oh, I agree, and Martinez is a phony.

  29. "Oh, and Angle doesn't do the same, if not worse."

    Angle does not pretend he's a man of God.

  30. No he is a man of the people. He doesn't engage in pretense? You know like hanging a little wall ornament version of the 10 commandments next to his little flag.

    Oh I get it god and country.

    I am sure he thought about both when he was stealing his mother's support checks. Why not ask him about that early episode in his life of crime.

  31. You're pretty good at making anonymous accusations that you can't back up. That's all you got. One of those ten commandments tells you not to bear false witness against your neighbor, but you do that. Another tells you not to covet others, but you do that.

    Anonymous trolls like you have no credibility.

  32. "Bogus ordination? that's funny. As opposed to what?"

    As opposed to a person who actually goes to a school, studies, takes tests, and his rated by people who understand that discipline. If Martinez can hold himself out as a "Reverend," I should be able to perform brain surgery.


    Hey ALL CAPS!

    I've been in the foxhole with Angle. He was next to me when Otter began calling me a crook and claiming I would go to jail. He was with me when we defended that ridiculous accusation in court. He never waivered. He's one of very few people left who is loyal to his friends. And I'm ucky enough to call him a friend.

    But your comment is funny as hell.

  34. Anonymous said...
    Clem - Yes, I'm sure you are creating much wealth. Ha!
    Of course, there is never any socializing in the private sector. It's all business all the time. No wonder all the golf courses are going under.

    2:58 PM

    One by one, slowly for you.

    If it's just a penny, it is more than is created in the halls of government.

    There is absolutely socializing in the private sector. The kind I witnessed, especially done in front of the customer like that, would be enough to get you canned anywhere people have to actually work to generate their revenue. The private sector, you see, does not confiscate money under force of law. We have to earn it, every day.

    Talk to Mitman and his crew about time on the golf course. The business people I know, who have to earn a living, use the golf course to further that end, not avoid work. Stop watching so much TV and reading the class warfare talking points.


  35. He has a bogus ordination

    Wow. That reallllly makes him less credible. A fake ordination as a teller of fairy tales.

  36. As opposed to a person who actually goes to a school, studies, takes tests, and his rated by people who understand that discipline. If Martinez can hold himself out as a "Reverend," I should be able to perform brain surgery.

    Wait, you need to be certificated to be a man of god? You Christians are might full of yourself.

  37. Clem - Please. You'd immediately enter the fetal position if the public services you rely on a daily basis and need to function in the private sector were gone tomorrow. You take for granted all of the things afforded to you by working Americans devoted to civil service not making widgets.

  38. working Americans devoted to civil service . . .


    Oxy Moron

  39. Findings by a non fake Judge referring to man's best friend:

    While the Court believes that the Defendants acted with the intent to defraud Cotturo.....(you know his friend of 35 years)

    Defendants conduct was malicious and wanton....

    Gee with friends like Angle who needs enemies?

    Then, good loser that he is, fast forward to a public forum to use his public office to advance a private grievance of course all in the name of the public good.

    That conduct apparently doesnt even give you pause but your sensibilities are offended by a "fake" ordination?


  40. Yeah, people who throw the name Jesus and God around give me the willies, especially when they have no education. And I happen to agree that a lawyer with all kinds of liens and who tells everyone that he is an alcoholic should probably not be in the employ of the County, especially when he's not a particularly good lawyer.

    As for Cotturo, he just contributed $100 to Angle's campaign, so he apparently thinks Angle belongs there. And as you know, exceptions to Braxton's opinion have been filed.

  41. All kinds of liens? Did you do the research for Angle?

    Do his liens exceed the judgment amount against Angle?

    Alcoholic? Even if were true, would it be a moral failing as you imply or a medical condition.

    Any disciplinary actions ever taken against him?

    Apparently the judge found him to be very credible.

    Whatever the motivation, $100.00 for 1.7 million is a fair trade off. Besides,from his point of view keeping Angle away from him and otherwise occupied may well be worth the c note.

  42. Alcoholism is a medical condition but a person who refuses to seek treatment should not be in county employment, especially when he has liens and no malpractice insurance. The door is wide open for an action against the County, especially if this lawyer screws up in one of the cases he has where he represents people for the county.

    Angle never named this person and , if memory serves, never identified the office where he works. Ron may have an extra reason to want to stick it to this guy, but he is still absolutely right.

    Do you want to make an argument in support of drunk deadbeats representing criminal defendants? I guess as long as he is anti-Angle, he must be OK.

  43. No and this is where your myopic vision is most stunning. He is absolutely wrong. He has used half truths, distorted even them, in a pure act of vindictiveness having nothing to do with the public good.

    Whether he achieves a reversal on appeal or not, Angle's conduct was deplorable under most any rule of conduct.

    Lets put 2 and 2 together and see what it adds up to. How many attorneys testified against Angle in his latest debacle?

    All county attorneys are covered under County provided professional liability insurance. There is no risk of harm to the County.

    Assuming alcoholism is an issue, has Angle's private investigator determined that he is not "seeking treatment"?

    On what basis have you adjudged his professional competence?

    So now he is morphed into a drunk deadbeat. He is not anti-Angle. He just happened to testify truthfully regarding the abysmal conduct of your moral cretin.

    And you are reduced to the lowly status of uncritical, sycophantic minion of to use your term the "devil".

  44. So let me get this straight. It's your opinion that the County should hire admittedly drunken lawyers who don't pay their taxes, as long as they testify against Angle. No wonder you won't sign your name.

    In your opinion, he testified truthfully. But I have problems with his credibility. Big problems, including the fact that he was on the Cotturo payroll.

    As for his professional competence is concerned, I've seen him in action.

    Angle used no half truths. Without naming the person in question, he made clear that there were several lines, and there are. I've seen them. Two have been filed by the Pa. Dep't of Revenue. The other is the IRS. He has no malpractice, yet represents private clients. I am concerned that one of these private clients might make an assertion against the County. Also, the County professional liability policy will not include all misconduct, which means taxpayers are exposed.

    Angle was correct to raise this issue. Because he did not ID the employee or even where he works, he violated no personnel policy.

    By his own admission, this person is an unrecovered and active alcoholic. That's according to someone who recently did business with him.

    This warrants a review, regardless of Angle's motives or your obvious hatred.

  45. Angle is an evil gnome that will be retired this Novemeber. No more IPADs for you

  46. You can only come back, anonymously of course, with a slur. Figures.


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