Local Government TV

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Carroll & Simao Unleash Hell Against Bethlehem Politicians

Now this is one powerful video, definitely worth the time spent watching it. I reminds me of a blockbuster movie preview, and I half expect Russell Crowe to jump out in the end and lop off the head of some decadent Roman Emperor. Instead of Crowe, it's Tony Simao and Tom Carroll, who are running for City Council in Bethlehem. Aside from the Hollwood style, this preview is a very compelling indictment of Mayor John Callahan's mismanagement.

Will it get them elected?

Council President Bob Donchez is unbeatable, and they leave him alone, very wisely. They instead focus on incumbent J. William Reynolds and candidate Mike Recchiuti, both of whom are tied to the Mayor.

I think it will be tough to beat Reynolds. He might be a Callahan cheerleader, but seems to work hard at his job and put in the hours. There's something to be said for that work ethic, which I respect. Also, his skin has to be incredibly thick because he never lashes out at the people who criticize him, even when they do it with silly grades in an open meeting.

Maybe he should start a blog.

I have not quite made up my mind about Reynolds, but agree Recchiuti is a joke who cold not even keep his job in some law firm. His Callahan-financed campaign should be seen as an attempt to stack the deck in favor of the Captain of a sinking ship.

Interestingly, fellow Republican Al Bernotas is absent from this clip. That's probably a good thing. I called Al recently, and he surprised me by telling me he was in the middle of a class on zoning at LVPC. The guy really cares. But he's grown increasingly bitter over the Elias zoning expansion, in which he is a litigant, and has lashed out at many people unnecessarily. At a recent City Council meeting, for example, he actually chided members of Bethlehem's Planning Bureau for not dutifully writing down his pearls of wisdom concerning a new zoning ordinance. If Reynolds or Donchez had done something like that, they'd be strung up in a heartbeat.


  1. although i'm unfamiliar with the issues, and not in a position to gauge the accuracy of the video, it is indeed powerful. but how many people will see it? it's apparently too long for use as a television ad.

  2. Oh My Gosh! What a video! What a winner! Do you know who made this?
    Thanks for showing us.

  3. Bernie,
    Can you tell us a little more about these candidates. This is the first we've heard of them.

  4. michael molovinsky said...

    although i'm unfamiliar with the issues, and not in a position to gauge the accuracy of the video, it is indeed powerful. but how many people will see it? it's apparently too long for use as a television ad.

    5:50 AM

    Can't it cbe cut down to 30 and 60 second ads?

  5. Please write about Lehigh Valley unemployment.

  6. Ha, I'd love to know how dudes think they're going to produce "lower taxes" now. This is every bit as dumb as the Lehigh County GOP slate's platform.

  7. Jon Geeting,

    Yeah, a video about total mismanagement of City finances and outright dishonesty is dumb. Boy, are you in the tank!

  8. Anon 6:59, I suspect that Tony Simao put this together himself.

  9. 7:02,

    These are 2 candidates who have been going to meetings for years and who see what is happening. Tony Simao has been video-taping and posting the meetings online. Tom Carroll is an attorney and former prosecutor. On my left sidebar, I have a link to the Bethlehem races, and you can read more about these guys there.

  10. MM,

    At this point, there are only 51 views of that video. It will need to be more visible than that to make a dent.

  11. 7:03,

    I think it could be cut down to 30 or 60 second ads, but doubt there's money for TV ads.

  12. "Make a dent" lulz
    Was that intentional?

  13. Bernie, that is powerful but ... they tell me nothing about them or what they would do. Where is the video giving me solutions and not just the problems?

  14. Many of Bethlehem's current office holders are inept. They come to meetings and collect a check. then there are the perks.

    They will win this November because this is Bethlehem. Donchez will be top vote getter. Donchez is asking for money, even though he can'ty lose. Even some folks that like the guy are miffed. How greedy can you get. Wee Willie will be second. The only chance they have is the new willie.There problem is without money or a big Bethlehem name or background they don't have a chance.

    You want to win, don't promote yourself, send mailers hammering Reynolds and the new Willie. Run up their negatives.

    In the end though this election is over. Bethlehem is a very inbred town. Great city but it is poisoning itself to death. After Callahan and his council are through, this place will need massive tax increases just to get back to pre-Callahan standards.

  15. get an ad in paper and this will have thousands of views

  16. I Love that video and it is without a doubt the "Truth"!!!! I hope all of those "rubber- stampers" lose big time. I'll pray new blood gets in City Council who NOT under Callahan's thumb.... We need people who can think on their on, not brown-nosers!

  17. The city is so far in debt that there is no way to cut it back to something that is manageable. Even if every service was discontinued, taxes would be needed to pay off the debt of this place. All guys like Reichard and Calacough are doing is just burying the place. Remember when the Casino was going to save the city?

  18. I think Cunningham wants to come in and "rescue" Bethlehem again, so that he can give another gubernatorial run a try. Bethlehem is definitely inbred; time for fresh blood.

  19. Yeah, Bethlehem is a wreck. {rolleyes}


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