Local Government TV

Friday, August 05, 2011

LV Tea Party on the Ropes

I'll be there, and will give you a detailed report. There has been a lot of "inner turmoil." In addition to the personal squabbles, the debate is focused on whether this group needs to be more politically involved. I know several members who have left because it's lots of talk and very little action in the political realm.


  1. Good for you Bernie. I had a feeling that a group that seems to advocate anarchy will develop leadership issues. On the national level the teabaggers overshot their success.

    Independents were not happy with unresponsive and irresponsible people in government. They were "not" angry with government in general. Nor do they want some ideological hit squad to kill social security and medicare for themselves or their children or a draconian group to dominate Washington.
    They may still hate the communist, socialist, black Muslim President but they are off the mark with the American people.

    They may be 40%ers in the Repub party but in the general electorate they are 20%ers at best.

    Peace out!

  2. cue Geeting and his bigoted rants

  3. Now, the Tea Party is on the ropes. Yesterday, they were responsible for the stock market crash. Last week, they caused the debt ceiling crisis. I remember when they really didn't exist, despite all our lyin' eyes. They're on the ropes like Ali used to be on the ropes (aka rope-a-dope). They're either falling apart or exerting undue influence - many times in the same day - depending upon whom they're making crazy that day.

    If they would just fit neatly into a mold for the simple minded to understand. Meanwhile, they continue own the debate.

  4. Italy's Prime Minister BERLUSCONI has called for an immediate balanced budget amendment to help deal with his nationa's latest financial crisis.




  5. talking about hostage taking, what about johnnie casino, the rubber stamp council and king jeff parks in bethlum. bethlemites are almost as stupid as norcom dems. and they are cheap dates. give them a few beers at musikdrunk and intoxicating spoon fed bs from the second floor and they become whorish puppets. what a joke these are as their city goes to hell

  6. Anonymous
    Did you just awake from a deep sleep? Do you have a gender issue? Have you ever been at a tea party meeting--I'm betting that is a no. How have you contirbuted to the political process and the well being of the nation?

  7. Chris, i have help educate my fellow citizens on how dangerous the teabagger movement is to the democratic process and the American way of life.


  8. Brenden
    And exactly how have you done that? You couldn't describe the democratic process if you tried and obviously you would have been on the side of King George in
    1776. You must have some real scares when things go bump in the night.

  9. Hey Chris, see you resort to insults when someone calls you on your own nonsense. Your sense of history is woefully poor. Better get thee to the teabagger meeting. I hear things get hairy when the brownshirts get into leadership arguments. All hail a new leader.

  10. anonymous 9:23
    As I indicated to Brenden, what is your version of history? Show us what you have and let's debate it.

  11. What history? Are you the riddler? Do you wear green tights with question marks on them?

    History is what you make of it. Some folks cherry pick quotes from two hundred years ago and say that is history. They claim other quotes that dispute their conclusions are not history.

    I listened to Michelle Bachamnn and Sarah Palin talk about American history. Good God, if that is the tea party history book you would be better off with a Mickey Mouse coloring book.

  12. Heckuva job, Tea Party. Thanks for the downgrade! Cheers!

  13. Dow down 600 points. Way to go, Tea Party!

  14. Relax people, there a progressives who never wanted IRA's and 401 K Plans ... Now they are getting their revenge ... If a person goes underwater on their IRA plan maybe they'll devise a plan that the money be taxed anyway .... I guess these people wants a Jubilee where everything including real estate goes back to government and they decide where to distribute ... In Rhodesia all the farms were taking away from the Whie Farmers who make the land blossem ... The new owners didn't do so we11 and Inflation went to hyper stage unde President Robert Mugabee... The problem s some people don't care here because they spen, spend, spend hoping the government would bail them out ... Others refuse to earn any money for themselves hoping the government will care for them ... They will be disappointed if government ever does nothing ... And what I can't figure out is the London situation ... Perhaps somebody was shot wrongly ... But why riot in an attempt to ruin all businesses

  15. Bernie to lead the charge to eliminate Joe Hilliard for the group!

    Oh yeah, he fails miserably!

  16. Hilliard, the tea party died on Friday night. You just don't know it.

  17. Anonymous 8:28PM
    Just as I suspected, you got nothing.

  18. Chris, keep counting that public pension money


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