Local Government TV

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane or Not, the Bethlehem Steelers Played

Can you say you ever played football or were a cheerleader in a hurricane? Young men and women from Northampton and Bethlehem can make now that claim. Despite ominous skies, rain and a hurricane warning, the Bethlehem Steelers played the Konkrete Kids on Saturday. Since most of the Steelers expect to end up with the Liberty Hurricanes, they probably liked the forecast.

Fortunately, the weather held, although a ref warned everyone that if he saw one just one flash of lightning, he was ending it.


  1. It was stupid to take the chance. This is why kids learn all the wrong lessons about what is important in life.

    Very sad, really!

  2. just as dumb as the camper. obviously a whole lot of people flunked parenting 101

  3. Befwum.

    Did they take 'em to Hooters after the game?

  4. What chance? Just about everyone has a smart phone, with a weather app, and knew what was coming far before it did.

    The safety nazi's do not make us safer, they make us more paranoid.

  5. 7:59,

    They did do that after a baseball game last year.

  6. I would generally agree with comments saying it is better to wait. The game was originally scheduled for 7:30 PM, but was actually moved up bc of the weather to 3:30 PM. I probably would have postponed it, if it were up to me. It wasn't.

  7. Don't be so sur they will be Liberty players, Becahi will turn it sround sooner or later.

  8. As a Becahi grad, I'd like to see that.

  9. That is why these ghettos smurfs and white hoodlums grow up thinking their sports needs trump everything.

    Go to most old bars in Bedlam and you will see old football players now unemployed crying in their beers about how they cvould have been a contender.

    Stay home and rea da book. The ghetto mentality parents are the curse of civilization.

  10. And they football players are dumb. How about the parents and administrators. You should be ASHAMED!

  11. "Go to most old bars in Bedlam and you will see old football players now unemployed crying in their beers about how they cvould have been a contender."

    Just think, they could be anonymously trolling on blogs like you! Guess you showed those 11-year olds.

  12. Bo - don't you have a player on one of these teams?

  13. Yes, I do, and you know that. He is pictured above. Sports are exactly what prevents most children from becoming what you call ghetto smurfs or white hoodlums (just a hint of racism). It also prevents them from becoming anonymous trolls like you. You might condemn the parents for making the decision to squeeze a game in, but the kids themselves are polite, fit and pretty bright. If they don't do well in school, they don't play. You probably would not know that bc you never played or went very far with your own education. So all you can do is belittle everyone anonymously. Must make you feel good, especially when it is directed at 11 year-olds.

  14. bo - i think you've gone a little over board here. All i asked was if you have a player on one of these teams. i never called anyone any names. how do you know what sports i played or my education level. Nor did i direct any comment toward an 11 year old. take your meds quickly

  15. Last Thursday you ran a blog about an accused sexual predator. How comes you never ran something about the two former coaches for your grandson's football organization that are convicted CHILD sexual predators? As a parent (or grandparent), I would be concerned letting my child be a football player or cheerleader there.

  16. Then don't. You can troll anonymously instead.

  17. Anon6:31, I know exactly what you were doing.

  18. Are there sexual predators coaching? Sounds incredible.


  20. Every person who wants to coach must undergo an ANNUAL criminal records check and pay for it, whether it is with the Steelers, little league or other youth sports.

    A former coach for the Steelers, one of many, was just sent to jail for taking advantage of an underage girl. The second those accusations surfaced, and that was well over two years ago and long before any criminal charges, he was removed as a coach.

    Suggesting that kids should not play in sports because of this is like saying kids should not go to school and be educated bc there are some teachers who are sexual predators. It's a moronic argument.

  21. The sports-is-everything mentality has nothing to do with race or the ghetto, and everything to do with the screwed up priorities of parents and the pigs at the public trough.

    Take a look at Nazareth. Good money after bad for everything sports related, from the sinkhole riddled track to the boondoggle pool, from the new pressbox to the new 500K weightroom for the rockheads who will end up at the townhouse. And then, there was the incredible overpay to hire the creeper Parkland couldn't wait to dump, while textbooks fall apart and academic programs are slashed.

    All for the glory and ego of the little one who must compensate.

    Cheap shot at disadvantaged kids when the real problem is right in front of our noses in suburbia.


  22. Much ado about nothing.

    From what I read, it seems as if the referee had the weather prominently in mind and made it clear the game would be called if the conditions got too adverse. Glad the kids got their game in, but maybe I'm just reckless and irresponsible.

    I remember winter ball my freshman year in college. Practice started every morning at 6 AM. Damn it is cold in New England!

    I'm sure the program doesn't do THAT anymore ... I mean, hey, someone could get frostbite on the way over to the gym or something.

    Inclement weather never builds character, anyway.

  23. Screw reality let the kids all think the world will forever treat them like mini superstars.

  24. Fear not, Anon 2:00.

    FEMA ought to be around to save your butt any day now.

    Sit tight.

  25. hypocrite, self serving,liar, drunk,worthless, cheat - and these are bo's good points

  26. bo is blind to reality. as they say down south - i do believe there is a nigger in the woodshed

  27. You finally have come out and revealed what you are - a bigot.

  28. bo's untasteful pleasuresAugust 30, 2011 at 9:19 PM

    but he is a cute little nigger boy, just like you like them from behind

  29. Chaz Bonner (maybe)August 30, 2011 at 9:38 PM

    OOOOOOOOOOOOOO bo, please CONTACT ME. I know you will like my "diversity"

  30. Annonymous 8:04 is certainly right on the money with Nazareth comments. Pool is a joke, track built on known sink hole field, and now teacher raises that are way out of line with the real world. Our crack school board could use an overhaul.

    The uncalled for comments on Bernie's grandson are way out of line, though. No matter what your opion of Bernie is, his grandson should not be subject to your predjudices. I've met Dat several times and he is a wonderful, polite, and bright individual. Most parents would want their kids to emulate him

  31. Wow. Someone sure hates Bernie.

    I just hope none of the kids or moms come on and see comments like 6:04, 9:19, and 9:38. Sad and sick that hate can make one oblivious to that.

    Hate can be blinding, can't it? Don't know what your history is with Bernie (I don't know him personally) but I suspect the hate eats you more than him. I read once, "forgiveness is not a case of 'holy amnesia' that wipes out the past. Instead, it is the experience of healing that drains the poison from the wound."

  32. who made dat - an unholy alliance proof further that bo is unworthy

  33. lighthouse - you need to see the light of the perverted existence that bo has scummed to and perpetuated from his evil loins and sick mind hooters begone

  34. I was at a meeting that ran late so I did not see these totally tasteless remarks until now. My grandson does read my blog, but usually just reads it on F/B, so I hope he didn't have to see this disgusting shit. Lighthouse, I suspect I know where this came from, and you are right.

    This is an attempt to shout me down and keep me from writing. It hasn't worked for the last five years, and it's not going to work now.

  35. I would love to see one of the posters who left those terrible comments in person.

