Local Government TV

Thursday, August 04, 2011

Elections Comm'n Passes on Proposed Elimination of Deputy Registrar

Elections Office Superstar Amy Birch
Northampton County's Election Commission has gone head-to-head with the John Stoffa admin. more than once. It defied its own Solicitor a few months ago, and certified the Gracedale initiative. It has sparred with Stoffa over the extent of his authority over the voter registration office. But at a meeting yesterday, chaired by Nicole Schlener, members declined to take any action on administrative changes proposed by election technicians Amy Birch and Rich Kessler. They'd like to assume the duties, and the pay, of a Deputy of Voter Registration.

Elections Office Superstar Rich Kessler
Although Executive John Stoffa and Director of Admin John Conklin were very dubious about the idea, it was a strangely pleasant meeting. There was none of the rancor that has become all too common in Northampton County, state and national politics. For a second, I thought I must be in the wrong County.

For starters, nobody disputed that Birch and Kessler have exceeded all expectations and have made the office more efficient, even without a Deputy Register. And Birch and Kessler, unlike many county employees who might differ with Stoffa, never once challenged the good faith of the administration.

Birch and Kessler have proposed giving them the authority that would ordinarily be exercised by a Deputy. The County would save money, and Birch and Kessler would see larger paychecks.

Solicitor Chris Spadoni advised Commissioners that this is an administrative matter, not something for the Elections Commission. He cited various provisions of the Home Rule Charter. Instead of arguing with him, they seemed to agree. Schlener noted that the Elections Commission has never had any say in temp hires or questions of OT, and thinks this question is akin to that type of decision.

OK, so if this is an administrative matter, what are its merits? Rich Kessler stated them at length, but here's a summary: Pre-election and election functions have already been performed without a Deputy; the office is caught up; they represent the County at LWV and other public service functions; they handle the money and make deposits; they coordinate the poll workers; the County saves money without a deputy; they perform the training for new employees and temps; and hiring a new deputy will mean there are two full-time supervisors for just three employees.

Exec John Stoffa has John Conklin's back
What's wrong with the idea? Director of Admin. John Conklin said "if it was just going to be Rich and Amy forever," he'd be all for it. But they will eventually leave, and will be replaced by inexperienced staffers who have no Deputy. He also pointed out that Kessler and Birch are both union employees, and that makes it difficult for them to assume management roles. Several of his departments have unionized deputies, and that leaves a department head "all on her own." "From a structure viewpoint, I can't ask a union person to get involved in payroll or personnel-type issues." Conklin also spoke to voting machine guru Howie Erney, who recommended hiring a Deputy, "somebody you can go to and make a decision."

The Big Kahuna, John Stoffa, prefers having a Deputy. "You can't base the operation of an office on the person or personality," he said. "I'll tell you this. With the shape that the County is in, if we do away with one position here, you'll never get it back." In addition, "I don't like to see two people in charge; that never works."

It did in the Roman Republic for over 500 years, where there were two counsuls in charge, elected annually. When I pointed that out, Stoffa retorted, "Do we have two Presidents?"

Stoffa asked Amy and Rich why they did not apply for the Deputy's job. "I know you folks do a terrific job. That's obvious," the Exec said. Rich had earlier stated that if he applied, it would not be fair to Amy, and vice versa. Amy added that they have individual strengths that make them more effective as a team.

Comm'rs Nicole Schlener, George Treisner and Joan Rosenthal
Stoffa advised the Elections Commission to steer clear of personnel issues. "If you start clouding that issue, you get involved in vacation time, you get involved in staffing, you get involved in all that kind of stuff. I don't think you want to do that."

And they didn't.

So what's next for Amy and Rich? Based on what appears to be the universal feeling of everyone at that meeting, they could probably seek a desk audit to determine whether a pay increase and additional duties, and possibly a new position, should be created.


  1. I guess this means Spadoni's new squeeze won't get the Deputy job or will she? Hmm. Let's get rid of Spadoni as he has cost us a lot and hasn't justified his position, Talk about a political hack. Who has his back on Council, or is he a shill for the County Exec. ?

  2. With respect to Spadoni, I have no idea what the hell you are talking about, and doubt you do, either. During yesterday's meeting, Conklin stated that he had identified someone for the position, and that person is MALE. So are you saying Spadoni is gay? I have not Chris for many years, and I can assure you he dates women.

  3. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Hey now.

  4. And this is covering Joe Brennan being four times over the legal limit on his DUI, how exactly? Stop wussing out O'Hare and cover your mancrushes.

  5. It sounds like Stoffa and Conklin have a motive to hire another person. Thee have been some rumors about this.

  6. Agree with the Brennan comments. Understand your sensitivity, but aside from the boozing struggle, he still holds a job that we're forced to pay for. At what point do we call for guys like this to resign, stop making us pay to enable you, and clean yourself up? Four times over the legal limit and we all know he'd been getting away with it for years.

  7. not so casual oserverAugust 4, 2011 at 6:23 AM

    If it's not broken don't fix it.
    Voter registration is just fine. They are a pleasure to deal with and the staff is exceptional.

  8. never leave union pukes in charge

  9. Whenever I see a documentary on TV about the Roman Empire, I immediately think of Northampton County.

  10. All I can tell is that woman in the pic is hot for her age!!

  11. I don't know whether Amy should be flattered or insulted by that remark. She is certainly better looking than Rich Kessler ... Or Stoffa ... Or me.

  12. spadoni gets dates? does he pay? has to, honestly look at this guy, it would blind any broad

  13. at least his hair looks real

  14. Geez, give the guy a break, will you? At least sign your name.

  15. She's better looking than you, Kessler or Stoffa....

    Not setting the bar too high there, are ya Bernie? Hah!

  16. Don't hate me 'cuz you can't be me.

  17. Bernie you devil, we know what you are up too!

  18. I am a devil, but it's "to," not "too," and I'm retired. I admit that Rich Kessler has a certain je ne sais quois.

  19. What about the Conklin allegations?

  20. what conklin allegations?

  21. I have heard he is finally tired of the Norco nonsense and is moving on. Good for him.

  22. he is the only one in the Administration who has at least attempted to be fair to the unions.

  23. John Conklin has no interest in politics. He comes from the emergency management field, and is all about job performance. He understands and respects the unions, better than I or others. He knows they are here to stay. He will try his best to negotiate contracts that are fair to them and to the taxpayer.

  24. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  25. John Conklin is a public official, but not an elected official. If you want to attack him, sign your name.

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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