Local Government TV

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Did the Earth Move For You, Too?

Damn. Now I need a cigarette.


  1. Bernie,

    I was outside and never felt a thing. Those inside came out and said what was that. I said, what was what?

    Scott Armstrong

  2. I was outside on my deck when it trembled pretty hard. I just sat there and it stopped. Earl slept through it.


  3. it was merely an extra 10,000 illegals crossing into PA.

  4. Yep. Sway left and right. Third floor. Hard to wrap your brain around at first. Most buildings on lower campus of Lehigh U. evacuated for about 45 minutes. Funny, because of your sinkhole article today, that's the first thing I thought of. The building's goin' down! Weird sensation. Now I can cross earthquake off my bucket list.

  5. I work on the 4th floor of a 5 floor office building in Morristown, NJ

    At first I thought they were unloading the freight elevator (low rumbling first). Then the coat hanger on my coat hook starting swinging back and forth, and I felt nauseous. About 30 seconds of floor rolling and then over. eek!

  6. I was on the road at the time and my truck already shakes quite a bit, so I did not notice it.

  7. I was upstairs in our two-story frame townhouse, and at first, I thought somebody was stomping around on the roof, so darn hard the walls were shaking. I went outside, front and back, nobody on the roof, nobody around at all. Got creeped out and checked the trapdoor up to the attic, checked all the closets...Then I heard the on-air host on WDIY 88.1 FM grumbling that their building was shaking, down on the south side...About that time, the first reports came out on Drudge, so then I relaxed a bit, no spooks in or on the house, just an earthquake. Now for the hurricane coming Saturday....

  8. I beleive it was the president's approval ratings crashing.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. maybe angle swaying bo

  11. I thought it was Geeting hitting puberty.

  12. no,no,no it was obama puking when he saw michelle naked

  13. Northampton County Press reported today the tremors felt throughout the east coast were caused by councilman Ron Angle dropping his wallet at the local convenience store.

    John Stoffa states Northamptons Emergency Management Teams will be assessing county owned buildings during the next few day for structural damage.

    Mr Stoffa also states at this time, the only damage reported
    was to the Gracedale Nursing Home
    and crews were on the way to demolish the building.

    Larry Otter and the silly guy in the dress reported "O'Hare will pay for this."

  14. Earthquake?
    Saw Wolf Blitzer on CNN asking people where they were when it hit. Just once I want someone to say they were on the toilet.
    I was on the road and missed the whole thing. All we need now is a Tsunami warning and Hurricane Irene hitting D.C. on Saturday. It could happen!

  15. Let`s get Earl to high ground and safety!

  16. Your welcome....



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