Local Government TV

Monday, August 08, 2011

Dent Honors Victims of Military Helicopter Attack

LV Congressman Charlie Dent has issued the following statement on the death of 30 Americans and 8 Afghans in a military helicopter attack Saturday in Afghanistan:

“My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends of those who perished in this weekend’s helicopter attack in Afghanistan. Twenty-two of the Americans lost in this tragic event were members of one of our nation’s most elite fighting units, Navy SEAL Team 6, which recently carried out the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. Eight Americans serving in the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Army also lost their lives in what was the deadliest attack on American forces in the Afghan war. These 30 brave Americans will be remembered for their incredible courage and service in defense of our country. Similarly, I am hopeful the people of Afghanistan will remember the 8 Afghan soldiers lost in this terrible event for their dedication to providing freedom and security to a nation that once had neither."


  1. Obviously the so called american public doesn't give a shit.

  2. As an ex-Navy corpsman stationed with 2nd Divison Marines, I say that the seals were the toughest guys I ever saw. They had a pride aura that anyone could see. As a side note, they never left a guy on the field, they brought everyone back.....dead or live. You have to love these guys.

  3. anon 8:05, what the Hell have you contributed except cheap sarcasm.

  4. It's been ten years. We're not still fighting a war in Afghanistan are we? Obama said he'd have us out right after he closed Gitmo.

    It's is altogether sad that these warriors died for nothing.


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