Local Government TV

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Att'y Dick Haber - As Good as They Get

Flamboyant. Urbane. Extremely intelligent. Most important of all, extremely funny.

These are just a few of the many adjectives I could use to describe Dick Haber, the closest thing I've ever seen to a Renaissance man. He's been a distinguished lawyer for the past 46 years, but that just scratches the surface. He's also known for his orchids, which he often hands out at real estate closings. Most amazing of all, this is a man who entered the Julliard in Manhattan at age 65, and 4 1/2 years later, was a conductor.

Dick would probably be content to continue conducting and composing, but as Blackstone once said, the law is a jealous mistress. So now, instead of a conductor's baton, he's wielding the sword of lawyers everywhere - the mighty pen.

And he's doing it six days a week!

Haber and I hooked up yesterday at Sharswood, at his wonderful home at 150 West Macada Road. While driving up the long and winding driveway, the first thing you see is a sign warning you, "Psychotic resident. Enter at your own peril." From his home, we took a short trip to Panera's on Center Street to discuss his practice.

Everyone knows me at Panera, so I expected a good reception there. But when they saw Dick, everyone lit up. One young blond positively gushed when she saw him, and came around the counter to give him a nice hug.

Bruno hugged me.

It just wasn't the same.

As we were leaving, I asked Bruno how the business was doing.

"It gets real busy, and then it suddenly stops," Bruno complained.

"That's like my heart," wisecracked Haber. "It gets real busy and then it suddenly stops. The Northampton County Bar is praying for my heart to stop."

Despite his humor, this is a man who really cares about people. I asked him why he would ever want to leave his beautiful home. In a rare serious moment, Haber told me he owed it to his clients.

Haber had a long partnership with Don Corriere, but can now be reached at his home office. His office number is 610.691.5417, and I suggest you call him for a consultation. The drive up his driveway alone is worth the trip.