Local Government TV

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Accused Sexual Predator Was Behind Anti-Hershman Robo Call

Election Eve, 2009.

Thousands of anonymous robo-calls warned Allentown voters against voting for Lou Hershman, who promised to bring independence and over thirty years of experience to City Council. Voters were told everything is Lou's fault, from pension woes to the Billy Joel song.

This ploy worked, too. This Queen City watchdog went down in flames.

Who was behind this anonymous smear? One of the persons was Rob Hopkins, who at that time was a major operative for Allentown Mayor Edwin Pawlowski.

The other person, James Spang,  was a person who served for two decades as the sergeant-at-arms and head of security for the Pennsylvania Democratic Party. He is still a member of the state committee.

Now he can add accused sexual predator to his list of titles. According to The Morning Call, Spang is accused of sexually assaulting a male bar patron at the Sands Casino, grabbing his crotch four or five times and offering him oral sex.

Spang's gaydar must have malfunctioned.

Hopkins, incidentally, is an openly gay board member at the GLVPride. He's a gentle soul, and is one of the last persons I would suspect of any kind of harassment.  But he and Spang teamed up to go after Lou, like a gay hit squad.

Apparently, Lou was targeted because he is not gay enough. That's unfortunate because his stance against equal benefits for transgenders is just one issue, which is outweighed by decades of fiscal responsibility as Controller and member of City Council.


  1. Nice gay profiling there O'Hare. Any shmae in your soul.

  2. complete hypocrite. when negative comments were made about his gay friends from an earlier post he deleted them. but it's ok for bo to bash gays who he percieves to be evil. you blew (pun intended) this one and have shown your true colors

  3. i am sure spangy will say he was just tryin to change the channel on the TV................again

  4. Gays are one of the least tolerant groups out there. And note the second comment with the sexual reference. It's always sex, sex, sex; followed by statements like, "my sexuality doesn't define me." Please.

  5. Where did he bash gays anywhere in this blog post? Holy smokes you people are sensitive!!

  6. I certainly respect the gay lifestyle. I do not respect intolerance, and suspect that it exists in the gay community, just as it exists in the straight community. I think all the vitriol at Lou was a result of what really amounts to intolerance for anyone who disagrees with them.

  7. Some of us remember Spang's "junior deputies" at the fair grounds! Bunch of teenage boys hanging around the accused. Wonder if we will hear from any of them.

  8. This issue is not about a lifestyle, it is about a predator, who accruing to Morning Call, has been accused of preying before. It pays to have friends at City hall

  9. I did not know Lou was gay.

  10. Lou isn't,but bernie, what that's another matter. come on bernie open the closet door

  11. I know of the Allentown city councilman that is gay but I am surprised by the Lou revelation. Not that thee is anything wrong with that.

  12. Think some of u missed the point; retribution by PAGALA et al because of hershman's opposition to transsexual legislation orchestrated by hizzoner for political purposes.

  13. A few gays have protested in the past that they do not like being lumped in with transgendered men. I can understand Lou's point on this topic.

  14. Really Bernie - Lifestyle! Really? - Perhaps we need to sit down and talk some more. Lifestyle - Indeed

  15. Donald, You could call it a gay orientation or lifestyle, I would think. I certainly would have no problem with someone suggesting that I live a straight lifestyle.

    And by lifestyle, I certainly do not mean sexual assault.

    I am happy to talk to you if I have it wrong.

  16. First you need to apologize to Lou. He is not happy you are inferring he is gay. Christ O'Hare, what is your problem.


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