Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Ron Angle, Jr., NOT Cleared in Shoplifting Case

Earlier today, I told you that shoplifting charges against Ron Angle, Jr., have been dropped. I got it completely wrong. I am very sorry to have misinformed all of you.  I declined to allow anonymous comments on my original post, but will allow them here for those who want to take shots at me


  1. Bernie, you screwed up, true. Then you man'd up and took responsibility for it. That's a good thing, a sign of maturity.

    Hopefully young, inexperienced people (Geeting) see the value in admitting when they're wrong and posting a correction.

    No comment on Angle Jr. as I know nothing about him or this matter other than what I've read here.

  2. no problem, we all make mistakes


  3. I just spoke to an editor, the person who told me I had it wrong. He states, "Rule #1, if your mother tells you she loves you, check it out."

    I did not check out what I was told and assumed it was accurate. The only thing I can do now is admit my mistake, the second in two weeks.

  4. I once forgot to swipe my card at the Giant grocery store on 25 th st. I was leaving the store with bags , when the checkout clerk stopped me. I couldnt believe I forgot, and went back to the register to pay.

    No foul, no loss, it was an honest mistake. I wasnt charged and no cops were called. I guess I'm not hated enough.

    From what I read Ron jr didnt do anything wrong.


  5. I don't see how its a story in the first place. I never feel comfortable with storiess about policitians based on the actions of their children and spouses.

    There are plenty of reasons to disagree with Angle or maybe even dislike him, but this stuff is irrelevant. Unless Angle uses his office to help his son (which has never even been alleged) this is an issue between the son/girlfriend and law enforcement.

  6. I have more of an issue with the blogger dizzily running to defend his soulmate than the actual story itself. It's like a school girl chasing and defending Justin Bieber.

  7. Anon 1:57 had it right. By running with an unproven story about one of your mancrushes' kids, you, and no one else, brought even more attention to the issue.
    Now when one puts a tool in a tool box and then carries the tool box around and doesn't hear the tool moving or feel the weight and proceeds to leave the store, that is a matter for a judge to decide if he "forgot".

    The case may be thrown out if it becomes to much of a hassle for the store, since Ron Angle SR. is already doing his legal stall and delay lawyer game he is famous for. I doubt the store will feel it is worth having the employee(s) always on standby just to have an Angle lawyer again delay the case.

    My prediction, case will be dropped by the store. Lack of evidence or dropping case is not the same as not guilty but a wink is as good as a nod to a blind man.

    Keepn it it real!

  8. Good for you, admitting that you got it wrong. Perhaps you fell prey to emotion on this one. Wanting to trumpet what you had hoped was good news for RA's son. Maybe the boy forgot he put the tool inside the box, but maybe he didn't. I'm left wondering why this got to this point. Assuming there are cameras everywhere nowadays, it's at least possible that the video evidence showed something pretty damning...maybe.


  9. I actually do admire your tenacity, sir.

  10. One thing you got to give to O'Hare, when you are one of his mancrushes you are one of his mancrushes. At least for that a tip o' the hat!

  11. No harm no foul.
    Leave the young man out of this. No one should attack a man's family because of his political positions.

  12. actually obern doesn't care because he is useless dem union puke who has been given everything without earning anything

  13. Ron Angle has attacked many a person and their family just for sport. That's the problem with Karma, it is a real bitch!

  14. you whinny pants would attack a gnats ass if you thought you get it a vote out of it. what a pitiful bunch of morons and that includes all dems on norco council, bethlehem council as well as hanover and the weak kneed bethlehem township. all of you together couldn't make one set of balls or a logical decision.

  15. I've voted for Ron Angle every chance I've had. I don't like him and think his behavior is boorish and nasty. He's usually on the side of taxpayers, however, and I hold my nose and vote for him vs. very poor alternatives. I'd bet this is largely the mindset of Ron's constituency. He's an ass. But he's our ass. And he's better than yours.

  16. Hey Bernie, when are you going to post about the mess out at Gracedale.

  17. Well anon 11:35, it takes one to know one, so bravo!

  18. I'm preparing my post about Gracedale now. Both dailies already have good reports.

  19. I think I figured out why Zorn hates unions so much: his teachers hated him in school because no matter how hard (and I'll help you here, or little) they tried, he just could not learn to spell nor use the English language properly. Ergo, (now I know this is a big transitional word for you), I will never mock him again for I am very involved in The Special Olympics and other charities for the mentally challenged.

    For Zorn now: Good job, Zorn! YAY! I like how you have an original opinion! I love you.

  20. I don't like all the stories about Ron Angle's personal life and children. I don't think it's anyone's business. No one reads the magic Reverend's blog but the union thugs that have high school educations that actually write it for him so I wouldn't worry about repurposing the things that appear there.

  21. Got you reading it anon 12:24. Guess what, you can even post without fear of censorship. amazing what a little freedom can do.

  22. Even though the making of personal attacks are routine and second nature to his father, I agree that his kid's problem is not newsworthy.

    What is noteworthy however is your failure,in your zeal to slavishly advance the interests of your master, to fail to get your facts straight. Typical but not surprising.

    By the way, how is that surcharge and sunshine act violation research going?

  23. What Sunshine Act violation am I supposedly researching? What surcharge violation am I supposedly researching?


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