Local Government TV

Friday, July 08, 2011

Peg Ferraro on LVEDC: "What Do You Want From Me?"

Late last year, the LVEDC finally agreed to fork over $50,000 to the Greater Lehigh Valley Chamber of Commerce very successful Borough Business Revitalization Program. They had been stalling on a funding request for 1 1/2 years, but claimed they finally saw the light. CEO Phil Mitman pledged he'd even be point man.

With a point man like Phil, you might as well send up the white flag.

Since giving his word, Mitman has cut two checks. One is for $5,000. The other $45,000 check has so many hoops to jump through that Phil should have just kept the money, which was probably his intention in the first place. Conditions imposed by LVEDC will only hurt the program, according to Northampton County Council member Ron Angle.

Peg Ferraro, who is serving as Council's liaison to LVEDC, attempted to defend the restrictions as "fiscally responsible." But Executive John Stoffa, who attends the same meetings as Ferraro, stated the LVEDC is running this award-winning program through "too many hoops."

"I don't see the hoops being accountability," surmised Angle, who claimed the conditions imposed are actually a "roadblock" to the program. "There was a chance for $50,000 of hotel tax money to go to little boroughs like Bath and Bangor to help those little boroughs, which are all struggling."

Suddenly angry at Angle's observation, Ferraro lashed out, "What do you want from me right now?"

Maybe he wanted her to do her job, the one she's supposed to have been doing for the past six months.

Ann McHale made a pretty good suggestion, which she turned into a motion. She wants Mitman and Greater LV Chamber of Commerce CEO Tony Iannelli to appear at a Finance Committee meeting and discuss the issue. The only No vote came from Council Prez John Cusick.

This should give Mittman something to tweet about, but today's Friday. Summer hours.


  1. Did Angle preface his criticisms by noting that the Chamber's Ianelli has contributed money to his political campaign? Of course only lesser beings not driven by the public good are affected by those facts.

  2. Peg Ferraro is a perfect example of an incompetent, lazy goldbrick. She is stealing her pay from the county.

    And you defended this piece of bureaucratic trash for a long, long time, Bernie. She's no better than a thief for taking money for a job she's too lazy or stupid to perform.

  3. Lazy? Not as lazy as Angle who doesnt bother to find out the true state of the Chamber.

  4. Angle shows up for work. Ferraro does not most of the time.

  5. If LVDEC was turning over the money with conditions and restrictions, wouldn't Angle be blasting them for finacial irresponsability and protecting the people's interest in the hotel tax?

    What were the conditions?

  6. I don't know, but according to both Stoffa and Angle, those conditions were not imposed for reasons of financial responsibility, but to make the $45k impossible to spend and to actually hurt the program. Angle is probably the most fiscally responsible elected official I've ever seen, and he said he could understand this if it promoted fiscal responsibility.

    Ferraro was completely clueless. And yes, I did defend Peg longer than I should have. It was sad to see that she is unable to keep her word.

    Angle has rec'd about $500 from Iannelli and it is fair to suggest he sold his soul for that sum. But if that is fair, isn't it fair to say that McClure sold his sold to AFSCME for $1,000?

  7. Bernie -

    I don't know about this instance but in general I am EXTREMELY skeptical of the the local chamber.

    In Allentown, they have sat silently by for every business-harming proposal by Pawlowski. One of their employees also sits on Allentown City Council (Michael Schlossberg).

    I think the Chamber long ago sold ITS soul in an attempt to be everything to everyone and pay for their staffing costs. Political connections seem more important than its mission. It certainly isn't protecting the interests of small businesses in Allentown.

  8. Although your criticism is valid in the urban core, the same can be said of the LVEDC and more. It is the LVEDC who wasted all kinds of public money on a useless rail study.

    But this $50k is for the small boroughs, which really have benefited from that borough revitalization program

  9. Not mentioned in the post, but what are the "roadblocks" outlined in the agreement?

    As Allentown and Bethlehem rival each other on who's mayor is worse, LVIA and LVEDC are locked in a deathmatch as to who can be the more awfully managed non-profit organization.

  10. This is not a dispute w/LVIA, but with the Greater LV Chamber of Commerce. The conditions were not mentioned in the post bc they were not described in any detail at the meeting.

  11. It seems odd to take sides with OR against the parties involved here without even knowing what the conditions are...

  12. Not really. It was very clear last night that Angle, Dowd and Stoffa were familiar with those conditions. It was equally clear that Ferraro was not, even though her job is to be familiar with them. It is also very clear that the Borough Business Revitalization Program, run by the Chamber, has been a success. It is also clear that LVEDC has dragged its feet on funding this program for nearly 2 years, despite multiple attempts from Council to get it going. It is also very clear that LVEDC has a spotty track record. Its biggest accomplishment in the past 2 years is the Twitter fiasco.

  13. But you have one side saying these conditions are a roadblock, and another side saying they are fiscally responsible. You've clearly taken sides with the former, Bernie, but how can you responsibly do that if you don't know what the conditions even are?

  14. Interesting post Bernie. So Angle, Stoffa and Dowd are familiar with the "conditions" but even though you blast the LVEDC you or the rest of council doesn't know the "conditions".

    Both the Chamber and LVEDC could disappear tomorrow and the world would not notice. Also the money will also go to an organization top heavy with stafff salaries. We have Dowd who works for the Chamber, Angle who gets contributions and TV time form the chamber President and Stoffa who has to be told what day it is.

    Sounds like you are attacking Ferraro without getting all the information out there.

    Mitman is a clown but Iannelli is a schister and a clown. You can do better Bernie.

    Very poorly done entry.

  15. rid the county of PF and mittman

  16. how did Stoffa, Dowd and Angle get familiar with the conditions if the rest of the coun cil couldn't?

    I think this is a case of "the enemy of my enemy os my friend" at work.

    Check to see how much money the seven boroughs got from Tony I last year and see how mjuch they are entitled to under the $50,000 bribe LVEDC paid them.

  17. Tony Ianelli has paid for this county council, he damn well expects them to perform. Angle and Dowd are doing their part.

  18. The fact Phil Mitman remains employed tells me that LVEDC is run by a larger number of delta bravos bigger than him.

    You've got to wonder what the LV ever did to deserve crap leadership virtually everywhere...county government, LVEDC, LVIA, the cities. Everywhere you look you either have career politicians building their career on your back or remarkably visible incompetency. Or in the case of Pawlowski and Callahan, both.

  19. Agree 9:05, just look at Stoffa and Angle!

  20. Panto for county exec.

  21. I agree but Panto tells me he is jnot interested. He is doing a fine job in the city tackling all of the problems left behind by Mitman and Goldsmith

  22. How high are the Easton taxes. Plus the hidden "fee" taxes. No thanks. The county doesn't need a big spending mayor to screw thing up.

  23. Panto, "another pension king".


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