Local Government TV

Thursday, July 28, 2011

How Communist China Deals With the Disabled

When House Speaker John Boehner addressed the nation Monday night, he said reforms to our entitlement programs are needed to make sure they are still there for our grandchildren.Suspicious left-leaning Democrats accuse him of wanting to end them completely.

How do Communist countries deal with the disabled? They have a quasi police force called chengguan, which beats the shit out of disabled street vendors.  On Tuesday, they beat a one-legged man to death for selling fruit.


  1. You should see what they do do healthy infant girls under the one-child policy. Baby Harp seals have a better fate.

    And Obama's right hand man and big contributor, Jeff Immelt from tax free GE is about to move most of his company's Wisconsin-based jobs to China as punishment for that state's curbing of public unions' collective bargaining power.

    Yes, Immelt is Barry's "Job Czar!"

  2. Don't give the Republicans any ideas.

    I'll note that disabled children (8 in 10 of whom are on Medicaid) would be the primary victims of John Boehner and Charlie Dent's Medicaid cuts. The Republican plan shreds the safety net for kids.

  3. so there is a job opening? That may be part of Cap and Ballance now.


  4. I didnt realize the Chinese have republican freshman too..Wow!

  5. Send Fleck to China on a trade mission. If they beat up one legged people, imagine what they would do to an idiot!

  6. The way America should deal with the disabled:

    When you are disabled, there should be help available to you. Problem is, our disability system does the opposite of its intent. You can collect a disability check and still work some hours. SO its like a part-time job with medical benefits paid by taxpayers. Dumb

    If you are able to work, there should be no disability benefit. I have seen people paralyzed from the waist down hold full time jobs.


  7. Trish, you are completly insane. What kind of full time job are you talking about here? You really care for no-one but yourself, dont you?

  8. Having been on disability in my life I will say you have no idea Trish. You can work a few hours but not a full time job, until you can go back to work full time . I was lucky enough to have great insurance coverage (that I could never get myself with pre existing condition) and able to return to work after surgery and rehab. For most people having a debilitating problem could very easily bankrupt them. I swear some people have no heart or understanding. Take it from me, you never know what or when something can happen that changes your whole life and once it happens your a we and not a them. I guarantee your philosophy will change very quickly.


  9. Yes by all means, we should follow the lead of the tea bag express and aspire to the example set by the Chinese.

    But why worry. With the inability of these idiots to strike a deal. You know a "deal", just like they did to start our nation, we are doomed anyway.

    The Chinese will be running things within ten years. Since that is were all the corporate Republican businesses send the jobs, maybe the jobs will come back along with our Chinese overlords.

    Sun Ye

  10. Seamus,
    Your situation is exactly why disability needs to be reformed. You were able to use resources responsibly, and were able to return to work. Your disability was temporary.

    I was talking about people who bilk the system for their own gain. You can find the details on disability.gov. It is possible to consistently earn less than $720 per month, and still collect your disability benefit check.

    I once worked with an auditor who had MS, and was unable to walk. He refused to collect disability, and worked by getting around in a scooter. He also had special equipment to allow him to drive, with a hand break on the steering wheel.

    Right before my Dad died, he collected disability, hoping that he would recover. SO please dont accuse me of being selfish, and caring for no one but myself. The system is in danger of collapse because those that are not disabled drum up all kinds of reasons to collect from a liberal system of entitlement. I know of one person in West Easton who has mastered this for years.


  11. Jon
    Do you want to cite you sources? It is not Bohner and Dent who want to do that it is me, Bernie and Ron Angle who want to get rid of those disabled kids. Note: this is all tongue in cheek.

  12. Anonymous 3:28Pm
    You need to do some research on topics before you call people insane. There are so many ways to take the government programs and turn them around to your benefit that it is all but impossible to list them. Keep in mind that bills are made in some cases for one person who has a friend in high places. One spot where they do that is the tax code. But it is done with social security disability all the time. When we have cheats in the system the people who are hurt are those who followed the rules.

  13. Chris,
    Thanks and well said. I know it will be impossible for the fraud, waste and abuse in the disability system to be dealt with on a case by case basis. That is why I think that there will just be mass cuts across the board.

    It will be the larceny of many that ruin it for some. In nursing I have seen some devastating disabilities, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, a whole host of healthy and strong young men and women who will stop at nothing to jump onto the gravy train. There are many days when I question the validity of my own profession. Its getting really bad when a nurse has to pander to these types of people because its part of the job.


  14. "all but impossible to list them", good statement Scott. that is how Fox News reports most of its stories.

    They create the buzz then break the story on the buzz. they are the real perpetual motion machine of bullshit.

  15. The guy up the street from me has been on disability for years. He collects that money nad does carpentry under the table. He lives vey well. Makes me nauseous when drives by on a brand new Harley.

  16. "Trish is hot"

    Yes, she is. Moreover, we all know her. She has brains, courage and can put a sentence together. I am sure she is flattered by your compliment.

  17. "Trish, you are completly insane. What kind of full time job are you talking about here? You really care for no-one but yourself, dont you?"

    I know the situation of which Trish speaks. She is unable to provide the details, but I might find some way to get the story out there. It's a big one, and needs to be told.

  18. "Trish, you are completly insane. What kind of full time job are you talking about here?"

    What Tricia has done, in very general terms, is lay out an abuse of our entitlement system, which drives up medical costs and costs all of us money. Instead of dealing with the abuse, I am surprised that you would resort to the tactic of name-calling.

  19. Trish is hot for a dude!

  20. You aren't. You're just an anonymous little coward.

  21. Bernie, why do you allow narrow minded intolerant bigots like Geeting to comment on your blog?

  22. Geeting’s comments are allowed because it adds balance (be it far left) to the conversations. If you would like to just have one sided conversations, god love you but I will leave too. A good honest debate is what interests me. I would be lying if I said some of the arguments here don’t have great merit and I learn from them. I personally am a social liberal but fiscal conservative which is much different than many others on here. I work for a large company but do allot in local government and bring that mindset to the table. I have also been involved in the medical system my whole life having a debilitating disease so there is that too. We all have our own opinions and life experiences and that's what makes the conversation have value, it's the listening to others and interjecting your opinions that’s fun.

    In response to Trish and all, I guarantee your noting the exceptions not the majority (Reagan’s fictitious welfare mother example comes to mind). So many need and rely on the system and any changes should not make those suffer unnecessarily. Many of the people get very little on SS and so need to make some money to subsidize their meager existence even if physically incapable ($720 a month is nothing, that is $4.15 an hour in a 40 hour week). Until you’re in someone else’s shoes, don't judge. I have been very lucky in life and excelled, not many others can say that in this day and age. If I didn’t have excellent insurance and benefits I would be dead or bankrupt by now.


  23. Seamus,

    We will just have to agree to disagree on this one. If you are physically incapable of working, I agree that the disability system should be there to assist you.

    But, if you are capable of working, as evidenced by so many thousands, if not millions of people who receive this benefit, then I do not think this entitlement system should include these people.

    A big part of the problem is that there are many physicians who will write disability benefits for their patients, because without the medicare system to hold them up, they become uninsured persons.

    The disability system has been improperly utilized as a way to insure people who have no insurance, rather than a way to insure people with a disability.

    As a nurse, I cannot provide any concrete details on who the culprits are, but I assure you, they are out there in full force. The Obama health plan is highly criticized by many, but did attempt to address this exact problem.


  24. Wow, another outrage based on stories about "someone" that cannot be identified. yeah, that adds to the dialogue.
    It reminds me of my buddy from Alpha Centaur, I can't tell you who he is but trust me he is an alien from deep space.

    Is this a b;log or Fox News.

  25. anon 10:04, Bernie stated he allowed no anon personal attacks. I guess a teabagger like you gets a pass.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.