Local Government TV

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Garvin Denies Elected Committeeman the Right to Vote

Last month, when Kiki Schock resigned as Vice Chair of the Northampton County Dems, she had a question. "Why, when we claim we are the party that honors democracy, do we as a committee allow one individual to dismiss the rights of the entire committee and of those whom we represent and say nothing?" Parliamentarian George Treisner walked out of the room as Kiki delivered her final words, calling her a "bitch" on his way out the door. Last night, Party Boss Walt Garvin proved Kiki right by displaying the very behavior she lamented. Ironically, it was in an election to determine her successor. Although I am an elected Committee person, I was denied the right to vote. By Garvin.
The vote, as it turns out, was 41 to 36. Lorraine Pasquali, a useful idiot for the Long Dems, was elected Vice Chair of the Northampton County Democratic Party last night, thanks in large part to 12 proxies filled out in advance. Her opponent, April Niver, never had a chance despite her obviously superior qualifications.

A Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies and Director of Project Services at ProJeCt Easton, April (pictured on the left) was defeated by a person who had no paying job at all the last time I checked.

When Pasquali ran for County Council last year, she was clearly the weakest candidate, unable to distinguish between defined benefit and defined contribution pensions. But she will do what Joe Long, Walt Garvin and Charles Dertinger tell her to do.

Although it would have made no difference, Walt Garvin took it upon himself to deny me the right to vote. Banging his gavel and yelling loudly, he claimed that my only recourse to his unilateral action was an appeal to the Executive Committee. Several people were yelling at me in unison, hoping they could shout be down. They could not. I told Garvin that I had the right to vote.

Treisner, the same person who had called Kiki Shock a "bitch," attempted to shout me down and some began to demand that I be physically removed.

That would have required a crane.

Or two.

Pasquali was lauded for organizing a group of Democrats and their union buddies to disrupt a recent Town Hall, conducted by Congressman Charlie Dent. They really loved the way he "squirmed." Garvin bragged that Dent had to have four security guards.

After what happened to U.S. Rep. Gabby Giffords, I am appalled that anyone would take pleasure in intimidating a U.S. Congressman, Democrat or Republican.

That must out me in violation of some by-law, too.

Before the vote, somebody tried to second a second to Pasquali's nomination, making another speech. And when the candidates spoke, kilt-clad Rolf Treisner decided to have a loud cell phone conversation, effectively thumbing his nose at her.

Clearly, it was an election engineered to go Pasquali's way. Just as clearly, Garvin has no regard for the democratic process. It's what I'd expect from someone denying an elected committeeman the basic right to vote.

On their way out, that chicken hawk (the one I told you about below) swooped down from a perch at NCC and carried off a few Democrats.


  1. Bernie are you really that surprised by Joe Long's puppet regime. The new young Long Dem's are exactly what they are supposed to be.

  2. Nobody likes a turd in the punchbowl.

  3. So Treisner called her a bitch and walked out. That is exactly what he called me and exactly what he did when I challenged Joe Long's authority at a Bethlehem Dem meeting after he used Dem funds to prop up an incumbent Dem during a PRIMARY!
    All most of us want is a Dem Committee that follows the basic principles of the Democratic party. Why is that so difficult? Why is that so controversial? You would think Dem leaders would be falling all over themselves to get the most diverse qualified involvement they can possibly get! Isn't that what it means to be a member and supporter of the Democratic Party, especially at the local level?
    By the way, you neglected to mention that Lorraine is a really hard and dedicated worker. That counts for a lot.

  4. I sent in a proxy vote for Lorraine because I could not attend because of an illness. I wanted my vote cast for the person who was the strongest. Because April has a Ph.D. (in sex education, btw, VERY interesting, needed/necessary, and worthy topic, but not so sure how this would help as an exec member)and works for ProJect does not automatically make her superior. Lorraine knows the county better, understands the districts, and has been dedicated to the NCDC for a VERY long time.

    Some agreements and disagreements and questions, though:
    I did hear about the cell phone call which, I agree, was heinous. I do not really get your connect of KiKi's statement to what happened to you. I also understand the votes were counted in a secluded room. Are they not to be counted in front of the membership? Who counted them and why them? State by-laws state you should resign. From what I gather, there was no hearing for you to resign, correct? Maybe you should then just go and obsrve and report your dismay here. Because, quite frankly, if a hearing does take place, you're probably out.

  5. All of these local level politicos are mostly losers in their personal lives. They do not represent the best and brightest in our communities. They are people that are not satisfied or busy enough in their own lives that they must put themselves in some sort of position to rule others. Why, because they have generally failed to move up a ladder in their work world or failed to achieve a proper education to make something of themselves. One thing they do well though is raise taxes ala school boards.

  6. Remember when girls tried to join little league baseball teams to make a point in the early 70s women's rights days? They had no serious interest and looked ridiculous. But they were so insulted by those who wished they'd make their meaningless gesture elsewhere?

  7. Yeah...she knows the county better...she knows how to lose the county. Look at how her expertise helped Charles in his race last fall...oops! He even lost his home precinct. Look at how it helped her in her own race in '09...oops again!

  8. 6:40 am
    Well said, I couldn't agree more. Small town politics is famous for attracting the type of person you just described.

    I can think of a few towns where this is exactly what happens. They are Bath, West Easton, and Williams twp

  9. 2.29 well at least he got one thing right.

  10. -10 the intelligence level of every dem in norco. no wonder bethlum is in such bad shape and the county is a laughing stock. this is much better than watching sitcoms

  11. What everyone fails to note here is that despite how "hard-working" Lorraine is, the Democratic Party didn't enjoy the fruits of her supposed labor until 2005. What took her so long? Is six years a very, very long time in NORCO Dem years?
    Her opponent is an actual life-long Democrat.
    Yes, the democratic party's values are soooo close to Lorraine's heart.....since 2005!

  12. Roseanna ZaccaginoJuly 14, 2011 at 7:51 AM

    6:40 even semi educated school teachers who somehow get elected by the even stupider electorate have the inferiority ans self loathing complexes you describe.

  13. Was the Barron there? Maybe the gaffe machine was in the shop for repairs.

  14. What a complete waste of time that town hall "rally" was. Could you have at least done it when the man is running for re-election? It will have no effect on Dent's votes. If they don't know that by now, they are simply showing how sadly ignorant and impotent the NORCO dems really are. They wouldn't know a politically effective tactic if it slapped them in their collective face. Everyone will have forgotten this exercise in futility by next year.

  15. Have the decency to spell Lorraine's name correctly. It's Pasquali.

  16. Actually, Anon 8:52 that Dent townhall was a very effective action. The video of Walt Garvin pwning Dent on the Bush tax cuts for millionaires made it to ThinkProgress and a number of national Democratic sites, putting Dent on the radar of national progressives.

    It also highlighted an really unpopular position Dent has, and forced him to defend it - unpersuasively as it turned out.

    It'll be great for whoever ends up running against him, because they will be able to point to that to raise money from netroots donors. I don't know why Callahan didn't do that. Dent was already accusing him of being in MoveOn's pocket so he should have just embraced the netroots and gotten the money.

  17. I will spell Pasquali's name properly. Why don't you have the decency to admit and correct your own erroneous Angle report, which is far more serious than a misspelled name?

    Asd for the Dent town hall, I sae a few blogs act as though it was a big deal, but it was bullshit. Garvin looked like he had one or two too many, union hacks were everywhere, I saw no squirming by Dent and I saw no security. I saw Dent easily answer these disruptors.

  18. "I also understand the votes were counted in a secluded room. Are they not to be counted in front of the membership? Who counted them and why them?"

    They were counted in front of everyone.

  19. "That is exactly what he called me and exactly what he did when I challenged Joe Long's authority at a Bethlehem Dem meeting after he used Dem funds to prop up an incumbent Dem during a PRIMARY!"

    I remember that. You displayed guts, and Dertinger came down and lectured you and the "boy mayor," to use his words.

  20. "Was the Barron there? "

    No, but cell phone Rolf was wearing a kilt in his honor.

  21. I'd agree. Dent town halls are attended by constituents from that area. Some of them have real problems that need to be addressed. Others want to talk about issues, too. They resent when a group of outsiders(people who do not live in their area) barge in and try to turn it into a zoo. My guess is that Dent probably gained votes at that town hall by dealing patiently with people who were obviously out to get him.

  22. @Jon-If progressives had any real power, they would have a legitimate third party capable of winning elections. The 15th is always on the national radar. This did nothing to change that. His vote did.
    A video making Garvin look like the asshole he is doesn't help dems or dem causes. You're from here. Don't you meet hundreds of otherwise "good dems and liberals" who like Dent and vote for him? I have. Attacking him publically and looking like out-of-control goons (and using the most ungodly stupid man to do it) will only make a very well-liked Republican look even more in-control and reasonable. They would have been better off using that time to make phone calls to seniors to talk about this issue.

  23. Hey Bernie I see you are deleting 'bagger" references and annons. somehow you allow the bogus "Zorn, et al, to post vile and vicious annon comments about Democrats and other non Republican baggers.

    Why not try to practice what you bitch about

  24. Captain John SmithJuly 14, 2011 at 6:27 PM

    1, KiKi IS a bitch, George made no erroneous nor egregious comment
    2, as long as an idiot is useful, said idiot will work (basic work study pedagogy)
    3, Anytime ANYTIME Dent squirms is a victory for the Dems. Do you love Dent, Bernie?
    4, I kinda agree with "Harrie O'Bern": what makes April more qualified than paper qualifications?
    5, Is you kilt:Barron reference leaning on speculation? Or, do you have actual knowledge?
    6, Was Joe Long there?
    7, My sources say both candidates were able to speak and Pasquali have a much more compelling argument for candidacy. No?
    8, My sources say Reps. Freeman and Samuelson were present. Did they not aid in your voting (dis)rights?
    9, Proxy votes are bullshit
    10, @anon 6:40 -- ACTUALLY, many of the people on the NDCD are well-educated, highly respected community folk. What do you do?

  25. Lorraine Pasquali is an embarrassment as a politician. When she ran for Council, it was painful to watch her respond to questions. I can't believe that two or three years later she is still unemployed.

  26. anon2:51, I will certainly delete any sexual slur term used to describe liberals, especially if there are enough complaints about it. I allowed the term "tea bagger" to be used for months on this blog. But I've grown tired of it, as well as the attempts to portray every one of them or most of them as knuckle draggers. I am sure you can come up with an epithet that avoids sexual slang.

  27. rid the county and cities of the union associated and union loving puke teachers, ie: bethlum. they couldn't lead if you explained it to them

  28. Way to stop the anonymous hate Bernie!

    The knuckle draggers aren't exactly proving themselves otherwise at this point!

  29. I have to agree. This post is not about Karen Dolan, or her Mayoral ambitions. It is about an undemocratic Democratic committee. I am going to delete the anonymous off topic attacks at Dolan, which all come from the same IP, even though different names are used.

  30. The Norco dem party is a house of cards. With Greasy Garvin and Sir Liesalot Barron as the jokers.

  31. Harry O'Bern[5:06am] - Seriously? a PhD in sex ed? Are you incapable of reading past the title page? I guess some really do judge a book by its cover. or is that only when it's filled with big words rather than lots of pretty pictures?

  32. Hey lay off Lord Barron, at least until I find my baby.

    Put da baby in ma belly!!!

  33. Zorn - you're an asshole. Attacking teachers is the easiest go-to. I am one, and yes, some are bad. But, just because we work for union protection, doesn't make us all puke. Pick on garbage men, janitors, doctors, lawyers, or some other job people have a tough time doing. What do you do?

    And, yes, anon 1123, I read past the page -- almost the whole thing. It is about how sex educators teach. It is quantitative data collected, and AS I SAID, good and interesting. BUT, NOT a qualification to make her an county comm exec: this was my point.

  34. Zorn also goes by the handle Wren. He is either Bernie or a bagger extremist. He constantly posts about "union pules". Naturally he is probably enjoying all the work privileges our fathers and grandfathers got by being in Unions.

    Remember, no boss ever gave you a dime out of the goodness of his heart. If you don't take care of yourself, no one else will.

    These extremists are brainwashed idiots.

  35. the truth pains you doesn't it?

  36. Bernie,

    Except for you and Walt, no one gives a damn what happens at a county committeee meeting..They have so little money and power these days.
    Karen is a great girl but she has little chance of beating donchez or Cunningham if he runs as is suspected..Dent can't lose to Callahan (or probably anyone else)so why does he care who comes to his town hall meetings. His vote and the Republican vote on Ryan's Medicare bill was incredibly dumb (politically and otherwise) but, really, so what..Thanks to Citizens United, the Republicans have more money than God..That, on top of Dents poprularity, makes him invulnerable. Unions should stop wasting their time and energy trying to defeat him and spend it to defeat your buddy Angle..That would make much more sense.

  37. Zorn:
    What is your solution? Yes America is no longer at the top of the education heap...but how do we get back there? What are the countries at the top of the heap doing right and how can we employ some of those things? Problems need precision solutions, not thermnuclear warfare.

  38. I finally got to meet the man behind the curtain and I found him charming and a really great guy in person - It was great to finally meet you.

    This is a Democratic committee and as such the expectation is that it's members are going to support the parties nominees and you don't do that. I am perplexed by the whole point of your trying to attend and vote when you are not going to follow the rules of the organization. You, my friend do such good work with the other pots that you stir this one seems to be pointless and a waste of your time.

    The reason I left all this madness back in the 90's are the reasons you point out, the rudeness, the shouting, the name calling, the silly clinging to Roberts rules - Yes we need to have rules but would it have really killed us to allow the guy give a second 2nd. We were electing the Vice Chair of Northampton County Democratic party not picking the next Supreme Court justice and we need to keep the importance on a global scale in perspective.

    I have no patience for all the foolishness that goes on at these meetings and have considered resigning but that would make me a quitter like Sarah Palin.

  39. Oh yeah I am sorry I read many of these comments - Why of why do I put myself through this damage? Thanks again Bernie and it really was my honor and pleasure to finally meet you.

  40. Donald, I believe that you have yourself violated the rule to support the party's nominees. Was it not you who publicly stated that you voted for Peg Ferraro in Nov 09? Did you in fact vote for Ms. Pasquali herself at that time? Not trying to judge you or your decision, just holding you to the same standard you believe should be enforced on others.

    As for "silly clinging to Roberts Rules" and following the rules in general - from the perspective of a number of people, a huge problem is that rules are apparently selectively applied and enforced only when it benefits certain individuals, and completely ignored in other instances. Is it true that the so-called parliamentarian threw up his hands and actually interrupted with "Here we go with Roberts Rules again!" at the very mention of obeying rules? Had the process for endorsement speeches (sorry, making and seconding a nomination does not involve a speech) been announced in advance?

    Does it seem at all democratic (not to mention Democratic) for party officers to selectively ask only some members what dates would work best with their schedules before scheduling an election meeting? This is not to blame you for any of this behavior, but to ask if you can explain it, particularly if you were not already aware.

  41. Tow that line Donald, just tow that line.

  42. You caught me 2:14 I just wish you did not hide who you are. Why are you hiding in the shadows? What do you have to hide?
    It is kind of weird that you would remember that. In fact it's kind of creepy. You were clearly there and yet you do not have the courage of your convictions to let me or anyone here know who you are. I will not accept a critique from a coward. Sorry
    I did vote for Peg and I voted for Ms. Pasquali. I did not however campaign for Peg.In fact I did not campaign for anyone AND I was not a member of the committee at that time. A little fact that your weird little investigation forgot to uncover.

    My point is our host here seems to be doing this pot stirring just to stir the pot - What really is to be accomplished by it?

    5:23 - another brave soul - it is a Democratic Party committee thus members are expected to support democrats just like tea party members are expected to support tea party and GOP are expected to support GOP and so on. Is that really a difficult concept for you to understand?

    Thanks Bernie - I am now off this topic and maybe you should tilt at more important windmills as well.

  43. Actually, Zorn, the truth actually feels great: I am assured good health care (which I pay for in due), good working conditions, and fairness. So yeah, no pain here. I am certain you feel it though, what, with your dead-end job (should you have one), low-paying wages, meager means which keep you sick and sinister, and a miserable outlook on life because you CHOSE, yes CHOSE to work (again, perhaps) at a place where no one gives a what about you. Odd though, because douchebags need help in getting the job done.

  44. Donald, It was a great pleasure to finally meet you in person. I LOVE your blog, especially when you talk about your own life. That is so hard to do and requires a great deal of introspection. It was worth running thru the gauntlet just to meet you.

    As for the anonymous cowards who sneer at you without identifying themselves, that's about par from that bunch. It's what I'd expect from a group whose parliamentarian slams women as his inferiors.

  45. harry spoken like a true union puke

  46. Donald, not trying to "catch" or "critique" you, not stalking you. Your admission from 2009 happened to show up recently when searching for something or other about county council or past candidates.

    Just stating facts, if you think Bernie should not try to attend and vote because he doesn't follow the rules, then I think said rules should apply equally to you or anyone else. It isn't just who you support now, but who you've supported in the past two years, including simply by vote, so you still fall under the statute of limitations. (and do you pledge not to vote for Peg or any other R who comes up for election in the next couple years?)

    Not saying you shouldn't participate, but it's arbitrary for one officer to unilaterally act to exclude one individual due to strong personal dislike rather than enforce the rule fairly on all. I also don't see anything that lets Garvin make the sole determination of who to drop from the rolls without at least presenting the decision, and better yet the question itself, to the whole membership. Bob Freeman explained this pretty well last year: "I think we go down a dangerous path when we cherry pick who we go after for not supporting the party."

    Reasons for "hiding in the shadows" - after seeing how the Garvin regime & friends treat all who publicly challenge them (shouting down, threatening to forcibly remove, and this includes committed Dems not just Bernie), can you really blame anyone for staying anonymous to expose the undemocratic behavior of those in charge?

  47. 10:15AM anon said: "can you really blame anyone for staying anonymous to expose the undemocratic behavior of those in charge?"

    Very hard to believe you actually said that? I guess we can't fix stupid.

  48. Larry, are you even still a Republican?

  49. 9 am larry 'kiss any ass" linger - yet another has been wannabee much like all the dems on bethlehem council, shameful elistist a holes

  50. 12:59

    Please quit speaking ill of bethlums council - but then if it smells like a turd.................

  51. Zorn 843 -- and proud of it! Thanks for the compliment!
    Anon 404 -- Zorn is not anonymous; you can go to any Walgreens and find it in the douchebag or enema aisle.

  52. @LarryKisslinger thanks for sharing. A former GOP chairman and public official jumping to the defense of local Dem party leadership = great demonstration of the highest priority and value of these people: concentration of political power, over any particular set of beliefs or general fairness.


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.