Local Government TV

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Fleckster Screws Up Easton "Fringe Festival"

Noel Jones at Easton Neighbors has all the details. Apparently, the Fleckster dreamed up a 16-week long fringe festival in Easton, never bothered to promote it, never bothered to get permission from residents at the original location, and ended up shutting down because it was losing money.

When blogger Jones asked political consultant, crooner, City Council member, actor and college grad Mike Fleck what the hell was going on, this is what she got in response. "You are insane and misinformed and have all the facts wrong. I am done. Good luck and keep on yelling instead of being part of the solution. It is what you do best."

Hey Curly, I'll kick your ass in a 5k.


  1. Could someone sum this guy up? What is his deal? he appears mentally challenged but he gets elected.

    Without the usual one-liners. Seriously, what the Hell is this Fleck dude about?

  2. He is also running Vaughn Spencers campainge for Mayor of Reading. Apparently they were successful in the primary can wait to hear the dirt to see how much money he scams.

  3. Fleck is a time bomb ticking. A real Jekyll and Hyde type who likes to get his drink on and not pay parking tickets!

  4. AutoZone ManagementJuly 27, 2011 at 10:00 AM

    Thanks for the heads up, Bernie. I'm heading out to my dumpster to check for discarded festival flyers.

  5. thanks for the link, Bernie! in answer to Anon 2:24, i honestly don't know what "his deal" is, except that it's utterly self-serving, with an eye on his own political progress as an elected official, and as a campaign manager.

    why did he get elected? in my opinion, it's the lever-pullers. until all the people who really watch what's going on and THINK for themselves get out from behind their computers and VOTE to outnumber the lever-pullers, the old guard will continue to win--and he is definitely ensconced with the old guard party Dems in town.

    we need more engaged Independents, who do not vote along party lines, but actually vote for the best INDIVIDUAL running. and we need to start having some fun getting together, hashing things out and showing up to speak up at school board, city council and county council meetings until our local government actually represents US as they are supposed to.

    so whose fault is it that people like Fleck get elected? our fault. and how will it change? when we change it.

    there's more to participating in local democracy than voting ourselves. we have to show up and take part, find good candidates to run, and convince as many people as possible to vote for them so they win.

    speaking of which--7 of 9 spots on the Easton School Board (our biggest taxer) are turning over this year and candidates only have until August 1st to sign up to run as Independents--so now's the time to make some phone calls to friends, neighbors and coworkers to convince them to run! also Councilman Jeff Warren--who has been busted for 2 DUIs--is still running unopposed--a perfect opportunity for an Independent candidate...

  6. Christ Noel, get laid!

  7. That's the mature kind of comment I've grown to expect from the Fleckster.

  8. I gotta tell ya, Easton - Northampton County. As long as we have them, who needs the circus?

    Send in the clowns ... whoops, they're already here.

    Is there something in the water in that side of the Lehigh Valley?

  9. Go a Northampton county council meeting. Between the Administration and council they make the three stooges look like brain surgeons.

  10. Hey don't forget he could have been mayor if Panto didn't come back to run. OMG would that be unbelievable.


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