Local Government TV

Friday, July 29, 2011

Dent's Synthetic Drugs Bill Clears House Energy & Commerce Committee

Legislation introduced by LV Congressman Charlie Dent to combat the growing abuse of synthetic drugs today passed the powerful House Committee on Energy & Commerce, clearing the way for future consideration on the House floor. Called the Synthetic Drug Control Act (H.R. 1254), the Bill has been gaining momentum as a result of a national rise in hospitalizations and deaths related to synthetic drug use. There's a companion Bill in the Senate, too.
“I am very pleased H.R. 1254 has taken another crucial step toward becoming law,” Rep. Dent said in a news release. “I thank Chairman Upton and Ranking Member Waxman for their support and commitment to moving this bill through the Energy & Commerce Committee. I look forward to H.R. 1254 being considered on the House floor soon and anticipate its passage with strong bipartisan support.”

This Synthetic Drug Control Act targets chemical compounds that affect the brain in a manner similar to THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, and adds them to Schedule I of the Controlled Substances Act. Schedule I bans drugs and controlled substances that have high potential for abuse and have no use in medical treatment in the United States. The bill also bans chemical compounds used in synthetic drugs commonly sold as ‘Bath Salts’ or ‘Plant Food’, which have been identified as cocaine substitutes. Abuse of bath salts has recently garnered much public attention in Pennsylvania, where disturbing cases of violent, erratic and dangerous behavior have been linked to recreational use of the substance.

Dent's proposed legislation also enhances the authority of DEA to temporarily ban drugs in the interest of public safety and provides greater time for the agency to prove a chemical is harmful, lacks medicinal or industrial value, and should be banned permanently.

The legislation has twenty cosponsors, both Democrat and Republican.


  1. If the tea party gets its way, the rest of us will need those drugs. Real and synthetic.

  2. GOOD! Yet, while only a 1/3 to 2/3 split between the co-sponsors' parties, it is somewhat sad to see that it takes drugs to get such timely bi-partisanship.

    Perhaps the debt ceiling next? And let us not forget that FY2012 officially begins October 1. It only took approx. six months into it to get a final budget for FY2011. Since the debt ceiling is only to pay for appropriations already APPROVED by Congress, I can't wait to see if they can approve a budget on time.

  3. Lighthouse, No federal budget was adopted for FY 2011. The Senate has not adopted a budget for over 800 days.

  4. H.R.1473
    Latest Title: Department of Defense and Full-Year Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011
    Sponsor: Rep Rogers, Harold [KY-5] (introduced 4/11/2011) Cosponsors (None)
    Related Bills: H.CON.RES.35, H.CON.RES.36, H.RES.218, H.R.1
    Latest Major Action: Became Public Law No: 112-10 [GPO: Text, PDF]

    4/11/2011 Introduced in House
    4/14/2011 Passed/agreed to in House: On passage Passed by the Yeas and Nays: 260 - 167 (Roll no. 268).
    4/14/2011 Passed/agreed to in Senate: Received in the Senate, read twice, considered, read the third time, and passed without amendment by Yea-Nay. 81 - 19. Record Vote Number: 61.
    4/15/2011 Presented to President.
    4/15/2011 Signed by President.
    4/15/2011 Became Public Law No: 112-010 [Text, PDF]

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Lighthouse, I believe you meant to post that comment elsewhere, and I have replied to the point you are trying to make.

  7. I'm glad they're working on this now that the economy is fixed, all are back to work, and the six or seven wars we're in have ended. Douche bags.

  8. lighthouse isn't very bright is he?

  9. Sorry my cynicism took me a little off topic here.

    That said, it is good to see national action on this. I know PA already took action on this, but most of PA's other drug-related laws are pegged to the U.S. Controlled Substance Act.

    The only problem in the larger scenario is when individual States pass laws legalizing what is illegal at the national level (marijuana), but that is a separate debate I suppose.

  10. "lighthouse isn't very bright is he?"

    He is probably among the brightest lights on this blog. What is more, he is something of a centrist himself.

  11. http://www.vizworld.com/2010/06/government-making-tobacco/

    The Federal and state governments combined took in $25 billion just in tobacco tax revenue in 2009.

    Can anyone ponder a guess to the revenue stream that would be created if Marajuania was legal?

    Can anyone ponder a guess to the other revenue and job creation that this new industry could produce?

    Can anyone ponder a guess on the expenses that would be eliminated in law enforcement, incarceration, etc ..if this were made legal?

  12. The savings in police activities, incarcerations coupled with tax gains would be incredible.

    It is time for this ridiculous prohibition to end.

    I have been given Marinol (derivative of marijuana) from the doctor already to gain wait after surgery. The medical world already knows the value, but I guess its better to pay a pharmaceutical company.


  13. I agree with Brenda and Seamus.

    Just as our new President Obama (who pledged no tax hikes) took office, he instituted the single largest tobacco tax increase in American history. He increased the Federal exise tax on tobacco from .39 per pack to 1.00, a 255% hike in one sweep. This tax was for CHIP benefits.

    Unfortunately, I use this product, but would be happy to be subsidized by the pot users who must scramble carefully for their product to avoid law enforcement.


  14. The politicians who make these silly prohibition laws likely medicate regularly with Dewars or Jack while their wives/husbands run for the shelter of their mothers' little Zanax helpers. Good thing their favorite vices are legal. The hypocrisy is stunning. And we all know how well prohibition works.

  15. I agree with trish/brenda.

  16. There is no reason in the world Marijuana should not be legal. Brenda put it best, the economic impact, both in terms of new revenue and law enforcement expenses saved, would be staggering. And there is no evidence that pot is a 'gateway' drug.

    Be done with it already.

    The Banker

  17. Agreed. I am shocked we still classify marijuana as an illegal drug. Hell, states even fight doctors who want to give it to cancer and glaucoma patients.

    I have seen people die from a multitude of causes smoking or chewing tobacco. I have seen people kill high on booze.

    I have never seen anyone do anything but snack and sleep on weed. If it would help, sell the shit in regulated market and collect taxes.

    Give it up already.

    Jason Long, Independent

  18. seamus loves his drugs and jc's butt. constantly with him - i doubt it. liar, liar - pants on fire

  19. Please give some of these drugs to the shitheads in Washington. By that i mean all the elected shitheads in both parties. Make sure it is the cheaper synthetic stuff, they don't deserve the good stuff.

    Next election, please elect adults. Doesn't matter which Party just be sure they are adults. it is as though an army of Ron Angle clones has invaded Washington.

  20. 2:10am

    An adult will ration something from a child to impress upon his/her mind that overindulgence produces spoiled brats, and spoiled brats are not productive members of society.

    An adult will not negotiate with a spoiled brat who wants everything, but will pay for nothing

    The adult will banish the child to his room, ration his treats, and only allow him to come downstairs when he is able to act in a responsible manner.

    Looks like spoiled brat Obama will be sent to his room


  21. Trish/brenda, from the topic of Gracedale to President Obama, you are just another angry frustrated bagger.

  22. I'm not sure how you can say I am angry/frustrated. I have been posting comments about the outrageous debt crisis and offering opinions and solutions.

    I agreed that the marajuana drug should be removed from the class of controlled substances, which will provide a huge revenue stream for our bankrupt nation.

    I have also agreed that our entitlement system needs to be reformed. If you dont understand how the system works, here's an analogy:

    The entitlement system was built with a supercharged turbo engine, and put into a tractor trailer, that does not have any weight limitations. It is allowed to travel on all highways without speed limitations, and has become too large and too fast for anyone to catch. The repubs want to to pull it over, install some safety equipment, and put it back on the road responsibly.


  23. Wren, do you ask your parents for permission to use the Google...

    I do not do drugs. Actually I work for a fortune company and am subject to random drug testing, not that there is a need to prove anything to you.

    Please grow up and get a life, then maybe you can have an intellectual conversation.


  24. Didn't PA already ban these?

  25. As I understand, Pa. Is one of 13 states that have passed legislation. I do not know if the House and Senate versions have been reconciled or if they even need reconciliation. The ban being proposed by Dent and Casey would obviously apply on a federal level.

  26. Really Trish? You mean the Repubs(which you are one of) wants to pull it over. Give the "fat cats" more weight allowances and force the janitor to accept more of the weight on his back.

    The American people are wise to your bagger ways.

  27. 7:57

    No, the repubs want to install a breaking system on the big TT. The system it used now was made for a Ford Fiesta. And this thing seems to loose its breaks as it travels through California and PA.


  28. Trish/brenda, so you would agree it is time to stop sending all the federal money to southern states like Texas. Not to mention the largest recipient, Alaska. You know those red states that just hate all that federal government.


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