Local Government TV

Friday, July 08, 2011

Dent Reacts to Dismal June Jobs Report

If this is a recovery, I sure as hell would hate to see what a recession looks like. June's jobs report is in, and the 9.2% unemployment rate is being described with phrases like "no redeeming features whatsoever," "a shocker," and "universally weak."

Although Obama's top political adviser says there's nothing to see here, his GOP rivals have a much different view. Michele Bachman, for example, calls it "bad news for the President politically, but it's even worse news for the American people."

LV Congressman Charlie Dent notes that we're at an 8-month high. In a statement, he names the enemies. "Excessive spending and over regulation have contributed to 29 consecutive months of an unemployment rate above 8 percent and an overwhelming burden of national debt. These anti-business policies must end; I encourage the Administration to keep its focus on job creation and our economy in order to get the American people back to work."

“The first step we must take to create an environment that encourages productive and sustained job growth is fundamentally addressing our nation’s unsustainable spending habits and crushing debt burden. From there, we must provide certainty and predictability to small business so the private sector takes the lead in job creation. Adopting pro-growth policies like domestic energy production, regulatory relief, tax reform, fiscal restraint and leadership rather than hostile, anti-job creator rhetoric will set us on that path.”


  1. The "empty suit" speaks -- he will create jobs by giving more money to the rich!

  2. No the way to create more jobs is by taking money from the rich and giving to the poor. Then when the poor are rich and the rich are poor -- repeat process.

    Bob Locksley

  3. More Dent propaganda from his boy toy O'Hare!

  4. Dear Anon 12:48 AM --

    The only person your hurting with your obvious self-loathing is well, yourself.

    Increase the peace and decrease the spending.

  5. Why does Dent NOT mention illegal immigration? Perhaps if we would kick the illegals out, there would be more jobs opening up. Albeit low paying type of jobs, there would be jobs.

  6. The year started well and remained strong into the middle of Q2. Then, the bottom seemed to fall out again and orders have been in retreat. The second dip has been ongoing since early May. Hiring, when or if a recovery occurs, will lag even worse the second time around as businesses wonder if there will be a third dip under our new, crushing debt structure. With the exception of the Marcellus boom in Bradford, Tioga, Wyoming and Susquehanna, things suck out here and most believe they won't improve anytime soon.

    I.M. Bummin
    VP Sales
    Acme Widget Mfg. Co., Inc.

  7. Don't worry be happy.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  8. He actually said nothing. He offered no real ideas, just lots of talking points. Maybe he could actually come up with a real plan that would help implement his theories. Specifically, what regulatory systems are too onerous and what legislation is he going to propose to address these issues. I don't think he has actually forwarded a single piece of legislation that supports his ideas of job creation since being elected to congress. Washington needs real leadership from the representatives of both parties, Republican and Democrat, not simply people willing to go along with the party line, announcing empty platitudes and spewing carefully measured talking points. I guess it is easier to be a lifetime politician by not being a leader and sitting on the sidelines. One day I hope the 15th congressional district might have a representative that is more concerned about the future of the country and not his own re-election. Pat Toomey was close. He stood for small government, limited government spending and advocated for it. He actually stands up to his own party when he disagrees with it. He would have never allowed the Republican spending spree to go unchecked, yet our currently elected "fiscal conservative" Mr. Dent didn't raise an eyebrow. Fiscal conservatives in the 15th need a real voice in Washington, not someone who believes it only when it is politically convenient.


    Someone Looking for a real fiscal conservative to run in the 15th Congressional district

  9. Anon 9:54


  10. Hmm....same basic regulatory structures we had under clinton and bush. Wonder why they didn't impede job growth then?

  11. Anonymous 9:54,

    If you feel so strongly about what type of leader the 15th congressional district needs why not sign your name? It’s not Syria. No one is going to disappear you for speaking your mind.

    Scott Armstrong

  12. OMG that is word for word the talking points memo. That is quite sad that he couldn't add a thing to the discussion.

    Callahan and Bethlehem adding 500 jobs, Charlie has talking points

    So disappointed over and over again. I hope Callahan runs again because I want to hear you try to sell Dent as a leader again. 90% in party voting record and nothing new in the way of policy.


  13. Scott, some of us are too close to the fire to sign our names but I wish people would at least sign a name and be consistent


  14. Too close to what fire?

    Scott Armstrong

  15. The irate flames of teabags burning peoples lives through vengeful acts.

  16. Scott Armstrong,

    Does my point have less relevance because you don't know my name? It seems as though you are trying to diminish my point with an attack on me as opposed to the merits. That is your choice obviously. I was merely lamenting Mr. Dent's lack of leadership on any issue that he discussed in in his carefully vetted press release. I did double check, he has taken on the very serious issues of tanning beds and bath salts unfortunately in both instances he decided to add regulations, which seems at first blush hypocritical of the very position he was asserting in that press release.
    I noticed you didn't actually disagree with what I said. Perhaps you can provide some examples where Mr. Dent stood up in Washington and told anyone that as a country we were spending too much money on ill-conceived wars. Perhaps he penned a letter or issued a press release to President Bush challenging President Bush's conservative credentials. My guess is your research will turn up empty.
    Mr. Dent is part of the problem not the solution. He is a typical politician. Both parties are full of them and I don't believe Washington will be better without true reform, including term limits.
    Keep up the good fight Scott.


    Someone looking for a real fiscal conservative to run in the 15th congressional

  17. "He actually said nothing. He offered no real ideas, just lots of talking points."

    This is simply untrue. Dent said it himself. He has been an advocate of domestic energy production, regulatory relief, tax reform and fiscal restraint. He believes that will create jobs. We've tried it Obama's way and it doesn't work. I'm all for what works. The hell with ideology.

    Dent chairs the hydrogen caucus in the House, has advocated turning Route 78 into a hydrogen highway, has supported some local companies producing amazing batteries. We all should agree that tax reform is in order. He supported paperwork elimination amendments to Obamacare that would save small businesses untold billions. Democrats eventually agreed with him and passed an act. He supports medical liability reform to reduce the cost of defensive medicine, which drives our costs up. He supports and has sponsored a plethora of tax credits for people who use alternative energy in their homes. Even Obama has conceded that his regulatory scheme has hamstrung many businesses, and Dent has supported legislation to ease up on all that. I've written about every one of these things over the years.

    You might disagree with Dent's solutions, but it's just plain wrog to say he has none.

  18. Scott,

    Although I do not know Seamus and he is anonymous, he identifies himself as such and either works for Bethlehem or Callahan. I respect his desire to remain anonymous, especially since he avoids personal attacks. If he identified himself, then Callahan or Bethlehem could get tagged with whatever he says, and I believe Seamus is speaking only for himself.

  19. "Callahan and Bethlehem adding 500 jobs"

    Excuse me? Bethlehem's 2011 budget eliminates 50 positions. In the one area where he has direct control, he blew it. He did not cut waste, but actually rid the City of 3 police officers, 2 firemen and 1.5 housing inspectors. This can only have a deleterious impact on public safety.

    He refused to cough up a nickel for a K-9 dog, but wanted the City to spend $5,000 on the well-heeled Bach choir.

    That's Callahan's record. Bethlehem is one thing, but Callahan is something else.

  20. "I hope Callahan runs again because I want to hear you try to sell Dent as a leader again."

    Maybe this time he would be able to crack the 40% mark in a majority Democrat district. I dont care what year it is, 39% is pathetic.

  21. Bernie,

    Was Charlie Dent just elected? What did he do why President Bush was in office or did it take President Obama two years to create these awful regulatory conditions? Aside from the 1099 correction that Mr. Dent voted against at least once before finally reversing his position this year, what regulations has he actually championed removing? He wants this, he wants that, where is the legislation he put forward?
    I guess medical malpractice reform will create jobs?
    I really am not a partisan individual, I just find everyone in Washington full of hot air. Both parties would rather play to their base instead of actually lead.

    Still looking for a real fiscal conservative.

  22. Yes Bernie let us continue the policy of George W. Bush and the Republicans who controlled everything until 2006. Nothing has changed. Obama has allowed the same stupid 'piss down on' economics.

    Yes the policy of tax loopholes and unbridled greed in the face of a national economic crises and two wars has worked real well this past decade. Sure lets do more of the same.
    Dent wants, "tax reform and fiscal restraint", I am glad he is so specific. Your love non-withstanding, the guy was a middle of the road level headed moderate. He is now pandering to the point of stuffing teabags down his pants.

    Fanny McGiggles

  23. Bernie, first of all thanks for the understanding.

    You know the city government is not hiring but there will be at least 500 new jobs created within the city (meaning about 750k in taxes for the city, school district and county).

    How many times can I say the dog was going to be paid for, you just jumped the gun and the Bach choir is a jewel of the city who is attending a tribute to the horrid events of 911. Takes allot of balls to be against that.

    For the record the city has been implementing a CI program for awhile now and doing a great job at evaluating work process in order to streamline. The reduced staff was a really difficult decision for all and was completely evaluated beforehand. I love when people argue about too many government workers and then also throw stones at downsizing. You can't have it both ways

    As far as the hydrogen highway, that is a great thing no doubt that's one in how many years? And even that came out of the caucus and tell us who Charlie's second highest donor is and what one of their main products is? I'll give you a hint their ticker symbol is APD.


  24. Charlie's main objective is staying in office. He's never led on a single issue. He's fills a seat, cashes the checks, and laughs his ass off as toadys like Bernie who carry his water and empty his piss bucket each day. The economy is a mess and Charlie's tenure coincides with the worst of the decline. He's the problem; not the solution.

    His only saving grace is support of Planned Parenthood and their concentration of abortion services in minority neighborhoods. He should be applauded for his enlightened view on "pest" control on over-breeding minorities.

  25. Anonymous 9:54AM
    Just a bit of a reminder, governments are suppose to govern not create jobs that is the business of business. Indeed the latest news has reported that the increase in unemployment is due to the laying off of government employees and rest assurred more will join the ranks of the unemployed.
    Businesses are not creating jobs because they do not know what is going to happen. They are keeping their money in the bank. They do not know what is going to happen with Obamacare and with taxes. If you want to send Dent a message, tell him to put together a plan to repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments as well as a total revision of the tax system to a flat tax or a consumer/sales tax. Remember Reagan's message--we need to keep the money out of the hands of Congress.

  26. Anonymous 4:05,

    What would the Declaration of Independence be without a signature? It would be just a thought. Have the courage of your beliefs.

    Scott Armstrong

  27. Scott,

    Thanks for the history lesson and your interpretation of the meaning of the signatures on the Declaration of Independence. How about this for history, very influential individuals wrote the Federalist Papers under a pseudonym, Publius. I know you recognize the importance of the documents being the Conservative that I believe you are from reading your blogs. Do you believe the Federalist Papers were any less influential or carry less merit because someone did not know who the author was? To the contrary those writings remain some of the most important documents used to interpret the meaning of the Constitution.

    I still don't understand why it is you are attacking me, I don't even know you. I am merely putting forth an opinion. However, I have not made a personal attack or wrote something salacious, just merely put forth an opinion to which you can agree or disagree.
    You are free to diminish its value because you don't know my name. But I haven't seen you disagree.

    Still Looking

  28. Scott,

    Thanks for the reference to the Declaration of Independence and your interpretation of the meaning of the signatures. I would counter with the pseudonym Publius. Under this name, Hamilton, Jay and Madison authored the writing collectively known as the Federalist Papers. I don't believe their meaning was diminished or discounted because the authors didn't use their real names. In fact these writing remain some of the most influential writings used to understand the meaning of the Constitution, a writing which actually has legal significance.
    What matters is the content of the writing, which should stand on its own merits regardless of the name of the author.
    I merely stated an opinion about my observations. I didn't attack Mr. Dent personally. I didn't call him any names. I just lamented what I perceive to be a lack of true leadership.
    I note you actually did not disagree. Or is your agreement or disagreement going to be based on whether you approve of my conservative credentials?


    Still Looking

  29. I think Scott's point is that we're not really discussing life-and-death issues. Nobody is going to hang for expressing his or her views. On the other hand, there are many people whose particular occupation might be it economic suicide if they revealed themselves, or they may work in a given area, but may lack the authority to speak officially. I have no problem with anonymous commenting from those people and have learned from them. I particularly like when people give themselves names bc we know who is saying what.

    I detest the anons who come on here and just attack others, and there are a few. Some of them deliberately spread falsehoods, over and over.

  30. Bernie,

    Thanks for noting that some people may not be free to identify themselves given where they work. Many great writings were written under pseudonyms, Federalist Papers for one, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer for another. I am just frustrated that the leadership in both parties seem unwilling to actually stand up and act in the best interests of the country. Rather they seems beholden to their base and contributors. It is disappointing and I am sure that if I lived in a different congressional district, aside from Paul Ryan's, I might wonder whether having a congressional representative is worth it. Stepping up and standing above the fray, acting in the best interest of tomorrow regardless of the personal consequences is what we need more of in Washington. Personally, I don't think Mr. Dent has done that. Even with the bank bailout he voted against it and then with minimal changes he voted for it. If he was for it, then vote for it the first time. There were no true substantive changes to the law, aside from adding additional pork to the law between the first and second version. If he was against it, then vote against it. My guess is Mr. Toomey would have never voted for it regardless of the pressure from his party henchmen. He would have lost on principle, which, I may not always agree with, but I respect. Washington has been spending money poorly for far too long and seems only recently that Mr. Dent has decided to stand up and stop it, seems more like politics than conviction.

    I have been struggling to post all day, some technial difficulties. To honor your request, I will post under the pseudonym "Still Looking", so you know it is me.

    Still Looking

  31. I agree with Chris Miller. Some of those damn amendments were not in the minds of the Founding Fathers. We should also repeal the 13th and 14th amendments.
    Let us take back our country.

  32. Anonymous 5:25PM
    It is folks like you who fail to take things seriously that give the Anonymous family a bad name. I do believe you will see a change in Amendment 14 so that it can no longer be used to protect the illegal immigrants anchor babies. You might recall that Amendments
    13, 14, and 15 apply to those who were once slaves. You need to think about what I wrote and then comment.

  33. Anonymous changes nothing. Write a tome, get it off your chest, but without a name it is just words. If you are working for an elected official then note the vested interest if you don’t want to reveal your name.

    Scott Armstrong

  34. Scott,

    You are certainly entitled to your opinion. We can agree to disagree. If I declared that I worked for an elected official would that somehow make my opinion more or less valuable. Thankfully I am not searching for your approval.

    Still Looking

  35. Fanny McGiggles said:

    "Yes Bernie let us continue the policy of George W. Bush and the Republicans who controlled everything until 2006."


    Fanny -

    Thank you for reminding us of what it was like before the Democrats took over Congress. I too remember those painful years of 4% to 5% unemployment.

  36. Bernie, Scott, and "Still Looking,"

    Why are we back with this again Scott? I have been commenting here for some time as "Publius," as a reference to our Funding Fathers and the Federalist Papers. If it was good enough for Hamilton and Madison, it should be good enough for you.

    There are two reasons why I comment this way. First, my line of work does not allow me to publish/ comment under my own name. I am not a politician and do not work in politics, but political opinions stated publicly are not possible in my line of work.

    The other reason is that, quite frankly, it is the thoughts and ideas that matter, not my name. People like "Semus" and "Still Looking," post non-abusive and thoughtful commentary. I like to think I do the same. Like Bernie, I have no tolerance for the ANONs who spew personal attacks.

    Let me repeat what I have said in the past: Instead of worrying about who I am, start giving me fact-based arguments, not what you think is correct. Let me give you an example:

    As a conservative I imagine you believe that "high taxes" and "liberal spending" are what has led to "huge deficit spending." But the link below will show you this is simply not true. Under Reagan/Bush and Bush 2 deficits as a % of GDP exploded, while under Clinton they went down. Here's the link, now show me why I am wrong.


    I suspect that you will either say nothing or say I don't matter because I haven't signed my name. That, Scott, makes you a bit of an empty shell.


  37. Bernie,

    I just posted a response that appears to have been caught up in a filter somewhere. Please post when you get a moment.


  38. Charlie Dent has ALWAYS led on medical liability reform issues, back as far as his days in the PA Senate. He continues to do so:

    Dent and Paulsen Introduce Medical Liability Reform Bill
    WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Reps. Charlie Dent (PA-15) and Erik Paulsen (MN-3) today introduced legislation (H.R. 2205) to decrease the cost of health care and improve protections for patients through comprehensive medical liability reform.

    Comprehensive medical liability reform, such as the legislation that was passed in Texas in 2003, has greatly increased the number of physicians in the state (currently there's a backlog of about 4,000 applications for Texas medical licenses).

    This both improves healthcare by increasing access to physicians of all specialties AND creates jobs, as private medical practices are small businesses, and even physicians who work for large groups or hospitals need office staff.

    Plus, the enormity of the medical liability situation (coupled with uncertainty about just where medicine is heading in this country) adds to the current and impending physician shortage by prompting the best and brightest who MAY have considered careers in medicine to seek other ways to use their talents...

    It should also be noted that Charlie Dent voted to repeal the PPACA, which will do more to harm America's health than anyone can imagine.

    So to suggest that Charlie Dent hasn't done ANYTHING during his tenure in Congress, from a health care standpoint at least, is completely inaccurate.

  39. Tort reform is less than 2% (estimated 1-1 1/2%) of overall medical cost. Do you think maybe we should focus on something that leads to real change? And let's remember it has existed here in Pa for years, how has it helped?

    I love people focusing on what they are spoon fed in order to take the focus off of what really matters.


  40. Seamus, they have been hanging their hat on that 2% for years. It is the only thing their overlords will allow.

  41. Dent wins here because he has deep roots and a moderate.If the republicans choose someone more conservative they lose the seat.Whats the saying"The lesser of two evils"

  42. Dent for the the Ryan plan to destroy medicare, not very moderate. He will also help destroy the economy as part of the "know-nothing" caucus, not voting to raise the debt ceiling.

    The result will be stock market tumbling and interest rates soaring.
    Go teabaggers. thank you fro 2012.

  43. Donna Rovato @ 5:59pm,

    Kudos for the attempt to show how Dent has done "something" and even referencing a link. Unfortunately, all you did was link to Dent's own propoganda (read: press release). Since tort refrom was passed in Texas, medical costs have increased at a pace greater than overall medical costs (please see the documentary "Hot Coffee" for more details).

    More important and relevant to the conversation was Dent's vote for the Ryan budget and the destruction of Medicare for anyone under 55 years of age. what he voted for would do nothing to lower the cost of medical care as the number of people going on medicare would continue to increase through 2021, but also destroy healthcare security for those of us under age 55, who will still beon the hook to pay for mdical coverage for the boomer generation.

    How this happens is simple: just becuase you give me voucher to get insurance, doesn't mean that I can actually get insurance. And why would a health insurance company take on the older population whenthere are no profits and likely staggering losses? I guess you could mandate it, but that is unlikely as Dent and the Republicans are against mandates. And, if you are a 75 year old who is obese and has TY2 Diabetes, if you could get insurance, what do you think the cost would be?

    So I guess we should all thank Dent for all he has done for us.


  44. Ya gotta love politicians.I supported Dent in the beginning.He was always praising the VA Health Care system in general and the local VA clinic in particular.Isnt that government health care? Then when Obama got in and Obama care was proposed his VA health care praise is non existant.I guess its not good PR for him.

  45. Then you didn't follow him this past election cycle.

  46. The entire Medicare and Social Security debate is a scam from the Republicans. They are merely doing what the party bigwigs have wanted since the 1930's with social security and the 1960's with medicare, they want them gone. They view any social welfare for citizens as evil.

    The Republican party is about big boys with big wallets not wanting to spend on the general welfare of the people who fight the wars and do the work.

    In their utopia, Ebenezer Scrooge would be considered a socialist.

    This is an old story with some new players. The words may have changed but the melody is still the same.

    The Elephant Never Forgets or forgives!

  47. 2:46 a.m.,

    I don't believe Republicans want to eliminate medicaid, medicare, and social security, primarily because they do like winning elections. In today's climate they certainly are advocating for modifications to the programs. Unfortunately, it is not with any consistency. Rather politics seems to drive their message. Just a simple example, during the Obamacare debate, all the Republicans, even Mr. Dent cried foul over the cutting of 500 million dollars from medicare. However those same Republicans, including Mr. Dent, turned around and agreed to make the exact same cuts as part of the Ryan budget. Then the Republican message became we voted to save your medicare. Democrats used this opportunity to discuss the destruction of the program and saying that Republicans were taking from money from the recipients today, which is just not true, but the base loved it. Most of them say whatever they need to be elected.
    Changes are needed to the aforementioned programs, just as changes are needed to the tax code to flatten the rates, remove loop holes and increasing revenues.

    Still Looking

  48. Bernie,
    7 Months with the Majority and not one single job creating Bill has been put forth. That is disgracful. Sorry, but the gall of Charlie and his crew. He's all talk, let me see a decent job creating Bill with Charlie's name on it and I may change my opinion.

  49. “I suspect that you will either say nothing or say I don't matter because I haven't signed my name. That, Scott, makes you a bit of an empty shell.


    Why the resort to insult. Is that something your namesake would approve? Perhaps I too should adopt a fancy moniker. Is there a person from the classical era who was known as an empty shell?

    Scott(Zeus) Armstrong

  50. The Republicans screamed about the so called "cutting" of $500 million. Yet then they turn around and come up with a plan to end medicare completely. Hypocrisy, is a sweet thing when done so well.

    We will destroy Medicare and Social Security in order to save them"

    Pass the tea please


You own views are appreciated, especially if they differ from mine. But remember, commenting is a privilege, not a right. I will delete personal attacks or off-topic remarks at my discretion. Comments that play into the tribalism that has consumed this nation will be declined. So will comments alleging voter fraud unless backed up by concrete evidence. If you attack someone personally, I expect you to identify yourself. I will delete criticisms of my comment policy, vulgarities, cut-and-paste jobs from other sources and any suggestion of violence towards anyone. I will also delete sweeping generalizations about mainstream parties or ideologies, i.e. identity politics. My decisions on these matters are made on a case by case basis, and may be affected by my mood that day, my access to the blog at the time the comment was made or other information that isn’t readily apparent.