Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Debt Ceiling: Obama Should Practice What He Preaches

When the President and Speaker of the House take the American people away from their boob tubes, it's usually to announce some amazing success, like a new iPad or something. But last night, Barack Obama and John Boehner used the airwaves to announce yet another failure on a debt ceiling increase.

In a 16-minute speech from the White House's East Room, Obama placed the blame for this failure on "a significant number of Republicans" who demand a "cuts only approach." He condemned the "partisan three-ring circus in Washington."
In a shorter speech from the Speaker's ceremonial office, Boehner complained that Obama wants a "blank check" and "would not take Yes for an answer."

Obama and Boehner, behind closed doors, appeared to have had a "Grand Bargain" with $4 trillion in spending cuts and "revenue increases," i.e tax hikes, over 10 years. That fell apart because, after agreeing to $800 billion in increased revenue, Obama wanted another $400 billion. Then, after going back on a deal that would already be a hard sell to sixty or so Tea Parfty House Republicans, Obama goes on national television and announces, "I’m the only mature person in Washington.”

Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

Now, Congressional Democrats and Republicans have competing plans that call for no revenue increases at all. As Ezra Klein comments, Republicans have already won.

The far left, of course, is demanding that Boehner be tried for treason. And birther Donald Trump wants Congress to reject any new debt ceiling, just to insure Obama's defeat at the polls.

Despite the usual incendiary rants, it seems likely that House Republicans will cut a deal with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, who has vulnerable Senators to protect and knows how to count.

Obama preached about the importance of compromise. Perhaps he should practice what he preaches.


  1. "There really is no other issue on which the hypocrisy is so bipartisan and so consistent year after year after year," said Bruce Bartlett, who was a top Treasury Department official during the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations. "Half of these guys who are opposed to increasing the debt limit have voted multiple times to increase it in the past. The only difference is one of their guys was president."

    Read more: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2011/07/25/118194/hypocrisy-reigns-on-all-sides.html#ixzz1TBQbvYLD

  2. The only real"leader" in this mess is President Obama. I Republicans think they can avoid this shit storm, wait until the anti-incumbency vote in 2012. Party labels and teabags won't protect anyone when pissed off voters throw you all out.

  3. I say budget be damned, keep on spendin'!

  4. Wildy would be and has been preferable as of late ...

  5. Of course Bonner is telling the truth about what the President did. Otherwise sweet Charlie would look like a tag along partisan wimp.

    Nice Selective fact checking O'Hare. Be careful you could be come one of the hot Fox News chicks. Hired to cross and uncross their legs to keep the old horny baggers hypnotized.

  6. The economy was worse than he thought, George Bsuh was the Bill Heydt of America, never forget that.

    Allentown Democrat Voter

  7. It's amazing that after all of these years it's "still" Bush's fault. I am not and never was a fan of Bush but good God people enough is enough!

    Maybe we can blame Lincoln for some of this too.

  8. Don't forget the corporate jet owners, the president is right to point the finger at them. How come they get jets and we don't?I think we know what's going on here and I think its about time we allow the government to do something about it.

    Your A-Town Democrat neighbor

  9. We put an affirmative action faux lawyer in charge of the economy. We should not be surprised the experiment has been disastrous.

    His party ran everything for two years and failed to pass a budget in either of them. They were busy giving rights to terrorists and making the military gay.

  10. Obama is right and Charlie Dent is Wrong. Just look how Dent voted this past week against Seniors, Veterans and financial oversight.

    Stop trying to balance this debt crisis exclusively on the backs of our senior, middle class, and the poor.

    How many jobs were created with Bush's unfunded tax cuts for the wealthy?

  11. The only cuts to Medicare were made in the affordable care act (Obamacare) and there were no cuts madeto Social Security,The monthly income is enough o pay Social Security, medicare, military and veterans AND our debt service. There will be No Default it is a lie! We have money for the DEBT, Obama needs to have the crisis to frighten the country so he gets his way.

    What will not be funded are social welfare programs, and grants to moveon.org, ACORN (still around!) Planned Parenthood, PBS, NEA.etc

    Please folks do the research. Ignore all media and the President.
    read for yourself.

  12. The Reid plan gives Republicans everything they wanted, and gives President Obama nothing that he wanted. How is that a compromise? And why should Obama have to go crawling after the 60 wingnuts in the House who are going to vote against raising the debt ceiling no matter what?

  13. So, Lighthouse -

    Those who voted stupidly in the past should continue to do so, because the appearance of hypocrisy is much, much more dangerous than doing the right thing?

    Boehner, Dent and the other mannequins posing as leaders are all pathetic, in my book. This is not the last time they, or our feckless idiot-in-chief will look like hypocrites. But, they are the ones with the votes right now, and if they do the right thing, I could care less about their motivations.


  14. I think the author has this backwards. Obama came to the table compromising from the beginning. There were to tax hikes whatsoever in any plan the Repubs put forth except for this mythical plan Boehner said they had an agreement on. Obama went against his own base making deep cuts into programs. Obama went against his base in only asking for tax hikes in the form of closed loopholes yet it's the President who gets blamed by people who, well, just aren't well informed. America.

  15. This all started, lest we forget, with the R's insisting that they would never raise the debt ceiling without conditions. They started this and have achieved much of what they wanted. Obama has achieved nothing.

    40 cents of every dollar spent is entitlement spending, which the R's have wanted to get rid of for years, despite the fact that there were real problems which led earlier congresses to enact those entitlements in the first place. I doubt that those problems will not re-occur in this economy.

    The simple solution is to raise the ceiling to keep the markets calm, and address the fiscal issues later, with the politics removed. A pipe dream, I know.

    I want to see congress balance the budget just once without gimmicks.

    They are incapable of doing what is
    needed for this country. I think we need to revisit term limits, so there is less focus on protecting their jobs and more on protecting ours.


  16. Bernie,
    I know you disagree, but here it goes.

    As America continues to take out loans to pay for monthly expenses, it seeks to indulge its every whim. Wanting all, paying for none. Wanting more, paying for less.

    Some Americans take out jumbo mortgages, and home equity loans to pay their monthly expenses. When we default on our own obligations,there are consequences. No one will extend credit.

    Maybe the USA needs a good hard freefall right onto its thick head. Lets not raise the debt ceiling. Lets default, and rock everyone into reality.

    I do have a 110lb stash of bacon if things get really bad. I'll share it, I promise.


  17. The only leader is the president? LOL!!! He hasn't presented any budget in writing, nor any thing else for that matter. He gives speeches and demands everyone else do his work. He is pathetic, and the American people are on to him.

  18. The Grand Bargain was most certainly a compromise. Boehner was willing to agree to some tax hikes, about $800 billion worth of them. But three things happened. First, his tea party members (about 60 of them) were ready to walk. Second, Obama's extreme left supporters were ready to walk. So Obama added $400 billion to the $800 billion already agreed, effectively killing the compromise. And when Boehner predictably stopped dealing with a guy who refused to take yes for an answer, Obama threw a hissy fit.

    Now Boehenr and Reid will cut their own deal, and that will include NO tax hikes. It will still be a compromise. Will there have to be another deal down the road? Should Reid's less painful cuts, which essentially rely on savings achieved from not being in Iraq or Afghanistan be accepted? Or is it time to reform some entitlements to make sure they still exist for our children in the future? This is where there must be compromise, and the President has managed to negotiate himself out of the deal.

  19. Here are Obama’s thoughts on the debt limit in 2006, when he voted against increasing the ceiling:

    The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the U.S. Government can’t pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. … Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that ‘the buck stops here. Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.

    In 2007 and in 2008, when the Senate voted to increase the limit by $850 billion and $800 billion respectively, Obama did not bother to vote. (He did vote for TARP, which increased the debt limit by $700 billion.)

  20. Here is a compromise:

    When a person commits a non-capital crime, prison time is reduced, while their voting rights are wiped out for 25 years.

    When a person on medicaid is impregnated, and adds another to the cost of free medical care, that child is removed at birth and placed with a family who can support it. And Mom loses her voting rights for 25 years.

    Similar loss of voting rights for those that reap from the entitlement programs for more than 5 years.

    Then, fewer liberal social program voters show up at the polls, and America can flourish once again.


  21. The debt ceiling should have been raised cleanly as it always has been in the past..the only ones at fault here are the right wingnuts who decided to tie draconian cuts to the ceiling...at the expense of the country..What do these idiots care? They were all gerrymandered into strong Republican districts and they could care less what most foks in the country think..Obama, as usual, will whimp out to their demands and sign some pathetic bill which neither cuts entitlements or raises revenues..Yes, he is pathetic but he is not the blame for this crisis..Not even close!

  22. "I think the author has this backwards. Obama came to the table compromising from the beginning."

    This is simply untrue. I am sorry to disabuse you of that notion, but it is inaccurate. Obama's own bipartisan deficit commission produced a plan last year, and he simply sat on it. His February budget is a joke. He came around when he realized Boehner was serious about cuts. He deserves credit for that.

    But then, when the Grand Bargain fell apart over his insistence that $400 billion in tax hikes be added to the $800 billion already agreed, he amazingly began taunting the Rs. He has behaved poorly throughout this ordeal, and basically created the controversy he now condemns.

  23. "The debt ceiling should have been raised cleanly as it always has been in the past..the only ones at fault here are the right wingnuts who decided to tie draconian cuts to the ceiling."

    I see. Then I guess Obama himself is a right wingnut. He has in the past voted against raising the debt ceiling, as a commenter has noted.

  24. Dear Bernie,

    Obama himself acknoledged that it was a stupid vote on his part. Also should note that his vote did not put the economy at risk as is now the case. In the past, both parties always mustered the votes to pay the bills in the end knowing that to do otherwise was incredibly reckless and absolutely ignorant..However, now we are overloaded with these Republican teabag morons who could care less whether they bring down the economy. They all also believe global warming is a hoax and Elvis lives. They are lucky that Obama is a wuss and will blink at the end for the Country's sake..If i were him I'd say, "Go ahead and drive the economy off the cliff..You then can live with the results...Again, the sad thing is, they are too f ing oblivious to care!

  25. I listened to Obama on TV last night. I see what is going on -politics as usual. He asked that politics be kept out of this and that it be handled on a monatary basis with both sides compromising. Republicians know that if they hold out, that Obama will have to increase the debt ceiling on his own, and he will be blamed for this entire mess, which will cost him the election in 2012. Like he said, leave the poor, elderly people alone, take from the wealthy, that wouldn't miss it. Take from wealthy politions? Right!!! If that was promised, this mess would be settled in a heartbeat. Politics as Usual!!!

  26. The "wealthy"? You do realize that 40% of Americans don't pay taxes right? That means that they are most likely on a government program suckling at the teet of Uncle Sam instead of being a contributing factor.

    I believe that government assistance of any kind should be a temporary help not a way of life. If you want the "wealthy" to keep paying more and more, who will want to be wealthy?

    Simple truth is that Obama really is the welfare President and he'll hand out from his "stash" as long as he can keep on borrowing.

  27. We are in this situation precisely because there are more takers than givers.

    When I grew up, the parents and school teachers shared interdependent value systems to create productive members of society. Parents were in charge of values and discipline, teachers in charge of academics.

    Not so now days as teachers have an expanding role, because parents are less involved. Schools often fail to produce productive members of society, because parenting skills are lacking. And sometimes, schools are stimied in their tracks by federal judges (see Easton SD I heart booby lawsuit)

    So the govt has more and more takers, and must act hard and fast to reduce those numbers. Start by capping medicaid payouts, and remove all "disabled" people from medicare unless they have lost 75% of functional capacity. If you walk , talk and drive, out you go.


  28. Dear Trish:

    Your utopia never existed.

    And your selfishness is clear.

    For the last 15 years this nation has been influenced by a very interesting coalition of CEOs/MBAs/Financiers, religious conservatives, and people who believe they someday can be rich.

    This coalition has gained legislative power and believe that they can create this mythical nation of Horatio Alger(s) who will miraculously be entrepreneurs or good little dogmatic and evangelical machines.

    The reality is that the nation is tremendously unequal, not because people are lazy, but because the rules are stacked against most. We have an educational system ruled by a stupid "no child left behind" law. We have a society that hates teachers (so why do you think children don't learn). We have multinationals that glean off the top as their Chinese made goods travel to the U.S.

    No, the system is broken because of myths that people pursue as real. When I listened to the President last night, I heard leadership. When I listened to the Speaker, I heard spin.

    That is what I heard. And while perhaps the President did ask for more, it was because of the pressure from his extremists, just as the Speaker has had to kow tow to his extremists.

    Governing is complicated. Compromise necessary.

    Oh...a real understanding of economics by these guys would be useful, too.

  29. "I listened to Obama on TV last night. I see what is going on -politics as usual."

    You are correct, but you fail to see that one of the biggest politicos is Obama himself. He played games with a serious matter.

  30. "Obama himself acknoledged that it was a stupid vote on his part."

    Yes, it was. And his stance is stupid now, too. He played politics then, and is playing politics again. Look, I voted for the guy. I have yet to see an R I consider a better candidate than him. But he is playing games with a serious subject, and should never go back on a deal the way he did.

  31. Anon 12:36

    I expected vast criticism for my remarks. I know that there is not going to be utopia, no matter who is elected to office. Utopia has a different meaning for each individual, therefore it is not a universal definition.

    Selfish, no, fiscally conservative, yes. When parents and schools fail to produce productive members of society, it becomes the role of the government to teach.

    A government can and will remove freedoms for those who dont abide by the rules.In cases of criminal conduct, being deprived of one's freedom is an incentive to obey the law.

    However, there is little in place to deter civil discourse. Those that linger on welfare programs for years at a time need to be shown that this is a no-no. Changing a persons right to vote by making it a privilege to vote is one way to accomplish this. The only way to impress upon a person the difference between right and wrong, is to deprive him/her of something they value. Its sad, but its necessary.


  32. Another example of waste in our medicaid system is due to the eligibility requirements. A person can be eligible for medicaid when they fail certain thresholds for income and assets.

    But it has NOTHING to do with actual medical needs. Most people 18-25 years old will qualify for this program, while they represent the healthiest population alive. Instead of buying bandaids, cough syrup and tylenol, they show up at the ER regularly with their $1 co-pay government cards.


  33. Simple solution, cut spending, cut entitlements, and raise revenue. Lazy bums and cheaters need to be removed from entitlements, rich people who have millions need more taxes, corporations need to spend their cash and invest at home. We need to stop useless unpaid wars, stop aid to other countries, stop lobbyists from buying congress. We all need to become more educated, we need to think for ourselves again, and we need to become one nation, not a divided nation. We need leadership, not petty politics, we need reform to reflect the cultural, social, and technological changes that are upon us. In other words, we as a nation are all screwed unless the above occurs. If normal, middle class Americans don't want real change, well someone make me rich then I can sit back at my beach home, sipping champagne, while eating the finest steak and lobster, and lol at the country going down the tubes. Our forefathers would be extremely pissed in regards to how we fu#%ED UP this once great unified union.

  34. Obama is playing games with a serious subject..

    Are you kidding bernie..He's tried to compromise and the republicans can't agree on anything..Right now they are sweating out a vote to even pass Boener's pathetic plan because their right wing is so freaking nutty. Like i said before, Obama will eventually be his snow ball self ( melts when it gets hot) and gave..However, it's these moronic right wing crazies like Bachman and the other tea baggers like that whaco West from florida who think that debt ceiling issue is all a trumped up lie just like global warming..How do you negotiate with complete f ing morons?

  35. I like to read through a variety of political magazines across the political spectrum. This past week while doing so, two dots got connected.

    There was a June article in The New American, published by the conservative John Birch Society, “Fred Koch: Oil Man Against Communism”. The article gives some interesting history of how the Mr. Koch came to believe “that American institutions were honeycombed with communist subversives, from labor unions and tax-free foundations to universities and churches. Art and newsprint, radio and television — all these media had been transmuted into vehicles of communist propaganda. Koch declared unflinchingly that the United Nations was a tool of the communists.” The article notes that “he spent a generous portion of his later years using his wealth and influence to fight the communism he abhorred. He was an early member of the The John Birch Society’s National Council.”

    Then, this week I read a cover piece in The Nation, which is a long-published liberal magazine, “ALEC Exposed.” It notes that “ALEC is a critical arm of the right-wing network of policy shops that, with infusions of corporate cash, has evolved to shape American politics.” The introductory article is followed by several articles that summarize 800-plus documents leaked to The Nation that “provide an inside view of the priorities of ALEC’s corporate board and billionaire benefactors (including Tea Party funders Charles and David Koch).” A sub-article estimates that the Koch brothers have given over $1.5 million to ALEC over the years.

    The connecting dot between these two articles: “The Kochs have not just multiplied the wealth of their dad; they’ve repackaged and amplified his worldview. David’s latest venture, Americans for Prosperity, subsidizes the Tea Party movement, which repeats this “socialist” smear.”

    On the website dedicated to their ALEC piece, I was surprised to scroll through their list of “Alumni in Congress”: some very familiar names.

  36. Jon
    The president is crawling for two reasons. First he has no plan. Second when Boehner presented a plan Obama was supposedly willing to accept Obama raised the ante. That is not the way to deal. Let's keep in mind that this guy in the White House tossed out the ideas presented by Erskin Bolles and Alan Simpson. He is, I fear, an idiot.

  37. Anonymous 8:54AM
    And why would we give Obama more money? He has spent to the point of embarassing drunken sailors. We need to cut the entitlement progams in a phased approach until they are gone and we need to become personally responsible for our own well being. There will be exceptions eg. our veterans. Wake up folks we can no longer continue this life style of the rich and famous in the hands of those who govern

  38. Anonymous 10:59AM
    Keep one thing in mind the person to blame is the one you see in the mirror every day. Did you attend you local government, school board and county council meetings? If you did then great. If you didn't do that then like me you made a huge mistake. We are the government and we need to make that message clear to every elected official at ever level of government

  39. Anonymous 11AM
    Do you remember that it was Obama who threatened those folks on Social Security by saying their checks would not go out. It is his administration who have not been truthfull about inflation in this natio. We should be marching on Washington on that issue alone.

  40. Anonymous 12:36PM
    Hate to tell you this but Miss Trish is not living a fantasy. We have become the wild, wild America where anything goes and no punishment is handed out. Go back. Start with events from 1962 onward. Take a look at the degrees of those so called teachers out there. Have you seen a kid bad mouth a parent in public. I have. Kid would have been bleeding had he spoken to either of my parents like they do today. How about the attire of our kids and even the adults. You did not go to a restaurant looking like a slob. Were we a better people, yes we were. More intelligent and more polite. You never knew when a friend of you parents might be looking at you. You are correct on "no child left behind" but don't forget "Goals 2000" You say that we are not equal and yet we spend 13K per student per year in PA. You say there is a conspiracy by the rich. I don't believe that. As to Obama's leadership, tell me what you saw.

  41. Chris Miller,

    Are you freaking crazy..That's my only response to you..Have you or anyone in your family ever received Social Security, medicare, unemployment benefits or the like? If so, you just need to shut up already..Bush started two wars and his friends on Wall st almost bankrupted the country. Obama's main problem is that he's caved to much to your rightwing nut
    friends..Probably cause you're all madmen and dealing with you and your right wing ideology is impossible..You weren't in Norway recently were you?

  42. ANother area of abuse that needs to end........

    When utopia is found by certain people who meet with shifty elder care lawyers, who are skilled and knowledgable in sweeping all assets into a lock box.

    Once the assets are safely tucked away, one can cruise right in to Gracedale avenue, and live scott free for the rest of their lives. Free meds, free Doctor care, free nurse care, free OT/PT, free food, free lodging, free activites and dont forget the surf and turf barbecues all summer long.


  43. This Obama thinks there are 57 or 58 states. Is anyone surprised this mathlete tanked the economy while running up a debt so large it can never be paid? Seriously. Jimmy Carter redux. Maybe our Olympic hockey team can pull us out of Obama's malaise.

  44. Trish, What you have experienced, both as a nurse and school administrator, convinces me that our entire entitlement system needs re-examination. I wish you could discuss it publicly.

  45. Good point about entitlements. The demographics are grim as US family size continues to shrink. In Europe, it's below the replacement rate in many countries. Fewer babies make for fewer future adults to carry an increasing number of entitled retirees. Unless we want to blow open immigration and get 'em all on the books, we better start changing the expectations of those who currently, and those who eventually expect to collect SS, Medicaid, or Medicare. The discussion is not serious, otherwise.

  46. start all over for anyone under 55, raise the tax for those folk and extend the retirement age to 70

  47. I have been very fortunate to work in both of those capacities. I have had a front row seat to some great happenings in these fields, but also some of the worst abuses known to man. The entire entitlement system needs to function for its intended goals, so that help is available to all people when they are the most vulnerable.

    The worst abuses I have seen have been in the areas of both adult and child disability. I cant say much else on this blog, except that it is a three-pronged problem involving doctors and patients and parents. It is a lead balloon on the medicare system.

    And because of federal mandates, special ed is crippling public education as a whole, and major changes are needed before that ship starts sinking as well.


  48. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  49. Anonymous 4:58PM
    Yes I do know someone who collects Social Security and Medicare---me and my wife. We can no longer continue to run those programs in fact they never should have been started since both of them have been nothing but slush funds for Congress. But allow me a question who do you think will do a better job using your money to determine your future? You or your pal Obama or for that any president or government offical? After all they do have your best interest at heart don't they? Think before you write.

  50. Trish
    What dod we do before we had entitlement programs? Do we even teach our kids the cycle of life anymore?

  51. I don't think Zorn could hate teachers, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, unions and Democrats all at the same time. I think he's playing with us. But Zorn, whether you are serious or goofing on us, as I suspect, I am unable to permit some of the hateful things you say to stand. Please no more bigoted or sexist remarks. No more descriptions of sex acts. If you want to call Dems union pukes or Republicans tea baggers, fine. But please try to clean up some of your language in future comments.

  52. Well Chris, considering that this is a representative democracy. You run on your idea of not having some sort of security net in place for the elderly and frail. Some of us will run on the idea that is in our interest as a society to do so. We will let the voters decide. Of course when they decide something you don't like, will that mean there is an illegal black alien Muslim Communist in office or just someone you disagree with.

    Reality now!

  53. Chris,

    I'm not sure...but have seen fewer and fewer kids with manners these days. Do you see how they behave in public...?Not on the path to being productive members of society. parents seem not be phased, but I would have been black/blue and bloody.


  54. Reality now
    Why not a personal security plan devised by each individual? I believe we would be better off if we had all the money we sent to the government in our hands and in our plans. There would be, obvioulsy, those among us who would need assistance for a short time or, if totally disabled, for a long time. It has been stated time and time again that America is the most charitable nation in the world We step up constantly to aid not only our own we are the first responders into foreign lands. Just consider what we saved western European nations by allowing them to live under our military umbrella since the end of WW II. Gazillions. They repaid this by creating socialist, entitlement nations now falling to pieces. As to Mr. Obama, I consider him a very dangerous man who wants to destroy America by turning us into a socialist, entitlement country and when you consider where we are, not all under Obama because there were other Progressives, you must see we are up to our eyebrows in deep trouble. I don't care about the color of his skin nor his religon. I do care about his revolutionay policies and my belief that he is not a smart man. If you feel otherwise so be it but let me tell you the real culprits here are those of us who look in the mirror everyday having gone along to get along.

  55. Trish 7:48 AM
    Since the kids now have rights, the parents no longer have control. Can you see yourslf telling dad or mom that you had rights? My dad, a pretty easy going guy, would have noted that he not only had a right he had a left. We have become an impolite society no matter if it is the kids or the adults. Along with that we are on the way to becoming an irreligious nation and that will bring about the end of our moral system. The Founders noted that we need both morals and religion otherwise we will fail as a nation. We can thank such wonderful educational programs like GOALS 2000 AND NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND. As we spend more and more on education it seems that the kids are getting less of an education particularly when it comes to the history of the country

  56. Hey Chris, stay off my grass!!! Dang kids!

  57. Anonymous 1:03PM
    Off your medication again Mr. Dellasandro?

  58. Hows that publicly funded teacher pension thingee working out Chris?

  59. Chris,
    I believe that there has been a mass fall-out between teachers, students and parents. I dont think that many children today are brought up with core fundamental values. We learned that hard work and sacrifice will produce productive members of society.

    Today, we have the generation of instant gratification. ATMs, computers, cell-phones, email, texting, internet, online shopping, online banking, drive through coffee, food and medication, and an overabundance of paper plates . Everything is disposable, and everything is instant. There is no such thing as waiting your turn, saying please and Thank you.

    Did you know that you can buy a horse on the internet?


  60. Trish 11:33PM
    And let's not forget that we are doing all this consuming with worthless funny money that will continue the stealing of the lifestyle of our kids, grandkids and onto the future generations if we do not stop this now.

  61. Everything Chris said, I heard Sean Hannity say first. Sorry Chris.

    Plagiarism Police!


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