Local Government TV

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Controller Barron Behind Lehigh County in Hotel Tax Audits

Discover Lehigh Valley's Mike Stershic, who handles the hotel tax collected by Northampton and Lehigh County each year, and passes much of it to the LVEDC pursuant to an agreement, told Northampton County Council yesterday that, every year, he receives an audit from the Lehigh County Controller for each of the roughly 45 hotels who must pay hotel tax. Over the past four years, Stershic has received about 5 audits of Northampton County hotels from Controller Steve Barron.

Barron told Cuncil he lacks the resources to audit every hotel. He apparently also lacks the resources to notice that the Grand Eastonian is a hotel. Stershic had to drop that dime.

Barron von Footinmouth might have those resources if he spent a little less time marching with unions on T-Mobile, a little less time doing forensic audits for the DA, and a little more time in the office.

Incidentally, Lehigh County has 349,497 people to Northampton County's 297,735. If their Controller can find the time for these audits, so can Barron.


  1. How much is this deadbeat trough slopper paid annually?

  2. He is busy, it takes a lot to fill an empty tummy. Put da baby in ma belly!!! I want that baby in ma belly now!!!

  3. Mr. Barron has worked on a solution for Gracedale. He is being silenced by the Stoffa Administration.

    If Steve were in charge, things would be different. He may in fact run for county Executive.

  4. Steve Barron is an unqualified Union Hack. He spends his taxpayer funded work hours handling everythig but the job. He has got to go for thesake of the county.

  5. Were the hotels being audited by the past controller?

  6. Barron works way more than the twenty hours a week he is paid for.
    How many of you deadbeats are willing to double your work hours for no extra pay?

  7. I do not believe the hotels were audited by the previous controller, but when Barron ran, one of his claims was that he would be doing more. He would not be working 20 hrs per week, but would be doing it FT, and would be getting a lot more money for it than he rec'd for FT work in the private sector.

    Not only has Barron failed to keep his word, he has disgraced his office. His decision to use extortion at non-union T-Mobile is alone a basis for his removal from office. He has needlessly politicized an office that should be above politics. He has been at every political event you can think of, but can't seem to do his job.

    Part of that job should be checking hotel records to ensure that they are remitting their fair share of hotel tax. The previous controller got the ball rolling on that issue, but Barron has let it slide and claims he has no resources. But why then, does he have time to do work for the DA on the side?

  8. Barron worked his previous high pressure low pay human services job to help people who were disadvantaged.

    Since when was sticking up for the underdog anathema to political activity?

    Barron is undoubtedly sincere; he's just not a slick politician. How is this not an advantage in the current political climate?

  9. Barron did the books for a group home. It's hardly what I would call service to the needy so much as a job for someone who could not get anything else. And he is not one to stick up for the underdog. To the contrary, he is a political opportunist who does what he can to get votes. Going to the Bleu to pose with Callahan is not sticking up for the underdog. He's a phony and a lazy phony to boot.

  10. Looks like you're on a run of bad information. Where did you hear he did the books for an organisation?

  11. Barron managed a series of group homes, and was always on call and available for the inevitable problems and difficulties.

    Either you knew that, and didn't want to give him the credit, or you didn't know that, in which case you should try for the facts before you publish.

    How is a photo op at Bleu with Callahan a sign that he doesn't care about the little guy? Other than that you don't like Callahan, you don't like Barron, and, who knows, maybe even don't like Bleu. Maybe it told you that it was going to be a Chinese called Wong's. Now that would be betrayal

  12. Barron ran Group Homes like the groundskeeper plans the physical plant. give us a break. Barron is a hack who flunked the bar and lived off his wife.

    He is a disgrace to his office and sees himself as the next Don Cunningham but with only half the intelligence and none of the charisma. Sorry Timmy, you may lose your pt job.

  13. 2.18 just because you want something to be true doesn't make it so.

    1.52 is right in what he/she/it says.

    God, those right wing nuts are so desperate that they don't even care about how transparent their lies are, as long as it smears the enemy.

    2.18 remember your Bible, as you guys like to do: 'your lies will come back to find you.'

  14. Anon 2:26, is that a threat? Sounds like when your buddy Barron MacTubby threatened the company. That is how you pol hacks do business.
    The people fear you not.

  15. Mr. Barron is being unfairly attacked on this blog posting. He is a dedicated civil servant who genuinely cares about saving money the taxpayers of the county. He is a good family man with sound Christian values. Petty insults about his weight, or wearing a kilt are unworthy of this blog. I would vote for him for our next county executive in a heartbeat.

  16. Thank you Tim!

    You can continue to be a solicitor.

  17. 5.09 you must be pleased with yourself with that post. Make sure to tell all the other boys and girls, and your teacher, about it, when you begin third grade in August.

  18. Fluffy McBarron says, "Put da baby in ma belly!!; I want ma baby back, baby back, baby back ribs!!!"

  19. Puffy McBugerpants, agrees

  20. Bernie, you are a disgrace to society! at first i thought that was a picture of you! People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.I personnaly have no issues with mr barron, i don't even know him. You are a sick man... and i will not be reading anymore of your blog!

  21. Portly MacRib agrees!


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