Local Government TV

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Booze, Fireworks & Kazoos on July 4

July 4.

A gazillion blogs and newspapers re-publish the Declaration of Independence. Might be a Reality TV show. Great men will give inspiring speeches to reassure us we are still Number One, baby. They hope we can forget our dying planet, lousy economy, even lousier health care and those little military misadventures, funded for ten years with tax cuts by insaniacs.

We bow our heads with religious reverence at the mention of America's name. We recite our modern loyalty oath, the pledge of allegiance. Not many will mention that William Allen, after whom Allentown is named, remained one of King George's biggest cheerleaders. None will tell you that Northampton County courts actually classified the Amish as Tories because they had religious scruples against taking loyalty oaths. This enabled "patriots" to take everything the Mennonites had, right down to the shoofly pie.

After all the speeches, we get drunk and blow things up. Real good.

In the face of all this goofiness, Nazareth has it right.

An annual Kazoo parade.


  1. One of the great traditions that make the Valley the place it is!

    The Banker

  2. I guess that is where the old saying comes from....."right up the ole kazoo".

  3. better than waiting 40 minutes to get out of a parking lot in bethlum

  4. the bethlum human rights (or lefts) commission would have shut this parade down. imagine white non homosexuals blowing something. the shame of this public display

  5. Was that whack job Brackbill marching in that thing? Is he still trying for some goofy world record?

  6. Brackbill is an R so he must be a "whack job," right?



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