Local Government TV

Monday, June 13, 2011

Who Will Replace Mitman at LVEDC?

A Sunday Express Times editorial claims it's time for LVEDC CEO Phil Mitman to say good-bye, not so much for the tweet heard 'round the world (and first reported on this blog), but his lousy attempts at damage control.

"In a clumsy damage-control effort, Mitman was at a loss to say whether Williams was fired for misrepresenting the organization’s 'TGIF' policy — or for leaking the truth. Either way, it created an 'oops' moment for a private tax-supported group with a record of shielding its business from the public."

As it happens, Mitman's contract is set to expire next year. Around that time, two people will be looking for a job. One of them is Bethlehem Mayor John Callahan. The other is Lehigh County Executive Don Cunningham.


  1. How does someone get appointed to that job? Is cunningham stepping down?

  2. Do taxpayers really need to pay for another trough for former politicians to feed at?

    Why not just disband (or at least de-fund) the group altogether?

  3. please not hanna, reichard or dolan

  4. I wouldn't count Phil out just yet. He serves at the pleasure of the Board (and the County Execs) and his contract renewal will depend on his accomplishments not this little PR glitch.

    This would be a considerable step down for Cunningham - he who appointed most commissioners to Boards in the County. His alliance with Gov Corbet shows how far ahead he thinks as he is likely maneuvering for a position in Harrisburg unless he decides to run for some other office in the meantime.

    Callahan is an unlikely candidate as he would probably consider this post beneath him.

    Both elected officials crave power and the LVEDC position offers zilch. The simple sense of having to answer to a group of Board members would likely send chills up their spines.

    Who knows, maybe Paul or Joyce Marin might be interested in the job? They were instrumental in getting Mr. Mitman appointed in the first place since he swore his allegiance to the restore rail service dream.

  5. I think it's time we look for a young, dynamic, outgoing, invigorating, honest leader. The likes of Ron Angle come to mind. He would do us proud in that position.

  6. "Who knows, maybe Paul or Joyce Marin might be interested in the job?"

    That's an interesting thought.

  7. ABout Mitman firing this young woman......very bad move. There is nothing wrong with summer hours as long as the agency is staffed for the whole day. Its a great thing to have in the summer, and I think everyone should do it wether the public funds it or not.

    He could have just said that summer hours are an option when people work extra during the week. To fire her just shows that he is a secretive bastard who tries to hide the truth from the public.

    In his effort to avoid scrutiny, he just magnified it by firing this woman. Very stupid indeed.

  8. Martin Till is obviously pushing for The Don to get the position.

  9. Do we really need Cunningham or Callahan? If that is the case look into disbanding the group.

    As to Marin. Just as the Allentown School District cut teachers jobs, they back-doored Joyce Marin into a cushy Administrative something blah-blah position at around 90K a year.

    Nice to have friends in high places. Of course let us not forget that the current Superintendent of the Allentown School District is Rendell's former head of Eduction. Joyce Marin long time Rendell limo friend just came back from Spain and needed some scratch and amazingly in the midst of an economic meltdown in the school district, they just needed to hire her.

    Life is Good!!(for some)

  10. hear gilbert want's to throw his hat into the race or is that bounce his checkbook in the pot

  11. Paul Marin will never subject himself to oversight from anyone, so he's out. Joyce Marin was in so far over her head during her stint as DCED in Allentown that it is inconceivable to picture her running LVEDC.

    Which means it'll probably happen and she's next.

  12. Mittman to quit early again? Its; Friday, Summer time, Easton in the 1980's, or all of the above!

    "Pull out early" Phil, amazing he has kids! *rimshot*

  13. Maybe Phil is first hiring a consultant to tell him if he should resign or not.

  14. Is this the same Marin who voted against projects related to Route 22 while sitting on LVPC? No Thank You.

    BTW, How the HELL can Allentown School District pay administrators in excess of $90K per year while they lay off educators?

  15. When the Superintendent and Ms. Marin are two Rendell cronies, it is easy. Lay off teachers but make a 90K job fro Joyce Marin.

    Yeah, lets give the school districts more money.

    How about a post on that little shit sandwich Bernie. You grandson is in the Allentown School District. how do you feel about less teachers and more Marin?

  16. My grandson will never go to an Allentown school.


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